Chief Minister

Sri A.Revanth Reddy
Hon'ble Chief Minister

Hon'ble Minister

Sri N.Uttam Kumar Reddy
Hon’ble Irrigation and CAD Minister

Sl.No Date Circular Number View Circular
1 29/09/2024 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE2 Dt:28.09.2024 Irrigation & CAD Department - Rule 24 of the TCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 - Newly Recruited AEEs/All other Employees - Transfers & Postings Instructions on influencing superior authorities -Reg.
2 24/09/2024 Circular Memo No. Rc/ENC/A1/110/2024-2 Dt:24.09.2024 Recruitment(Direct) - Telangana Irrigation Engineering Services - Recruitment of Assistant Executive Engineers provisionally selected in Notification No.12/2022 dt:03.09.2022 - 2024PSC Batch - Civil, Mechanical, Electrical And Agriculture Branches - List of ST candidates provisionally selected - Certain Instructions - Issued.
3 24/09/2024 Circular Memo No. Rc/ENC/A1/110/2024 PSC Dt:24.09.2024 Direct Recruitment - Telangana Irrigation Engineering Services - Recruitment of Assistant Executive Engineers provisionally selected vide TGPSC Notification No.12/2022 - 2024 (PSC) Batch - Civil. Mechanical, Electrical & Agriculture Branches - Issue of appointment orders at Jalasoudha Building, Errummanzil, Hyderabad on 26.09.2024 at 4.00PM - Intimation - Reg.
4 24/09/2024 RC/ENC/B4/24081855/2024 Dt:21.09.24 Estt-I&CAD Dept-HYDRAA-Allotment of certain staff on deputation basis to work in HYDRAA-Reg
5 21/09/2024 RC/ENC/C2/17082060/2022 Dt:19.09.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Request for sponsoring the names of eligible officers/officials willing to work on deputation in GRMB-Willingness called for-Regarding
6 20/09/2024 Rc/ENC/F4/15071025/2024(ACRs)-2 Dt:19.09.24 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-Timely submission of Annual Confidential reports-Instructions-Issued-Reg
7 12/09/2024 RC/ENC/F4/06092024/2024(ACRs-EEs) Dt:12.09.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-Annual Confidential Reports in respect of EEs-Reg
8 11/09/2024 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:06.09.24 I&CAD Dept(General) Dept-Excessive Refund claimed by Employees in the form of wrongful Exemptions/Deductions in the Income-Tax Returns filed for the A.Y 2022-23 to 2023-24-Reg
9 09/09/2024 RC/ENC/A1/110/2024 PSC Dt:05.09.24 I&CAD Department-Recruitment (Direct)-TIES-Recruitment of AEEs privisionally selected in Notification No.12/2022-2024 PSC Batch-Civil/Mechanical/Electrical & Agriculture Branch-Verification of Orginal Certificates-Interviews in person for verfication of Orginal certificates for candidates not attended on 31.08.2024, 03.09.2024 & 04.09.2024-Reg
10 05/09/2024 RC/ENC/C2/17082060/2022 Dt:03.09.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES/TSMS-Willingness to work on deputation basis in KRMB-Called for-Regarding
11 30/08/2024 ENC(G)/Dy.ENC(G\/DCE(KB)/OT6/AEE16/FCR/HRW. Dt:29.08.2024 Impact based Heavy Rainfall warning for Districts of Telangana/Hydera bad WeatherForecastandwarnings-TotakePrecautionaryMeasures Requested - Reg.
12 28/08/2024 Circular.Memo.No.Rc/ENC/A1/110/2024 PSC, Dt:28-08-2024 I & CAD Dept - Recruitment (Direct) - Telangana Irrigation Engineering Services - Recruitment of Assistant Executive Engineers provisionally selected in Notification No 12/2022, dt:03.09.2022 - 2024 PSC Batch - Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Agriculture Branch - Verification of Original Certificates - Schedule Issued - Reg
13 24/08/2024 RC/ENC/F4/15071025/2024(ACRs), Dt:23.08.2024 Estt - I & CAD Dept - TIES - Timely submission of Annual Confidential reports - Instructions - Issued - Reg
14 24/08/2024 RC/ENC/F-Sec/22071477/2022 (Pension), Dt:23.08.2024 Pensions - TIES/TIESS - Submission of pension papers - certain instructions issued - Reg
15 30/07/2024 Circular No. ENC(G)/Dy.ENC(G)/DCE(GB)/DEE1/AEE2/Indistries/2024 Dt: 26-07-2024 Irrigation & CAD Department - Water Allocation to Industries through TSiPass Web Portal- Circular- Instructions issues- Reg
16 27/07/2024 Circular Memo. No. RC/ENC(AW)/E1/E2/E3/2024 Dt:27.07.2024 Estt.- I&CAD Deptt. - TGLGS - TGMS - TGIESS - Furnishing of clear vacancy position in the cadre of O.S, R.A, J.A and Typist - Req. - Reg.
17 25/07/2024 Lr No RC/ENC(ADMN)/EE LEGAL/2024/14, Dt:24.07.2024 Court Cases - Prompt Submission of Latest Written Instructions, Appraising case details to the Special GP/GP/AGPs in pending court cases - Nominating one legal officer per unit - Regarding
18 22/07/2024 Circular Memo. No. Rc/ENC/D2/12063040/2016 Dt:20.07.2024 Estt.- I&CAD Deptt. - Seniority list of Superintendents for appointment by transfer of NTPA to ENCs/CEs/SEs- Spl. C.Rs - Called for - Reg.
19 08/07/2024 Circular Memo No. Rc/ENC/D/E/Transfers/2024 Dt:08.07.2024 Estt.- I& CAD Department - Public Service - Transfers and postings of employees - Lifting of ban on transfers - Certain Instructions issued - Reagrding
20 05/07/2024 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC(Admn)/D2/Transfers/2024 dt:05.07.2024 Estt.,- I&CAD Deptt., - Transfer of Non Technical Personal Assistant who have been working beyond 4 Years in one station - Proposals - Sought for - Regarding.ng
21 05/07/2024 Circular Memo No:RC/ENC/E2&E3/2024 Dated:-05.07.2024 Estt., - I & CAD Department - TIESS - Submission of Station / Head Quarters wise Long Standing List of TIESS cadre (Technical Assistant to Technical Officer) as per G.O.Ms.No.80 Finance (HRM.I) Department, dated:-03.07.2024-Called for Reg.
22 04/07/2024 Endt No Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE, Dt:04.07.2024 G O Ms No 80, Finance (HRM.I) Department, Dt:03.07.2024
23 28/06/2024 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/E2&E3/999/2023 dt:26.06.2024 Estt.- I&CAD Deptt., - TIESS - Final Zone wise Seniority List of Technical Assistant - Communicated - Reg.
24 25/06/2024 Circular Memo No. ENC(Admn)/CE/EE(T)/DEE1(T)/NTPA/B1/WIs List/2021 dt:24.06.2024 Work Charged Establishment -I&CAD Department - Zonal Provisional Integrated seniority list of Work Inspector Grade IV - Communicated - Objections Called for - Regarding
25 15/06/2024 Circular Memo No: RC/ENC/E2&E3/999/2023 dt:11.06.2024 Estt. - I&CAD Deptt., - TIESS - Final Multi Zone wise Seniority of Technical Officer - Orders - Issued.
26 13/06/2024 Circular Memo No:Rc/ENC/E2&E3/2024 Dt:12.06.2024 Estt- I&CAD Department - TIESS - Submission of Head Quarters wise Long Standing List of TIESS cadre (Technical Assistant to Technical Officer) - Called for - Reg.
27 12/06/2024 Lr.No.RC/ENC(ADMN)/EE(e-Gov&Legal)/2024/12 dt:11.06.2024 I&CAD(General) Department- Court Cases- Writ Petition and other matters in the High Court and other Courts - impleading Chief Secretary as a respondent against the provision of Business Rules issued under Article 166 of the Constitution of India - Identification & Filing of Deletion Petition - Regarding.
28 10/06/2024 Circular Memo. No.Rc/EN/A1/110/2020 dt:10.06.2024 Estt.- I&CAD Department - Furnish the Diploma certificates of certain Technical Officers pertaining to Multi Zone -I and Multi Zone II - Regarding
29 07/06/2024 RC/ENC/F4/AEs-ACR/15071025/2024 Dt:07.06.24 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Annual Confidential Reports in respect of AEs-Called for-Reg
30 31/05/2024 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl/1 Dt:31.05.2024 Est-I&CAD Dept-Transfer of Engineer-who have been working beyond 5 years in one station-Proposals sought for-Regarding
31 31/05/2024 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:30.05.2024 Est-I&CAD Dept-Transfer of Engineer-who have been working beyond 5 years in one station-Proposals sought for-Regarding
32 27/05/2024 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:25.05.2024 Irrigation CAD Dept-Official Abbreviation for the Telangana adopted by the Government of India is TG-Replacement of all references to TS with TG in the nomenclature of all State PSUs,agencies,Autonomous institutions and any other Government Bodies- Instructions Issued-Regarding
33 25/05/2024 Rc/ENC/A1/27119/2024 Dt:21.05.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TESS-AEs-Final Multi Zone wise Seniority list of AEs of Direct Recruitment/Appointment by transfer through various sources upto 31.08.2018-Communicated in terms of Presidential Order 2018-Objections Called for-Communication-Reg
34 23/05/2024 Govt Memo. No. 3433/WRG-GRC/A2/2024 Dt:07.05.2024 I&CAD Department- Law Officers- O/o the Advocates-on-Record, Telangana Bhavan, New Delhi - Appointment of Sri Karanam Sravan Kumar, Advocate as standing Counsel for the State of Telangana and Ms. Devina Sehgal, Advocate as Advocates-on-Record-cum- Standing Counsel for the State of Telangana in the Supreme Court of India, New Delhi - Reg.
35 15/05/2024 RC/ENC/E2/23091419/2023 Dt:09.05.24 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIESS- sri B.Venkataiah JTO -working under the control of CE(Irrigation) Warangal-Request for Resignation to the post of JTO -Orders Issued.
36 15/05/2024 RC/ENC/H3/Passport-NOC/2024 Dt:04.05.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Obtaining/renewal of passport-Certain instructions issued-Regarding
37 06/05/2024 RC/ENC/D1/2024 Dt:02.05.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept- Proposals for issue of permission to Visit abroad in cadre of AE/AEEs-Certain instructions issued
38 29/04/2024 ENC(Admn)/Dy.ENC/EE(T)/DEE-1/AEE3/SOR 24-25/Vol.I Dt:25.04.2024 Preparation od SoR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2024-25-Furnishing of draft rates along with supporting Quotations for the basic input data required for the preparation of Revised Standard data for the year 2024-25-Reminder-Req-Reg
39 29/04/2024 RC/ENC/C2/23061376/2023 Dt:16.04.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Alternate arrangement proposals to be submitted to the Govt through ENC(Admn), well in advance for appropriate orders-Certain instructions issued
40 25/04/2024 Memo No 3129 B/Ser.II/A1/2024-1 Dt:25.04.2024 I&CAD Dept-Commission of Inquiry to conduct Inquiry on certain irregularities in construction of the Barrages of Medigadda, Annaram and Sundilla of Kaleshwaram Project-Publication of Public Notice on Official website-Reg
41 22/04/2024 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:20.04.2024 I&CAD Dept- Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana -Training Program on Advanced MS Excel(State) under State category from 28.05.2024 to 30.05.2024-Nominations Called for-Reg
42 10/04/2024 RC.ENC(admn)/E1/2024-1 Dt:02.04.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept- TSMS-TSLGS-Certain Instructions issued -Reg
43 08/04/2024 ENC(Admn)/Dy.ENC/EE(Tech)/DEE-1/AEE-3/SOR 24-25 Dt:02.04.2024 Preparation of SoR for all Engineering Dept for the year 2024-25-Revised Standard data for the year 2024-25-Requested-Reg
44 06/04/2024 RC/ENC/C4/23061376/2024 Dt:06.04.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Proposals fir issue of permission to visit abroad in the Cadre of DEE,EE,SE and CE-Certain instructions issued
45 06/04/2024 RC/ENC/E2/24021398/2024 Dt:02.04.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSMS/TSLGS/TSGS/TIESS-Direct Representations for transfer/Deputation-Instructions Issued
46 03/04/2024 RC/ENC/E3/Group-I/2024 Dt:02.04.24 Estt-I&CAD Dept- Permission for Issuing of No Objection Certificate(NOC) to appaer for Group-I Services Examination (General Recruitment ) as per Revised Notification No.02/2024 Dt:19.02.2024 issued by TSPSC-Orders-Issued-Reg
47 03/04/2024 Rc/ENC/B3/20071595/2020 Dt:01.04.2024 Estt-I&CAD- Proposals for issue of NOC to obtain VISA and Permission to Visit abroad in the cadre of DEE,EE,SE and CE-Certain Instructions issued
48 23/03/2024 RC/ENC(Adn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:23.03.2024 I&CAD Dept-Observing Earth Hour-Switch off Lights on March 23 from 8.30 to 9.30 PM -Instrutions -Reg
49 18/03/2024 Endt.No.Rc/ENCADMN/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misc Dated:18.03.2024 Immediate action to be taken for enforcement of Model ode of Conduct after announcement of General Elections to House of the People - Elections -Forwarded - Reg.
50 07/03/2024 RC/ENC/B1/21091562/TRANSFER TO AP/2021 DT:01.02.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Collection of information in respect of Employees allotted/deemed alloted to Andhra pradesh who are interested in exercising optiion to go to Telangana on a permanent basis -particulars submitted-Consent of govt Telangana Requested-Regarding
51 06/03/2024 Circular Memo No. Rc/ENC/A2/23092071/2023 Dt:4.03.2024 Estt. - I&CAD Dept., - Filling up of backlog vacancies reserved for person with Disabilities under Special Recruitment Drive - implementation of reservation in erstwhile districts by issuing notifications - Deputation of officer concerned with records for verification - Request - Regarding.
52 06/03/2024 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/E2&E3/Seniority/2024 dt:02.03.2024 Estt.- I&CAD Deptt., - TIESS - Certain Instructions regarding Multi Zone wise Provisional Seniority of T.A's, J.T.O's, A.T.O's and T.O's - Objections called for - Orders Issued - Reg.
53 06/03/2024 Circular Memo No. Rc/ENC/A1/37119/2024 Dt:05.03.2024 Estt - I&CAD Dept.- TESS - AEs - Provisional Multi Zone wise Seniority list of Assistant Engineers of Direct Recruitment /Appointment by Transfer through various sources up to 31.08.2018 -, Communicated in terms of Presidential Order 2018 - Objections called for - Reg.
54 28/02/2024 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/E2&E3/333/2021 dt:27.02.2024 EStt.,- I&CAD Deptt., - TIESS - Promotions from Work Inspector to the cadre of Junior Technical Offcier on Adhoc basis- Regarding
55 24/02/2024 RC/ENC/C2/17082060/2022 Dt:24.02.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES/TSMS-Willingness to work on deputation basis in Godavari River Management Board(GRMB)-Called for-Regarding
56 23/02/2024 RC/ENC/C2/23111222/2023/39240 Dt:21.02.2024 I&CAD Department-TSES-Gazetted Officers-Retirement of ENCs/CEs/SEs/EEs/DEEs on attaining the age of Superannuation during the calendar year 2024-Notification-Issued
57 17/02/2024 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:16.02.2024 I&CAD Dept-Official Language Telugu/Urdu -Instructions with regard to implemention -Communicated-Reg
58 16/02/2024 ENC(Admn)/EE(V)/E.3/2024 Dt:16.02.2024 Details of Vacancies of Junior Assistant and Class IV posts to consider under the Scheme of Compassionate Appointmenst-Latest Vacancy Particulars Called for
59 10/02/2024 Lr. No. ENC(ADMN)/EE(ADMN)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD-1, Dt: 09.02.2024 Dr. MCR HRD Institute of Telangana – Center for Law & Public Administration (CPA) – 4 day Programme on Ethics Towards Happy Society, scheduled from 26.02.2024 to 29.02.2024 – Nominations called for – Reg.,
60 10/02/2024 Lr. No. ENC(ADMN)/EE(ADMN)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD-2, Dt: 09.02.2024 Dr. MCR HRD Institute of Telangana – Two day Workshop on “Best Practices & Success Stores on RTI Act” Scheduled for the year 2023-24 – Rescheduled due to non receipt of sufficient number of nominations Rescheduled date 21st -22nd February, 2024 – Nominations called for – Reg.,
61 07/02/2024 RC/ENC(Admn)/AEE6/Misc Dt:07.02.2024 Irrigation & CAD Dept-Assigned the duties as Special Officers to Gram Panchayats to the AE/AEE/DEEs by District collectors-Details Called for-Reg
62 07/02/2024 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/Outsourcing/2024-25/TS Dt:06.02.2024 I&CAD Dept- Continuation of Outsourcing,Contract & Activity services in various offices of I&CAD Dept-Submission of consolidated Proposals for the FY 2024-25-Reg
63 06/02/2024 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD 06.02.2024 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD-Training Program on Noting and Drafting Skills from 13.02.2024 to 15.02.2024-Nomonations Called for-Reg
64 06/02/2024 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD 06.02.2024 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD-4 Week Foundation Course for Junior Assistants from 13.02.2024 to 07.03.2024-Nominations Called for-Reg
65 03/02/2024 RC/ENC/C2/17082060/2022 Dt:02.02.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept- Willingness to work on deputation basis in the Cadre of Junior Assistant in GRMB-Called for-Reg
66 02/02/2024 ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:01.02.2024 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD-Specialized Training Programme on Law Governing Administrators from 13.02.2024 to 15.02.2024-Nominations Called for-Reg
67 01/02/2024 RC/ENC/E2&E3/15011940/2024 Dt:31.01.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Retirement of TAs,JTOs,ATOs and TOs on attaining age of superannuation of 61 years during the calander year 2024-Orders-Issued
68 01/02/2024 RC/ENC/C2/17082060/2022 Dt:30.01.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Willngness to work on deputation basis in KRMB-Called for-Regarding
69 01/02/2024 RC/ENC/E2&E3/999/2023 Dt:18.01.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Zone wise provisional Seniority List of Technical Assistant Cadre-Communicated-Objections-Called for-Reg
70 27/01/2024 RC/ENC/E2&E3/999/2023 Dt:24.01.2024 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Zone wise provisional Seniority List of ATOs-Communicated-Objections-Called for-Reg
71 25/01/2024 RC/ENC/E2&E3/999/2023 Dt:23.01.2024 Estt- I&CAD Department-TIESS-Zone Wise Provisional Seniority List of JTO-Communicated-Objections Called-Reg
72 24/01/2024 Rc/ENC/AEE2/230120242 Dt:24.01.24 Estt-Irrigation & CAD Dept-Directions to all the employees update their contact numbers and personnel email ids in HRMS by 31.01.2024
73 20/01/2024 ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:20.01.2024 Dr.HCR HRD- Training Programme Implemention of Telugu as official Language in Administration (State Official Language) drafting & Communication in Telugu from 23.01.2024 to 25.01.2024-Inviting Nominations-Reg
74 18/01/2024 ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:17.01.2024 I&CAD Dept- Dr.MCR HRD -Center for International Relations & Security(CIS)- Specialized Training Programme on Law Governing Administration from 23.01.2024 to 25.01.2024-Nominations Called for-Reg
75 18/01/2024 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/ADA/2024 Dt:18.01.2024 Imformation and Public Relation Dept-Details of Advertisements(Print/Electronic/Out Door and social or Digital Media) released by Govt Departments,Corporations,PSUs-from 2014-15 to 2023-24 year wise-Information called for-Requested-Reg
76 16/01/2024 RC/ENC/F4/07126/2022-23 Dt:16.01.2024 Extension of time period for online submission of APRs-2023-Regarding
77 12/01/2024 RC/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl/1 Dt:12.01.2024 I&CAD Dept-Elections-Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls with reference to 01.01.2024 as the qualifying date-Ban on Transfers/Posting-ECI Instructions-Communicated-Reg
78 12/01/2024 RC/ENC/E2&E3/999/2023 Dt:09.01.2023 Estt- I&CAD Department-TIESS-Multi Zone wise provisional Seniority List of Technical Officers-Communicated-Objections-Called for-Reg
79 30/12/2023 Circular Memo. No.RC/ENC/F4/07126/2023 Dt:30.12.2023 T.S. - Irrigation & CAD Department - Submission of Annual Property Returns for the year -2023 in respect of all cadres ENC's, CE's, SE's, EE's, DEE's and NTPA's - Regarding
80 28/12/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:28.12.2023 I&CAD Dept-Armed Forces Flag Day 2023-Observance on 7th December 2023-Collection of employees contributions payable in the month of January every year-Req-Reg
81 28/12/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:28.1`2.2023 Irrigation & CAD Dept-Supreme Court-WP(Civil) No.1224 of 2017 Initiative for inclusion Foundation & Anr Vs Union of India and Ors-Reg
82 27/12/2023 ENC(Admn)/EE(ADMN)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD/2023 Dt:23.12.2023 I&CAd Dept- Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana- 5day National Level Training on "Management of Training (MOT)-from 08.01.2024 to 12.01.2024-Nominations Called -Reg
83 18/12/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/D2/23091778/2023 Dt:16.12.2023 Establishment-Transfers and postings-Administrative powers to the ENCs/CEs for transfers and postings of Deputy Executive Engineers/Assistant Executive Engineers within their Jurisdiction-Clarification sought from Govt-Instructions to the Chief Engineers-Requested-Regarding
84 18/12/2023 RC/ENC/C1/23111210/2023 Dt:16.12.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-AAS-Applicability of Automatic Advancement Scheme in the cadre of Executive Engineer-Certain instructions-Regarding
85 16/12/2023 Rc/ENC/AEE2/161 223 Dt:16.12.2023 I&CAD Department-Files and Disposals in the Department-Inventory and safe custody-Instructions Issued
86 15/12/2023 RC/ENC/D1/15011940/2017 Dt:14.12.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES/TSESS-Retirement of NTPAs on attaining age of superannuation of 61 years 2024-Orders-Issued
87 15/12/2023 RC/ENC/D1/15011940/2017 Dt:14.12.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES/TSESS-Retirement of AEEs/AEs on attaining age of superannuation of 61 years 2024-Orders-Issued
88 13/12/2023 Endt RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:13.12.2023 I&CAD Dept-UIDAI-Completion of Biometric Aadhaar Authentication of beneficiaries under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes and State DBT svhemes by 31st December 2023-Reg
89 13/12/2023 ENC(Admn)/EE(ADMN)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:13.12.2023 I&CAD Dept- Dr.MCR HRD- Training programs on "Right to information Act to 1st AAs/PIOs/APOs of HODs and Secretariat Departments" schedule from 19.12.2023 to 21.12.2023-Nominations-Called for
90 12/12/2023 RC/ENC/B2/Retirements-2023 Dt:12.12.2023 Estt-Irrigation & CAD Dept-TSES-Dy.EEs due to retire from service on superannuation in the calander year 2024-Particulars called for-Reg
91 05/12/2023 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHTD Dt:05.12.2023 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD- Two day Workshop on "Proactive Disclosure of Information under RTI Act"-Nominations Called for-Reg
92 05/12/2023 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:04.12.2023 I&CAD Dept- Dr MCR HRD Institute of Telangana -Training Program on "Office Procedures" from 12.12.2023 to 14.12.2023-Nominations Called for-Reg
93 05/12/2023 ENC(AW)/EE(ADMN)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD/2023 Dt:04.12.2023 I&CAD Dept- Training programme on "Prevention of Atrocities against Children Women & Senior Citizens-Role of Government Officials from 18.12.2023 to 20.12.2023-Nominations Called for-Reg
94 23/11/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/D4/23111481/2023 Dt:21.11.2023 I&CAD Dept-TSIMA,1972 rules-Medical Reimbursement Claims-Prescribe Checklist for medical Reimbursement for Relaxation of Rules-Reg
95 20/11/2023 RC/ENC/D1/15011940/2017 Dt:17.11.2023 Estt-Irrigation & CAD Deptt-APES-AEEs/AEs and NTPA due to retire from service in the Calander year 2024-Pariculars called for-Reg
96 17/11/2023 Circular Memo. No.RC/ENC/B2/Retirements-2023 Dt:13.11.2023 Estt.,- Irrigation & CAD Deptt - TSES -DYEEs due to retire from service on superannuation in the calendar year 2024 - Particulars called for - Reg.
97 04/11/2023 Estt-I&CAd Dept-TSMS-Sri V.Gangadhar,Superintendent working in O/o EE ID No.6,Huzurabad of IC2-Deputation to GRMB Board for a period of one year-Fill up the post of Sri V.Gangadhar,Supt-Clarification-Communicated-Reg Estt-I&CAd Dept-TSMS-Sri V.Gangadhar,Superintendent working in O/o EE ID No.6,Huzurabad of IC2-Deputation to GRMB Board for a period of one year-Fill up the post of Sri V.Gangadhar,Supdt-Clarification-Communicated-Reg
98 31/10/2023 7455/General/A1/2023 Dt:13.10.2023 I&CAD Department- Government of India has launched the Khadi Mahotsav to be observed from 2nd Oct to 31 st Oct,2023-Information -Reg
99 31/10/2023 Govt Memo.No.8031/Genl.A1/2023 Dated:30.10.2023 I&CAD Department- Rashtriya Ekta Divas(National Unity Day) - Observance on 31.10.2023 - Reg.
100 28/10/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD/2023 Dt:28.10.2023 I&CAD Department- Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Center for Law & Public Administration-Training Programe on "Right to Information Act to 1st AAs/PIOs/APIOs of and Secretariat Departments" scheduled during the FY 2023-24-Nominations Called for-Reg
101 28/10/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Irrigation & CAD Department-General Elections to Telangana State Legislative Assembly,2023-Instructions-Reg
102 19/10/2023 ENdt No.RC/ENC/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:17.10.2023 Irrigation & CAD Department-Elections-Model Code of Conduct-General Elections to Telangana State Legislative Assembly,2023-Applicability of Model Code of Conduct-Instructions-Intimation-Reg
103 07/10/2023 RC/ENC/E2&E3/2022 Dt:06.10.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIESS-Printing Technician(PT)-Promotion to the cadre of Technical Assistant(TA)-Orders-Issued
104 07/10/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:07.10.2023 I&CAD(General) Department-UIDAI-Clarification on issues relating to sharing of Aadhaar and related data amongst government departments-UIDAI office Memorandum-Information -Reg
105 04/10/2023 Lr.No.ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:03.10.2023 Dr.MCR HRD- Training programme on Communication & Presentation Skills(SCTP,GOI) from 17.10.2023 to 19.10.2023-Inviting Nominations-Reg
106 30/09/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:29.09.2023 Irrigation&CAD Dept- Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal No.2482 of 2014 filed by Shri Aureliano Fernandes Vs.State of Goa and Ors., regarding the Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace(Prevention Prohibition and Redressal) Act,2013-Reg
107 21/09/2023 RC/ENC/F3/23032310/2023 Dt:20.09.2023 Pensions-TIES/TIESS/TSIGS/TSMS/TSLGS-Verification of Service books of employees who are going to be retired during 2023-Pension Papers called for-Reg
108 12/09/2023 Lr.No.D/809/2023 Dt:19.07.2023 Providing scribe to the Visually handicapped persons who are appearing for Examinations-The guidelines issued by Government of India to be followed-Regarding
109 08/09/2023 Rc/ENC/F2(I)/C.As/2023, Dated: 01-09-2023 TS - I&CAD Dept - Compassionate Appointments - Compassionate appointment orders issued to married daughters of deceased employees - Certain Instructions - Issued.
110 05/09/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2023/1 Dt:04.09.2023 Estt-I&CAD Department-Inviting application on deputation(Foreign Services Term Basis) in CWMA,New Delhi and CWRC,Bengaluru-Reg
111 29/08/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:28.08.2023 I&CAD Dept-Elections-2nd Special Summary Revision of Photo Electrol Rolls with reference to 01.10.2023 as the qualifying date-Ban on Transfers/Posting-ECI Instructions-Reg
112 29/08/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:28.08.2023 Irrigation&CAD Dept-Appointment of Appellate Authority under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act,1946 for preferring appeals in the cases of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace-Reg
113 28/08/2023 Circular No:20/2020 Income-Tax Deduction from Salaries During the Financial Year 2020-21 under section 192 of the Income Tax,Act, 1961
114 24/08/2023 RC/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE6/2023 Dt:23.08.2023 Estt_I&CAD-HRMS- Updation of Monthly Returns of IFMS and HRMS Data in HRMS website-Certain Instructions Issued-Regarding
115 22/08/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/Misl Dt:19.08.2023 I&CAD Dept-Trangender persons (Protection of Rights) Act,2019-Appointment of Complaint Officer in Establishments -Communicated-Reg
116 19/08/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:18.08.2023 I&CAD Dept-UIDAI-Authentication/Verification of Aadhaar-Instructions-Reg
117 18/08/2023 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:16.08.2023 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-4 Week Foundation Course of Junior Assistants from 28.08.2023 to 27.09.2023-Nominations Called for-Reg
118 17/08/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6 Dt:17.08.2023 Irrigation & CAD Dept-Holding of Awareness Program on TDS provisions to all the DDOs of I&CAD Dept under Telangana State Govt on 22nd August,2023-Instrctions to attend Seminar-Regarding
119 14/08/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE1/2023 Dt:10.08.2023 COT Validity and Renewall of Contractor Registration during Agreement/EOT/Defect liability period of ongoing works Contract-Recommendations of 3rd Board of Chief Engineers meeting held on Dt:01.10.2022-Incorporation of Certain conditions in tender Documents of all future works-Regarding
120 05/08/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/D2/12063040/2016 Dt:04.08.2023 Estt-I & CAD Dept-TSMS-Multi Zonal Provisional Integrated Seniority list of Superintendants for appintment by transfer as NTPA to ENCs/CEs and SEs-Communicated-Objections called for-Reg
121 05/08/2023 Memo No.5350/General/A1/2023 Dt:02.08.2023 I&CAd Dept-Elections-Appointment of Returning Officers and Assistant Returning Officers in the 119 Assembly Constituencies of Telangana State-Intimation -Reg
122 04/08/2023 RC/ENC/F2/555/2021 Dt:03.08.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIESS-Promotions to the cadre of Technical Assistant from Printing Technician-Reg
123 02/08/2023 Rc/ENC/E3/22012334/2022 Dt:28.07.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept- TIESS-Certain Clarification regarding to take appointment in the cadre of Technical Assistants as per the GO Ms No.25 Dt:18.03.2015-Irregular Compassionate Appointments noticed-Report called for-Reg
124 01/08/2023 Meno No:512/Genl.A1/2023 Dt:27.07.2023 I&CAD Department-State Functions-Birth Anniversary of "Acharya Kathakali Jayashankar" on 6th August as State Function-Instructions-Reg
125 15/07/2023 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Mandatory Trainings to DEEs/2023 Dt:14.07.2023 WALAMTARI-Rescheduling of Postponed 6 days Post Promotion Training Programme,Batch VII to 21.08.2023-26.08.2023-Communication of Rescheduled dates-Depute and Relive the nominated Participants-Reg
126 17/06/2023 RC/ENC/E3/22012334/2022 Dt:14.06.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIESS-Certain Clarification regarding to take appointment in the cadre of Technical Assistants as per GO Ms.No.25 Dt:18.03.2015-Irregular Compassionate Appointment noticed-Report Called for-Reg
127 15/06/2023 RC/ENC/E2/23031642/2023-1 Dt:14.06.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIESS-Adhoc promotions issued in the cadres of JTOs to ATOs and TOs with condition to pass Account Test-Details of Account Test passed called for-Reg
128 15/06/2023 Rc/ENC/B3/20071595/2020 Dt:14.06.2023 Estt-TSES-DEE-Additional Charge arrangement/Look after duties-proposals Submission-Instructions-Issued
129 14/06/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6 Dt:14.06.2023 Irrigation & CAD Department-General Elections to Legislative Assemblies of Telangana State and Other-Transfers/Postings of Officers-Communicated-Regarding
130 09/06/2023 No.30/RD/EGS/THH/2022 dt:2.06.2023 RD - MGNREGS -THH - Taking up of Dashabdi Sampada Vanalu under Irrigation lands during the year 2023-24 under Telangana Ku Haritha Haram Programme- Certain instructions issued - Reg.
131 09/06/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Awards Dt:08.06.2023 Irrigation & CAD Department-Padma Awards-Recommendation of the State Government for Padma Awards to be announced on the occasion of Republic Day,2024-Nominations Called for-Reg
132 05/06/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2023 Dt:05.06.2023 Irrigation & CAD Dept-Telangana Dashabdi Uthsavalu-Celebration of Irrigation Water Day on 7th June 2023 to be held at Rabindra Bharti Hyderabad-Instructions to all the employees working at Hyderabad in all units-Regarding
133 31/05/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2023 Dt:30.05.2023 Irrigation&CAD Dept-Telangana Dashabdi Uthsavalu-Instructions to all the employees not to apply any leave-Regarding
134 30/05/2023 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Mandatory Trainings to DEEs/2023 Dt:30.05.2023 WALAMTARI-Postponement of the upcoming DEEs Post Promotion Training Programme,Batch-VII from 12.06.2023 to 17.06.2023-Intimate the nominated participants about the postponement and alos give necessary instructions to upload the postponement orders in the irrigation web site-Requested-Reg
135 17/05/2023 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:16.05.2023 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Refresher Course on Service Matters from 23.05.2023 to 27.05.2023-Nominations Called for-Reg
136 17/05/2023 ENC(Admn)/EE/ADA/EE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:16.05.2023 I&CAD Department-Training Programme on Orientation Programme for Govt,Servants in the context of Telangana from 23.05.2023 to 25.05.2023-Nominations-Requested-Reg
137 17/05/2023 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADa/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD 16.05.2023 I&CAd Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Training program on Noting and Drafting Skills from 13.06.2023 to 15.06.2023-Nominations called for-Reg
138 10/05/2023 RC/ENC/E1/22111934/32427 Dt:09.05.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSMS-Promotion for the post of Superintendent in the Roster Point No.6 reserved for Blidness or Lower Vision(Women)-Clarification-Sought for-Communicated-Reg-
139 10/05/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/D2/23041547/2023 Dt:09.05.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-Filling up of Thirty Three Posts of Assistant Engineer(Civil)/ASssistant Survey of Works(Civil)&Eleven Posts of AE(Mechanical)/Assistant Surveyor of Works(Mechanical) in Irrigation & Flood Control Department Government of NCT of Delhi on Deputation basis-Willingness of Officers-Called for-Reg
140 08/05/2023 RC/ENC/E2/23031642/2023-1 Dt:03.05.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIESS-Adhoc promotions issued in the cadre of JTO to ATO and TOs with conditions to pass Account Test-Details of Account Test passed called for-Reg
141 08/05/2023 Lr.No.Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2023 Dt:04.05.2023 Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Senior Citizens and Transgender Persons-Mandated to make available all necessary facilities-Requested-Reg
142 06/05/2023 RC/ENC/E2/23031642/2023-1 Dt:03.05.2023 Estt-I&CAD Deptt-TIESS-Certain Clarification regarding Commencement of Probation etc in the cadres of T.As, J.T.Os,A.T.Os and T.Os-Communicated-Reg
143 05/05/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/D2/23041/2023 Dt:03.05.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-M.Tech Programme on "Dam Safety and Rehabilitation(2023-24)" at the Indian Institute of Technology,Roorkee for the academic session 2023-24-Willingness of Officers-Called for-Regarding
144 05/05/2023 RC/ENC/E1/22041637/2022 Dt:02.05.2023 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSMS-Sri.Md.Youns,SA Request for Sanction of Additional Charge allowance for the period from 30.04.2021 to 22.06.2021(2nd Spell)-Instructions of the Government-Communicated-Reg
145 26/04/2023 RC/ENC(Admn)/D4/2023 Dt:24.04.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Medical reimbursement claim pertaining to all Cadres Officers including retired employees from service in I&CAD Dept.-Further Instructions -Issued
146 18/04/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/D2/23032193/2023 Dt:17.04.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-M.Tech Proframme on "Environmental Management of Rivers and Lakes" at the Indian Institute of Technolgy Roorkee for the academic session July/August,2023-Willingness of officers-Called for-Regarding
147 17/04/2023 Rc/ENC/A3/2022 Dt:17.04.2023 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSMS-Filling of vacancies in cadre of Junior Assistant-Instructions-issued
148 17/04/2023 RC/ENC/A1/110/2023 Dt:17.04.2023 I&CAD Dept-Tealngana Irrigation Engineering Service Rules,2018-Amendment to the rule 12,specifying the appointing authority for the category of Deputy Executive Engineer-Notification-Orders-Issued
149 15/04/2023 RC/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE6/2023 Dt:12.04.2023 Estt-I&CAD-HRMS-Financial Year wise updation of Digitization of Service Books Data-Certain Instructions-Issued-Regarding
150 13/04/2023 RC/ENC/F3/23032310/2023 Dt:13.04.2023 Esst-I&CAD Department-Verification of service books of employees who are going to be retired during 2024-Certain Instructions-Issued-Reg
151 01/04/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Mandatory Trainings to DEEs/2023 Dt:31.03.2023 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept- 6 day Post Promotion Training programe to Newly Promoted Deputy Executive Engineers(2020 to 2022 Promotions)-Communication of proposed schedule of Trainings-Relieving of Participants for the Training-Reg
152 16/03/2023 Memo No. ENC(Admn)/DYENC/EE(Tech)/DEE-1/AEE-1/SOR23-24 Dt:28.02.2023 Preparation of SOR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2023-24- Furnishing of draft rates along with supporting quotations for the basic data required for the preparation of revised Standard data for the year 2023-24 - Requested -Regarding
153 13/03/2023 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/F4/07126/2022-23 dt:13.03.2023 I& CAD department- Submission of Annual Property Returns for the year 2022 in respect of all the cadres including circle scale establishment - Extension of time period for online submission of APRs-2022 - Regarding
154 10/03/2023 Lr.No.RC/ENC/ADMN/ADA/AEE3/OUTSOURCING/2022-23/TS, Dt.10-03-2023. I&CAD Dept., - Outsourcing Work Inspectors – Request to absorb in the sanctioned posts of Work Inspectors – Report called for- Call for details in the prescribed Proforma – Requested – Reg.
155 10/03/2023 Circular Memo No:Rc/ENC/E2&E3/2022 dt:03.03.2023 Estt., - I& CAD Dept., -TIESS - Final Zonal wise Seniority List of Printing Technician - Communicated - Reg.
156 06/03/2023 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC(ADMN)/AEE6/Miscl/2023 Dt. 04-03-2023 Irrigation & CAD Dept. – Anti Corruption Bureau – Providing data pertaining to the employees of I&CAD Department of the state – Req. Regarding.
157 04/03/2023 Lr. No.Rc/ENC/ADMN/ADA/AEE3/outsourcing/2023-24/TS dt:04.03.2023 I&CAD Dept.,- Continuation of outsourcing, contract & activity service in various offices of I&CAD Dept, Govt. of Telangana - Submission of consolidated proposals for the FY 2023-24- Reg..
158 02/03/2023 Circular No.Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/outsourcing/2022-23/TS Establishment- I&CAD Dept.-Engaging the (785) services,i.e.,(84) on contract and (701) on outsorcing basis; and outsourcing the (61) House keeping and security activities to work under the administrative control of Engineer-in-Chief(Admn.), Irrigation and CAD department, for a further period of one year i.e.,from 1.04.2022 to 31.03.2023 or the actual need ceases or direct recruitment is completed whichever is earlier- orders - Communication - Regarding
159 28/02/2023 RC/ENC/C2/23021356/2022/31329 Dt:28.02.2023 Estt-I&CAD Department-TIES/TSMS-Willingness to Work on deputation basis in Godavari River Management Board(GRMB)-Called for-Regarding
160 22/02/2023 1274/General/A1/2023 Dt:17.02.2023 I&CAD General Dept-Biennial Election to the Telangana Legislative council from Mahabubnagar-Ranga Reddy-Hyderabad Teachers Constituency scheduled to be held on 13.03.2023(Monday)-Applicability of Model Code of Conduct-Intimation and Instructions -Reg
161 09/02/2023 RC/ENC/E2&E3/2022 Dt:09.02.2023 Estt-I&CAD Department-TIES-Zone wise provisional Seniority List of Printing Technician-Communicated-Objections-Called for-Reg
162 04/02/2023 Rc/ENC/B1/DEE Duties/2022/30961 Dt:02.02.2023 Est-I&CAD Department-Duties and Responsibilities of Deputy Executive Engineers working in Divisions Offices-Approval-Regarding
163 04/02/2023 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:02.02.2023 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD-Training Program on Noting and Drafting Skills (State) from 21.02.2023 to 23.02.2023-Nominations Called for-Reg
164 04/02/2023 ENC(Admin)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:02.02.2023 I&CAD-Dr.MCR HRD-Refresher Course on Service Matters from 07.02.2023 to 11.02.2023-Nominations Called for-Reg
165 04/02/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl/2023 Dt:02.02.2023 I&CAD(General) Department-Official Language-Telugu/Urdu-Instructions-Communicated-Reg
166 25/01/2023 Memo No 598/Genl.A1/2023 Dt:24.01.2023 I& CAD Department-State Functions-Republic day Celebrations,2023-Flag Hoisting at HoDs & Sub ordinate offices and Districts -Instructions-Reg
167 12/01/2023 Rc/ENC/F4/07126/2022-23 Dt:12.01.2023 TS-Irrigation & CAD Department-Extension of time period for online submission of APRs 2022-Regarding
168 09/01/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/B1/21091562/Transfers to AP/2021/30167 Dt:09.01.23 Establishment-No objection for Transfer to Andhara Pradesh on Permanent basis-Instructions Issued-Regarding
169 07/01/2023 Rc/ENC/E3/2022 Dt:05.01.2023 Estt-I&CAD Department-TIESS-Certain information of Printing Technician-Called for-Reg
170 03/01/2023 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl/2022 Dt:03.01.2023 RPwd Act,2016-Accessibility needs of PwDs in built environment-Immediate action to implement the relevant Sections of the Act as per the GOI Guidelines,2021-Intervention-Reg
171 29/12/2022 Rc/ENC/F4/07126/2022 Dt:29.12.2022 TS-Irrigation & CAD Department-Submission of Annual Property Returns for the year 2022 is respect of all the Cadres,ENC's,CE's,SE's,EE's,DEE's and NTPA's-Regarding
172 28/12/2022 RC/ENC/C2/22121378/2022 Dt:28.12.2022 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Willingness to work on deputation basis in KRMB and GRMB-Called for-Regarding
173 14/12/2022 RC/ENC/C1/12122022/2021 Dt:13.12.2022 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Feneral Office Procedure-Submitting proposals to Goverment by the Territorial Engineer-in-Chief/Chief Engineers-Certain Instructions-Regarding
174 13/12/2022 Govt. Memo.No.5770/Ser.I/A2/2022 dated:08.12.2022 I &CAD Dept. - Telangana Amendment Act No.3 of 2021 enhancing the age or superannuation to Act No.23 1984 (Regulation of age of superannuation) 61 years for regular State Government employees - Clarification of age of superannuation Part Time of NMR, Full Time Contingent / Contingent and outsource Lascars of Displaced persons - Clarification - regarding.
175 12/12/2022 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Mandatory Trainings to DEEs/2022 Dt:09.12.2022 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept- 6 Day Post Promotion Training Programme to Newly Promoted DEEs (2020 to 2022 Promotions)-Communication of Proposed schedule of Trainings-Relieving of Participants for the Training-Reg
176 12/12/2022 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Ministerial Staff Trngs/JA&SAs/2022 Dt:09.12.2022 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept- 3Day Training Programe for Junior Assistants and Senior Assistants-Communicatio of schedule of Trainings-Relieving of Participants for the Training-Reg
177 07/12/2022 ENC(Admn)/EE/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:07.12.22 l&CAD Department - Workshop on GeM and State owned e-Procurement (TMS), at Dr.MCRHRDIT, Hyderabad on 09-12-2022 - Nominations - Requested - Reg.
178 28/11/2022 Minutes of the Video conference conducted by the ENC(Admn) on 25.11.2022 Minutes of the Video conference conducted by the ENC(Admn) on 25.11.2022
179 26/11/2022 Circular Memo.No.Rc/ENC/A1/recruitment/2022 Dt:26.11.2022 Irrigation & CAD Department - Direct Recruitment under Group-IV- Not to Take up any recruitment under any quota - Instructions -Issued - Reg.
180 26/11/2022 Endt.No.Rc/ENC/C1/22111815/2022 dt::25.11.2022 Irrigation & CAD Department - T.I.E.S - Adhoc Promotions - Working Engineers who are promoted to higher posts -Claiming of Salaries - Regarding.
181 24/11/2022 RC/ENC/G3/22111673 Dt:24.11.2022 Irrigation & CAD Department,Celebration of Constitution Day-Mass reading of the preamble of the constitution of India at 11.00 AM on 26.11.2022-Certain Instructions Issued-Reg
182 23/11/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:22.11.2022 Irrigation & CAD Department-General Office Procedure-Submitting proposals to Government by the Territorila Engineers-in-Chief/Chief Engineers-Instructions-Reg
183 23/11/2022 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:22.11.2022 Irrigation&CAD Department-UIDAI-Increased use of Aadhar based Biometric Authentication-Reg
184 09/11/2022 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:09.11.2022 Irrigation & CAD Department-Rule 24 of the TCS(Conduct) Rules,1964-Instructions on influencing superior authorties-Reg
185 03/11/2022 ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE2/Govt Pleaders/2022/Oct Dt:01.11.2022 I&CAD Department-Law Officers-Allocation of Subjects/Departments and Attachments of Asst.Government Pleaders to the Goverment Pleaders-Orders-Communicated-Reg
186 01/11/2022 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Mandatory Trainings to EEs/2022 Dt:31.10.2022 Walamtari-I&CAD Dept-Post Promotion Training to the Executive Engineers(2022-2022)-Communication of schedule of Training-Relieving of the nominated participants(batch wise) from their respective Units-Reg
187 29/10/2022 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/OtherTrg/2022 Dt:27.10.2022 I&CAD Department-7th India Water Week-2022 to be organized by MoJS,Govt of India ,during 1st to 5th November,2022 at New Delhi-Calling of online nominations-Reg
188 27/10/2022 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:27.10.2022 I&CAD Department-Banking Operations-Operation of Savings,Current and Fixed Deposit Accounts by Government and Government under taking Department-Instructions-Communicated-Reg
189 19/10/2022 ENC(Admn)/Dy.ENC/EE(T)/DEE-1/AEE-1/SoR 2022-23/vol. Dt:18.10.2022 Schedule of Rates(SoR) for the year 2022-23-Corrigendum in respect of I&CAD Dept -Rates of material Item SL.no.62 for Reinforcement Steel(HYSD/TMT)-Issued-Reg
190 17/10/2022 NHP/TSSW/SE(H)/EE-1/DEE-2/AEE-4/D4.1.01/2022-23/154 Publishing of Amendment No.1 regarding Hiring of Consultant-Expression of interest from Individual consultants for Hiring SCADA Expert-Req-Reg
191 04/10/2022 Lr.No. NHP/TSSW/SE(H)/EE-1/DEE-2/AEE-4/D4.1.01/2022-23/144 Hiring of Consultant-Expression of interest from Individual consultants for Hiring SCADA Expert -Publishing of Expression of Interest along with TOR
192 19/09/2022 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl I&CAD Dept-MGNREGS-Telangana State Employment Guarantee Council(TSEGC) 7th meeting held on 23.05.2022-Minutes of the meeting-Communicated-Reg
193 13/09/2022 ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:12.09.2022 Dr.MCR HTD IT- Training-Trainer Development Programs-Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T) Govt of India Sponsored 5 days National level Course Evaluation of Training (EoT) on the rescheduled dates from 13th to 17th ,September 2022-Inviting Nominations-Reg
194 29/08/2022 RC/ENC/E2/19081303/2019 Dt:25.08.2022 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIESS-Direct Recruitment of Junior Technical Officers with ITI Qualification-Regularization of service and further promotions to the post of ATO and above cadre-Further Instructions-Issued
195 26/08/2022 RC/ENC/C3/RTI/2nd Queterly reports/2022 Dt:25.08.2022 RTI Act 2005-Submission 2nd Quarterly reports for the year 2022 in C&G Forms-Reg
196 26/08/2022 ENC(Admn)/EE(T)/DEE1(T)/NTPA/B1/316/2000PF Dt:26.08.2022 Estt-I&CAD Dept-NMR/Full Time/Part Time employee particulars called for-not received from certain unit officers-instructions issued-Regarding
197 25/08/2022 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:25.08.2022 I&CAD Department-Procurement of Vijaya Milk,Milk Products and packaged Drinking water from Telangana State Dairy Development Co-Operative Federation Limited Orders-Reg
198 24/08/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE-Leagl/2022/7 Dt:24.08.22 Irrigation & CAD Dept-Court Cases-Prompt submission of Written Instruction and Counter affidavits in pending court cases-General guidelines to be followed in court cases-Instruction Issued-Reg
199 18/08/2022 Rc/ENC/C2/22071662/2022/28387 Dt:17.08.2022 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Willingness to work on deputation basis in GRMB-Called for-Regarding
200 18/08/2022 RC/ENC/C2/22071220/2022/28388 Dt:17.08.2022 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Willingness to work on deputation basis in KRMB-Called for-Regarding
201 16/08/2022 Lr.No. ENC(Admin)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD dt: 16-08-2022 I&CAD Dept.,- Dr.MCR HRD Institute of TS- Centre for Public Administration(CPA) - 4 Week Foundation Course for Junior Assistants from 23-08-2022 to 21-09-2022- Nominations called for - Reg
202 12/08/2022 Minutes of the Video Conference conducted by the ENC(Admn) on 04.08.2022 Minutes of the Video Conference conducted by the ENC(Admn) on Inventory & Other issues held on 04.08.2022 at BOCE Hall,Jalasoudha Building ,Errum Manzil,Hyderabad
203 12/08/2022 RC/ENC/E1/22032122/2022 Dt:11.08.2022 Estt-I&CAD Dept- TSLGS-Promotions to the TSMS,RA & TSLGS Staff-Clarification-Requested-Communicated-Reg
204 06/08/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:06.08.2022 Irrigation & CAD Department-TSPCB-Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules 2021-Implemention of GO issued by Govt of Telangana banning certain Single Use Plastics (SUPs)-Regarding
205 04/08/2022 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:04.08.2022 Irrigation & CAD Department- State Functions- Birth Anniversary of "Acharya Kothapalli Jayashankar" Jayanthi on 6th August as State Function-Instructions-Reg
206 02/08/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(e-Gov)/AEE/2022 Dt:01.08.2022 I&CAD Dept- Cyber Security Guidelines for Government Employees-Guidelines Communicated-Regarding
207 01/08/2022 Rc/ENC/F2(I)/21031946/2021 Dt:27.07.2022 I&CAD Dept-Certain Clarification regarding maximum age for compassionate appointments-Issued-Reg
208 30/07/2022 Circular Memo No. Rc/ENC/F-sec/22071477/2022 Dt:23-07-2022 Pensions-TIES/TIESS- Verification of Qualifying Service after completion of 25 Years due to retire within 5 years - Forwarding of Service Books- Reg.
209 29/07/2022 Minutes of the Video Conference held on 22.07.2022 Minutes of the Video Conference conducted by the ENC(Admn) on Inventory issues held on 22.07.2022 at BOCE Hall ,1st Floor,Jalasoudha Building ,Errummanzil,Hyderabad
210 22/07/2022 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:22.07.2022 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD-Training programme Implemention of Telugu as official language in Administration (State Official Language) drafting & communication in Telugu - from 02.08.2022 to 04.08.2022-Inviting Nominations-Reg
211 16/07/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2022 Dt:16.07.2022 Irrigation & CAD Department-The Right of Persons with Disabilities Act,2016-To ensure availability of Sign Language Interpretation-Furnishing of Action Taken Report-Request-Regarding
212 13/07/2022 ENC(Admn)/EE(T)/DEE1(T)/NTPA/B1/316/2000PF Dt:12.07.2022 Estt-I&CAD Department-NMR/Full Time/Part Time employees-Particulars called for-Regarding
213 12/07/2022 Rc/ENC/E2&E3/22041831/2022 Dt:11.07.2022 Estt-I&CAD Deptt-TIESS-Request to verify the Genuineness of Educational Certificates of all the Appointment by Transfer T.As,J.T.Os,A.T.Os,T.Os working in the I&CAD Department-Unit wise Detailed report called for-Reg
214 12/07/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/D2/22061936/2022/27845 Dt:11.07.2022 Estt-I & CAD Dept- TIES-Willingness to work in Anti Corruption Bureau,Telangana ,Hyderabad on deputation basis in the cadre of AEE and TO-Called for-Regarding
215 08/07/2022 ENC(Admn)/Dy.ENC/EE(Tech)/DEE-1/AEE-1/SoR 22-23 Dt:04.07.22 I&CAD Dept- Schedule of Rates(SoR) for the year 2022-23-Rates Draft proposals- New item of 6*36 and 6*37 with steel core and fiber core and Rubber seals of Various diameters with and without Teflon cladding as per IS Code (11855) pertaining to Additional Materials for Gates and Hoists-Requested-Regarding
216 04/07/2022 Endt.No.Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/Misl Dt:02.07.2022 I&CAD Dept- Awards-Sardar Patel National Unity Award-2022 in the field og Contribution to the Unity and Integrity of India-Nominations-Request-Regarding
217 28/06/2022 RC/ENC/B1 Dt:27.06.2022 I&CAD-TIES/TIESS-Certain AEEs/AEs approaching the HOD frequently for Promotion to the post of DEE-Association of Telangana AEEEs requesting to permit for lunch hour demonstration-Instructions issued-Reg
218 22/06/2022 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/Mandatory Trainings to EEs/2022 Dt:22.06.2022 WAlamtari- I&CAD Dept-Four days Post Promotion Training Programme to the newly promoted Executive Engineers-Communication of schedule of Training -Requesting Engineer-in-Chief(Admn) for deputing and Relieving of nominated participants (batch wise) from their respective Units
219 22/06/2022 ENC(Admn)/Dy.ENC(A)/EE(T)/DEE-1/AEE-2/22021926/2022 Dt:20.06.2022 Publication of "Basic Road Statistics of India 2019-20 and 2020-21" as on 31.03.2020 and 31.03.2021-Furnishing of Road Lenghts data-Furnishing of Information-Requested-Reminder -Reg
220 14/06/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:02.06.2022 TRSCL-Sale of Finished and Semi Finished flats in Bandlaguda and Pocharam Townships to the Government Employees and General Public-Request to Inform the employees in your Department to apply online-Regarding
221 10/06/2022 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/E3/2022 Dt: 08-06-2022 Estt- I&CAD Department - TSIESS- Certain information of Printing Technicians - Called for - Reg
222 09/06/2022 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/A1/22041831/2022 dt: 09-06-2022 Request to verify the Genuineness of Educational Certificates of all the Appointment by transfer as Assistant Engineer Working in the Irrigation & CAD Department- Details called for- Reg
223 09/06/2022 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/A1/22041831/2022 dt: 09-06-2022 Request to verify the Genuineness of Educational Certificates of all the Appointment by transfer as Assistant Engineer Working in the Irrigation & CAD Department- Details called for- Reg
224 08/06/2022 Lr No. NC(Admn)/Dy.ENC(A)/EE(T)/DEE-1/AEE2/CBIP/22051738/2022 dt:07.06.2022 CBIP- Tunnelling Asia 2022 - International Conference on Underground space:The need of the day - Contribution of Technical Papers/Nomination of officials from the Irrigation Department - For necessary action - Communicated -Regarding.
225 03/06/2022 RC/ENC/E2&E3/220321/2022 dt:31.05.2022 Estt.- I&CAD Deptt. - TIESS - Commencement of Probation and declaration of probation in the cadre of Technical Assistants/Junior Technical Officers/Assistant Technical Officers/Technical Officers - Instructions - Issued.
226 03/06/2022 Rc/ENC/E2/22291233/2020 dt:26.05.2022 TIESS- Filling up of backlog vacancies for persons with disabilities to the posts of Technical Assistant and Junior Technical Officer in Irrigation & CAD department by District Collectors under Group IV -Reg.
227 02/06/2022 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:31.05.2022 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-4 Week Foundation Course for Junior Assistants from 06.06.2022 to 02.07.2022-Nominations Called for-Reg
228 02/06/2022 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:01.06.2022 I&CAD Dept- Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana- 5 days Refresher Training Programme on Service Matters from 21.06.2022 to 25.06.2022-Nominations Called for-Reg
229 02/06/2022 ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCTHRD Dt:01.06.2022 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Awareness Training Programme on Social Media related Crimes(State) under category from 06.06.2022 to 08.06.2022-Nominations Called for-Reg
230 31/05/2022 RC/ENC/06/2022 Dt:31.05.2022 O/o the ENC(Admn)-Telangana State Formation Day Celebrations on 02.06.2022-Requested to attend office at 8.15 AM-Regarding
231 31/05/2022 RC/ENC/C1/22031260/2022 Dt:28.05.2022 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-Alternate arrangement proposals to be submitted to the Government through ENC(Admn),well in advance for appropriate orders-Instructions-Reg
232 30/05/2022 ENC(Admn)/DyENC/EE(T)/AEE2/Digitizations/SB/WC/2022 Dt:28.05.2022 I&CAD Department-Digitization of Service Books of Work charged Employees of I&CAD Department-Certain instructions to all the ENCs/CEs-Reg
233 27/05/2022 Minutes of the Video Conference conducted by ENC(Admn) Dt:25.05.2022 Minutes of the Video Conference conducted by ENC(Admn) held on 25.05.2022 at BOCE Hall,1st Floor,Jalasoudha,Errummanzil,Hyderabad
234 26/05/2022 ENC(G)/SE(P&M)/DCE(KB)/DEE-6/AEE-16/2022/2 dt:30.04.2022 I&CAD Dept.- Natural Calamities - Disaster Management - Preparedness for flood situation - Floods/Cyclone Contingency plan of action - Regarding.
235 26/05/2022 ENC(G)/SE(P&M)/DCE(KB)/DEE-6/AEE-16/2022/1 dt:30.04.2022 I&CAD Dept.- Natural Calamities - Disaster Maintenance - Preparedness for flood situation - Precautionary measures to be taken by the Department - Establishment of Flood Control Room - Instructions issued - Reg.
236 26/05/2022 Rc/ENC/A/Recruitment/2022 dt:26.05.2022 I& CAD Dept. - Dircet Recruitment under Group IV- Not to take up any recruitment under any quota- Instructions-Issued -Regarding
237 20/05/2022 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:20.05.2022 I&CAD Dept-Training Programme - Centre for Public Administration (CPA)-Training Program on "Handling Court Cases and Drafting Para wise Remarks" from 01.06.2022 to 02.06.2022-Nominations called for-Reg
238 17/05/2022 ENC(Admn)/Dy.ENC(A)/EE(T)/DEE-1/AEE2/22021926/2022 Dt:12.05.2022 Publication of "Basic Road Statistics of India 2019-20 and 2020-21 as on 31.03.2020 and 31.03.2021-Furnishing of Road Lengths data-Furnishing of Information-Requested -Reminder-Reg
239 13/05/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2022 Dt:12.05.2022 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Implementation of Online Transfer Module in HRMS Website-Regarding
240 07/05/2022 Minutes of the Video Conference Minutes of the Video Conference conducted by ENC(Admn) on 29.04.2022
241 27/04/2022 ENC(Admn)/Dy.ENC/EE(T)/DEE-1/AEE-1/SOR 22-23/Vol.I Dt:21.04.2022 Preparation of Common SOR for all engineering departments for the year 2022-23-Conducting internal meeting with Nominated Superintending Engineers-Req-Reg
242 23/04/2022 RC/ENC/E2/19081303/2019 Dt:22.04.2022 Estt-I&CAD Deptt-TIES-Direct Recruitment of JTO's with ITI Qualification-Regularization of service and further promotions to the post of ATO's and above cadre-Further Instructions-Issued
243 20/04/2022 ENC(Admn)/Dy.ENC/EE(T)/DEE-1/AEE-1/SOR22-23/Vol.I Dt:12.04.2022 Preparation of SoR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2022-23-Furnishig of deaft rates along with supporting Quotations for the basic input data required for the Preparation of Revised Standard data for the year 2022-23-Req-Regarding
244 20/04/2022 Rc/ENC/C1/17021739/2022/26539 Dt:11.04.2022 Extension of Tenure of Sri Veeramall Prakash Rao as Director and Chairman,Telangana Water Resources Development Corporation Ltd-Orders-issued
245 20/04/2022 Rc/ENC/ADMN/ADA/AEe3/Outsourcing/2022-23/TS Dt:19.04.22 Estt-I&CAD Department-The upper age limit of the persons those who are continuing in the services on Outsourcing basis is on par with Govt employees working in the State of Telangana-Intimation-Reg
246 12/04/2022 Rc/ENc/F4/ACR/15071025/2022 Dt:11.04.2022 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSES-Annual Confidential Report's in respect of AEs-Called for-Reg
247 07/04/2022 dt:1.04.2022 Minutes of video conference on legal & other issues held on 1.04.2022 at BOCE Hall
248 01/04/2022 RC/ENC/E2/19081303/2019 Dt:31.03.2022 Estt- I&CAD Dept-TIESS-Direct Recruitment of Junior Technical officers with ITI qualification-Regularization of Service and further promotions to the post of ATO and above cadre-Further Instructions-Issued
249 26/03/2022 ENC(Admn)/DyENC/EE(T)/DEE.1/AEE2/Scannings/2022 Dt:26.03.2022 I&CAD Department-Digitization of Service Books of Employees of Irrigation & CAD Department-Revised schedule of Dates from 11.04.2022 onwards-Communicated-Reg
250 25/03/2022 ENC(Admn)/DyENC/EE(T)/AEE2/Scannings/2022 Dt:25.03.2022 I&CAD Department-Digitization of Service Books of Employees -Postponement of Digitization process from 28.03.2022 onwards-Communicated-Reg
251 25/03/2022 Rc/ENC/A1/22031704/2021 Dt:24.03.2022 I&CAD Department-The Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules,1996-Amendment to Rule 12 and 22 of the rules-Notification-Orders-Issued
252 24/03/2022 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/E2/19081303/2019 Estt.- I&CAD Dept.-TIESS- Direct Recruitment of JTO with ITI qualification- Regularization of service and further promotions to the post of Assistant Technical Officer and above cadre - instructions -Issued.
253 22/03/2022 Minutes of the VC conducted by ENC(Admn) on 16.03.2022 Minutes of the Video Conference conducted by ENC(Admn) I&CAD Department Legal & Other issues held on 16.03.2022
254 21/03/2022 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/PO2018/2022 Dt:21.03.2022 I&CAD Department-Presidential Order 2018-Mutual Inter Local Cadre Transfer s-Guide Lines Issued-Report Called for-Reg
255 19/03/2022 Rc/ENC/A3/2022 Dt:19.03.2022 I&CAD Department-TSMS-Filling of vacancies in cadre of Junior Assistants in the Depaertment under recruitment-Reg
256 19/03/2022 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/A3/2022 Dt:19.03.2022 Direct Recruitment - TSMS - Filling of vacancies in cadre of Junior Assistant in the Department under Direct recruitment - Reg.
257 19/03/2022 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:17.03.2022 Dt:26.02.2022 I&CAD Department-Operation of Savings,Current and Fixed Deposit Accounts by Goverment and Government undertaking Department-Revised Orders-Issued
258 16/03/2022 Rc/ENC/AW/G.1/Misc/2022 Dt:15.03.2022 I&CAD Department-Telangana Green Fund-Take necessary action-Reg
259 07/03/2022 RC/ENC/E1/22011482/2022 Dt:04.03.2022 Esst-I&CAd DEptt-TSMS-Appointment by transfer from the category of Office Subordinate to Typist/Junior Assistant-Irregular Promotions notices-Instructions-Issued
260 05/03/2022 RC/ENC/A2/22012383/2022/25810 Dt:26.02.2022 Department for Women,Children,Disabled and Senior Citizens-Constitutions of Task Force Committee to Monitor the Process of Special Recruitment Drive-Orders-Issued
261 04/03/2022 Rc/ENC/B1/1408151/AP Re-Org/2021 Dt:02.03.2022 I&CAD Departement-AP Re-organization 2014-Interstate Transfers-Government of Telangana issued Revised Pay Scales 2020 with effect from 1.7.2018-Certain employees transferred from AP to TG on Permanent basis-Clarification on the eligle date of fixation of their pay-Reg
262 04/03/2022 ENC(I)/GJL/DCE/DEE-1/AEE8/EC/2022/439 Dt:28.02.2022 Environmental Clearance (EC) of Kaleshwaram Project in Karimnagar District of Telangana by I&CAD Department,Govt of Telangana-Regarding
263 28/02/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:28.02.2022 I&CAD Department- Official Lamguage Telugu/Urdu-Instructions Issued-Communicated-Regarding
264 26/02/2022 Ec/ENC/G7/L&A/Q1&Q2/2021-22 Dt:24.02.2022 Loans and Advances-Loans to Government employees-Reallocation of funds towards Motor Car Advances for 1st & 2nd quarters in the financial year 2021-22-Reg
265 26/02/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt::25.02.2022 I&CAD Dept-Presidential Order 2018-Mutual Inter Local Cadre Transfers-Guidelines-Communicated-Reg
266 22/02/2022 Letter No. ENC(ADMN)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE3/Other Training/2022 dt: 22-02-2022 Comprehensive development and strengthening of Infrastructure in Government Schools in Telangana State- Orientation Programme for Engineers- Submitted- Reg
267 18/02/2022 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE-Legal/2022/4 DtL18.02.2022 Estt-I&CAD-TEIS-Willingness to work on OD basis in Legal cell O/o the Engineer-in-Chief(Admn),Hyderabad-Called for
268 18/02/2022 Rc/ENC/F4/07126/2021-3 Dt:18.02.2022 Extension of time period for online submission of APRs-2021 in respect of all cadres.
269 18/02/2022 ENC(Admn)/DyEnc/EE(T)/DEE1/AEE2/Scanning/2022 Dt:18.02.2022 Digitization of Service Books of Employees of Irrigation & CAD Department-Certain Instructions to all the ENCs/CEs-Reg
270 14/02/2022 Rc/ENC/G7/L&A/Q1&Q2/2021-22 Dt:12.02.2022 Loans and Advances-Loans to Goverment employees-Reallocation of funds towards House Building Advances,Motor Cycle,Moped,Personal Computer,Motor Car Advances for 1st & 2nd quaters in the financial year 2021-22-Reg
271 11/02/2022 Rc/ENC/ADMN/ADA/AEE3/Outsourcing/2022-23/TS Dt:11.02.2022 I&CAD Dept- Continuation of Outsourcing,Contract & Activity Services & New/Fresh Outsourcing services in Various offices-Submission of consolidated proposals-Reg
272 05/02/2022 ENC(Admn)/Dy.ENC/EE(Tech)/DEE-1/AEE1/SOR 22-23 Dt:02.02.2022 Preparation of SoR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2022-23-Furnishing of draft rates along with supporting Quotations for the basic input data for the preparation of Revised Standard data for the year 2022-2023-Requested-Reg
273 03/02/2022 ENC(ADMN)/EE(ADMN)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:02.02.2022 I&CAD Department-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Training Center for Public Administration(CPA)-Virtual Training Programme on "Office Management" from 08.02.2022 to 10.02.2022-Nominations Called for-Reg
274 02/02/2022 I&CAD Department-Minnutes of the Video Conference conducted by ENC(Admn) on 29.01.202229.01.2022 Minutes of the Video Conference conducted by Engineer-in-Chief (Admn) on Legal Issues,GIS in Irrigation & Other issues held on 29.01.2022 at BOCE Hall.
275 29/01/2022 ENC(Admn)/DyENC/EE(T)/AEE2/Scannings/2022 Dt:28.01.2022 I&CAD Department-Digitization of Service Books of Employees of Irrigation and CAD Department-Certain Instructions to all the ENCs/CEs-Reg
276 28/01/2022 Lr.No.RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2021 Dt:27.01.2022 I&CAD Department-TSTRANSCO-Lift Irrigation Schemes of Telangana State-Construction of Substations & TRanmission Line works for extending the power supply to Lift Irrigation Projects-Certain information-Reg
277 21/01/2022 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:21.01.22 Irrigation & CAD Department-National Voters day on 25.01.2022-Taking up of NVD Pledge by the Staff and Officers in Government Departments and Offices in Districts-Institutions-Communicated-Reg
278 19/01/2022 Endt.Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:19.01.2022 Irrigation & CAD Department-UIDAI Sharing of partially maked Aadhar-Nimber along with demographic information between Central/State Govt.Ministries/Department for implementation/formulation of various Goverment Schemes using Aadhaar related data-Comminicated Regarding
279 19/01/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2021 Dt:19.01.2022 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Department-ITC 2018-12 Week Introductoty Training Course(ITC) program to the newly recruited AEEs (2018 Civil Batch) of I&CAD Department- of(Batch-IX-Civil:PALERU)-Scheduled initially from (24.01.2022 to 16.04.2022) at WALAMTARI-Communication of Redchedule of Training from 21.02.2022 to 13.05.2022 due to COVID-19-Intimation-Reg
280 13/01/2022 Circular Memo No ENC/F4/07126/2021-2 Dt: 13-01-2022 Extension of time period for online submission of Annual Property Returns-2021
281 13/01/2022 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE-Legal/2022 Dt:13.01.2022 Irrigation & CAD Department-District court cases/Session court cases-Entries of LA OPs&EPs cases in PMS website-Instruction issued-Regardingd
282 11/01/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD/2022 Dt:11.01.2022 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Center for Public Administration (CPA)-Two day workshop on "Effective Implementation of Right to Information Act"-Nominations Called for-Reg
283 11/01/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/EE/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD/2022 Dt:11.01.2022 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Center for Public Administration (CPA)-Three day workshop on "Training of Trainers Course for District Resource Persons"-Nomonations Called for-Reg
284 07/01/2022 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl/2022 Dt:07.01.2022 WALAMTARI-TSCOT-Department of Science and Technology(DST),GOI funded Program-National Science day-2022 Celebrations-Paper Presentations by Engineers in I&CAD & Other Alined Department Officials-Topic " Technological Intervention in Irrigation Sector"-Participants Registration called for-Req-Reg
285 04/01/2022 Rc/ENC/F4/07126/2021 Dt:27.12.2021 I&CAD Department- Submission of Annual Property Returns through online for the year 2021 in respect of all cadres-Reg
286 23/12/2021 ENC(Admn)/Dy.ENC(A)/EE(T)/DEE1/AEE2/21111946/2021 Dt:17.12.2021 Irrigation Department- Reorganization of I & CAD Department-Certain clarfications on Irrigation Wing-Communicated -Reg
287 23/12/2021 Lr.No.ENC(Admn)/EE(T)/DEE.2/AEE.3/TKHH/2021 Dt:17.12.2021 I&CAD Department-Telanganaku Haritha Haram(TKHH) programme in Irrigation & CAD Department-submission of Palntation data in PMS website-Action to be taken in the matter-Reg
288 20/12/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/2021 Dt:20.12.2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept-Telangana Public Employment Order 2018-Organization of Local Cadres-Circular issued for Calling for options on online from the concerned staff-Allocation instructions-issued-Regarding
289 18/12/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/C1/21121711/2021 Dt:18.12.2021 Public Services-Irrigation & CAD Department-Promotions effected in all categories of posts in all the Departments/HODs/District Collectors levels in the state during the panel year 2020-21-Request to furnish the information in the prescribed proforma-Regarding
290 17/12/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Walamtari/2021 Dt:16.12.2021 WALAMTARI-ITC 2018-12 Week Induction Training Course(ITC) to newly recruited AEEs(2018 Civil Batch) of I&CAD Department of Telangana (Batch-IX:PALERU)-Scheduled from 24.01.2022 to 16.04.2022 at Walamtari-Deputing and Relieving of the Nominated participants-Intimation-Reg
291 16/12/2021 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC(ADMN)/ADA/AEE2/2021-2 Dt. 16-12-2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. –Telangana Public Employment Order 2018 – Organization of Local Cadres – Assigning Local Cadre to each employee – Information Called for – Regarding
292 16/12/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/2021 Dt:16.12.2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. –Telangana Public Employment Order 2018 – Organization of Local Cadres – Circular issued for Calling for options on online from the concerned staff-Further instructions for obtaining option forms in respect of employees who are on Department/Corporations/Boards-Issued-Regarding
293 16/12/2021 RC/ENC(ADMN)/ADA/AEE2/2021-3 Dt:15.12.2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. –Telangana Public Employment Order 2018 – Organization of Local Cadres – Multi Zonal Cadre – Calling for options on online from the cadre of Technical Officer, Special Technical Officer, Non-Technical Personal Assistant and Assistant Engineer & Assistant Executive Engineer – Assigning Local Cadre to each employee in respective Multi Zones – Regarding
294 16/12/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/2021-2 Dt:15.12.2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. –Telangana Public Employment Order 2018 – Organization of Local Cadres – Zonal Cadre – Calling for options on online from the cadre of TA to ATO – Assigning Local Cadre to each employee in respective Zones – Regarding
295 15/12/2021 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC(ADMN)/ADA/AEE2 /2021 - 4 Dt. 15 -12-2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. –Telangana Public Employment Order 2018 – Organization of Local Cadres – Circular issued for Calling for options on online from the concerned staff – Further instructions for obtaining option forms in respect of employees who are under leave, suspension & Unauthorized absence- issued- Regarding.
296 15/12/2021 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC(ADMN)/ADA/AEE2/2021-1 Dt.15 -12-2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. –Telangana Public Employment Order 2018 – Organization of Local Cadres – Zonal Cadre – Calling for options on online from the concerned staff – Assigning Local Cadre to each employee– Regarding.
297 15/12/2021 RC/ENC/A4/16111103/B-83/2021 Dt:09.12.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-AEs/AEEs-Exemption from passing the Language Test in Telugu-Regarding
298 14/12/2021 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC(ADMN)/ADA/AEE2 /2021 Dt. 14 -12-2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. –Telangana Public Employment Order 2018 – Organization of Local Cadres – District Cadre – Calling for options on online from the concerned staff – Assigning Local Cadre to each employee – Regarding.
299 13/12/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2021 Dt:13.12.2021 I&CAD Department-Complience of TDS Provisions by Irrigation & CAD Department on the State of Telangana-Reconcile the Outstanding demand & compliance report-Reg
300 13/12/2021 ENC(Admn)/EE(T)/DEE1(T)/NTPA/B3/700/2021 Dt:02.09.2021 Work Charged Estt-Smt.Kistavva,Woman Mazdoor retired on 30.05.2019 on medical invalidation grounds from IC Sangareddy-Application of Sri Saibaba,Unemployee,S/o Smt.Kistavva,MM for providing employeement on Compassionate grounds-Clarification sought for-Reg
301 09/12/2021 RC/ENC/E1/21071451/2021 Dt:06.12.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Represntation of L.V.Drivers for conversion to Office Subordinates posts-One time permission for conversion/reversion with pay protection-Requested-Reg
302 04/12/2021 Rc/ENC/E1/21091841/2021 Dt:02.12.2021 Estt-I&CAD Deptt-TSLGS-Sri K.Raju,OS in respect of office of the Executive Engineer,Irrigation Division .No.8,Mahabubbad-Application requesting to consider of promotion in the cadre of Typist on condition basis-Rejected-Reg
303 03/12/2021 RC/ENC/E2/555333/2021 Dt:02.12.2021 Estt-I&CAD Deptt-TSIESS-Certan Clarification regarding to take appointments in the cadre of Technical Assitants as per G.O.Ms.No.25,dated:18.03.2015-Irregualr Compassionate Appointment noticed-Instructions-Issued
304 02/12/2021 Rc/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE6/2021 Dt:02.12.2021 Estt-I&CAD-HRMS-Promotions to the TSMS,RA & TSLGS staff-Regarding
305 27/11/2021 Rc/ENC/B1/2021 Dt:27.11.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-AEESs participated in demonstration/dharna-Explanation called for-Reg
306 23/11/2021 Lr No.ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD dt:22.11.2021 I&CAD Dept.- Dr. MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-DoPT, Gol Sponsored Induction Training Programme(ITP) for newly recruited Frontline Functionaries of State Government scheduled from 15-11-2021 to 8-12-2021 - Confirmation of Nominations -Regarding.
307 17/11/2021 Circular No.ENC(Admn)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2021 dated 17-11-2021 I&CADD-Updation of RTI Officers Information in HRMS Website - Reg
308 17/11/2021 Ltr No.ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD dated 17-11-2021 I&CADD-MCR HRD Institute of Telangana- 3days Training Programme on Ethics and Values in Public Administration from 23-11-2021 to 25-11-2021-Nominations called For- Reg
309 11/11/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl/2021 Dt:11.11.2021 I&CAD Dept-Elections Model code of Conduct-biennial Election to the Telangana Ledislative Council from 09 Local Authorities constituencies for 12 seats scheduled to be held on 10.12.2021 (Friday)-Applicability of Model Code of Conduct-Intimation-Reg
310 10/11/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/D2/12068040/2021 DtL09.11.2021 Estt-I&CAD DEpt-TIES-Review of Seniority list of Superintendents and inclusion of names of certain eligible Superitendents-Particulars -Called for-Reg
311 06/11/2021 Memo No.RC/ENC/B1/2021 Dt:6.11.2021 Estt.- I&CAD Dept.,- TIES- AEE/DEEs participated in demonstration/dharna- initiation of action as per CCA rules-Explanation called for - Reg.
312 06/11/2021 ENC(Admn)/EE(T)/DEE-1/AEE-1/SoR 2021-22 Dt:06.11.2021 Schedule of Rates(SOR)-Corrigendum-Incorporation of Brand Names-AF STAR TMT/MS LIFE TMT,RADHA TMT and SUGNA TMT in approved Steel Manufactures list SoR 2021-22-Approved-Reg
313 03/11/2021 RC/ENC/EE(L)/Legal Cell/2017-18 dt:3.11.2021 Estt.,- I&CAD Department., - TSES - Willingness to work on OD basis in Legal Cell, O/o Engineer-in-Chief(Admn),, Hyderabad - called for- Regarding.
314 02/11/2021 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:02.11.2021 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Specialized Training Programme on Law Governing Administrators (State Sponsored) from 09.11.20211 to 11.11.2021-Nominations Called for-Reg
315 30/10/2021 RC/ENC/E2/21102021 Dt:29.10.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSIESS-Certain Clarification regarding Commencement of Probation and Declaration of Probation and AAS in the cadres of PTs,TAs,JTOs,ATOs and TOs-Clarification-Issued
316 30/10/2021 RC/ENC(A)/Dy.ENC/EE(T)/DEE.1/AEE2/TSTS/2021 Dt:26.10.2021 I&CAD Department-e Procurement-Comprehensive guidelines for operating e Procurement(e Corpus) fund and e Procuement transactional charges fund to be administrered by TSTS Limited,Hyd-Instructions issued-Reg
317 30/10/2021 ENC(Admn)/Dy.ENC(A)/EE(T)/DEE1/AEE2/TSTS/21101558/2021 Dt:26.10.2021 TSTS-Statement showing the details of PO's issued and balance of funds available in e-Procurement-Instructions issued-Regarding
318 29/10/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE1/2021 Dt:29.10.2021 Online Registration of contractors-District Level Committee comprising the Superintending Engineers available in the District and a representative-Nominated by the Commisioner, COT-Regarding
319 27/10/2021 RC/ENC/C2/21092059/2021 Dt:26.10.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Willingness in the cadre of AEE to work on deputation basis in KRMB & GRMB -Called for-Regarding
320 26/10/2021 Memo.60009/Genl/A1/2021 I&CAD Dept-Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week from 26th October to 1st November 2021-Reg
321 25/10/2021 RC/ENC/E2/19011070/2019 Dt:23.10.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Certain Clarification regarding Commencement of probation and Declaration of Probation and AAS in the cadres of PTs,TAs,ATOs and TOs-Clarification issued
322 23/10/2021 ENC(Admn)/EE(T)/DEE1(T)/NTPA/B3/9535/2019 Vol.2 Dt:22.10.2021 I&CAD Dept-R&R-Providing employment to the Dispalced Person or their dependents-District Selection Committee constitued in GO Ms No.135-Modified Orders Issued
323 18/10/2021 Circular Memo.No./Rc/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE6/2021 Dt:18.10.2021 Estt. – I&CAD – HRMS – Promotions to the TSMS, RA & TSLGS staff – Updating of HRMS data – Regarding.
324 14/10/2021 Lr. No. RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE1/2021 Dt.13-10-2021 Online Registration of contractors Web site www.contractorregistration.telangana.gov.in - Not to process the registration application in all the categories and tenders unless the contractor uploads their Experience details in the web portal- Regarding.
325 05/10/2021 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:05.10.2021 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana -DoPT,Gol Sponsored Induction Training Programme (IPT) for newly recruited Frontline Functionaries of State Government scheduled from 18.10.2021 to 12.11.2021-Nominations called for-Reg
326 04/10/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/Restructure/2021 Dt:01.10.2021 Irrigation Department-District Irrigation officer for mahabubnagar District-Modification orders issued-Regarding
327 04/10/2021 RC/ENC/C2/21092059/2021 Dt:01.10.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Willingness called for to work on deputation basis in Krishna River Management Board (KRMB)-Regarding
328 24/09/2021 G.O.Ms.No.2160 General Administration (Poll.B) Department Dt:22.09.2021 STATE FUNCTIONS - Celebration of Sri Kanda Laxman Bapuji, Freedom Fighter's Birthday (Jayanthi) on 27.09.2021- Declaration as State Function - Orders - Issued
329 23/09/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/Restructure/2020 Dt:23.09.2021 Irrigation Department-Reorganization of Irrigation Department-Certain guidelines issued for Handing Over/Taking over records related to works & also works related legal matters-Issued-Regarding
330 23/09/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/EE-Legal/2021/1 Dt:22.09.2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept-Court Cases/Legal Matters of old service cases related matters-Instructions Issued-Regarding
331 20/09/2021 Endt No.RC/ENC/A1/110/2017 Dt:18.09.2021 Special Rules-TIESS rules,2018-Certain amendments to the Rules as per the provisions of the Telangana Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadre and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Orders,2018-Notification-Orders-Issued
332 15/09/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/B1/1408151/AP Re-org/2021 Dt:15.09.2021 Estt-I&CAD Department-No objection for transfer to Andhra Pradesh on permanent basis-Instructions issued-Regarding
333 14/09/2021 ENC(Admin)/EE(T)/DEE-1)T)/NTPA/B4/21061065/2021 Dt:04.09.2021 Irrigation&CAD-Details of the Welfare Schemes being implemented by various Departments for Unorganized workers-Request to furnish the information in the prescribed proforma-Reg
334 09/09/2021 RC/ENC/D2/21032047/2021 Dt:09.09.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-AEEs-Sri Swamy Das Kondra,Sri Sreenivas Rao Chebolu,Sri Venkateshwarlu Punnam and Smt P.Sai Uma Rani-Approching public representatives for request transfer-Show Cause Notice -Issued
335 28/08/2021 RC/D2/21081202/21464 Dt:25.08.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-Utilization of Services of Electrical Engineers in their Jurisdiction of ENCs/CEs irrespective of their Posting -Reg
336 28/08/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/D2/21081154/21467 Dt:25.08.2021 Estt-I&CAD Deptt-TIESS-Willingness to work in Dr.MCR HRD institute of Telangana on deputation basis in the Cadre of AEE-Called for-Reg
337 27/08/2021 RC/ENC/A1/A2/AEEs/2018PSC/2021 Dt:24.08.2021 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSES&TSESS-AEEs/AEs-Online submission of Proposals for Declaration of Probation in respect of AEEs/AEs from 2018 PSC-Guidelines-Issued-Regarding
338 26/08/2021 Rc/ENC/a4/16111103/B-80/2021 Dt:17.08.2021 Estt-I&CAD-TSES-AEES-Exemption from passing the Language Test in Telugu-Regarding
339 24/08/2021 ENC(Admn)/EE(T)/DEE1(T)/NTPA/B4/2245/2017 Dt:21.08.2021 Work Charged Estt-Extension of scheme of compassionate appointment to wotk Charged employees issued in G.O.Ms.No.269,I&CAD Dept dt:11.08.1988-Certain information called-Regarding
340 24/08/2021 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:23.08.2021 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Centre for Public Administration-Two day Workshop on "Proactive Disclosure of Information under RTI Act"-Nominations Called for-Reg
341 24/08/2021 ENC(Admn/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:23.08.2021 Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Centre for Information Technilgy(CIT)-Training Programme on "Disciplinary & Vigilamce Procedures" from 07.09.2021 to 09.09.2021-Inviting Nominations-Reg
342 19/08/2021 RC/ENC/A1/110/2020 Dt:18.08.2021 Estt-I&CAD Deptt-TSES-Implementation of Hon,ble High Court of Telangana orders Dt:22.11.2019 in W.P.No.37131 of 2017 and Batch-Transfer of Pending W.Ps to High Court of AP to High Court of Telangana-Information to the persons who are likely to be affected-Regarding
343 17/08/2021 ENC(Admn)/DyENC/EE(T)/DEE1(T)/NTPA/B3/WC.Estt/2019-6 Dt:13.08.2021 Estt-Compassionate appoinement to the cadre of Work Charged Establishment Consrquent to Act 2/1994 -Clarification instructions-Regarding
344 16/08/2021 RC/ENC/C1/21081461/2021/21317 Dt:13.08.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Laeving the Headquaters without prior permission-Certain instructions -Regarding
345 12/08/2021 Rc/ENC/C1/21081461/2021 Dt:11.08.2021 Estt-I&CAD Department-Leaving the Head Quaters without Prior Permission-Certain Instructions Issued
346 06/08/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:31.07.2021 Advertisement for the Post of Director and Advisor on deputation or re-employment for Armed Forces Personnel-Reg
347 05/08/2021 Lr.No.RC/ENC(ADMN)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2020-21 Dt:04.08.2021 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Department-ITC2018-12 Week Introductory Training Course(ITC) to the newly recruited AEEs(2018 Civil Recruitees) of I&CAD Department, Govt., of Telangana - Communication of Schedule of ITC Batch - VIII :MUSI from 16.08.2021 to 1.10.2021 - Relieving of Participants - Requested - Reg.
348 20/07/2021 Circular Memo No.RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Harithaharam/2021 Dt:20.07.2021 I&CAD Department - Telangana Haritha Haram Programe 2021-Reg.
349 09/07/2021 RC/ENC/D2/Transfers/2021 Dt:08.07.2021 Estt-I&CAD Department-Approaching Public representatives for transfers and other Service matters-Instructions Issued-Reg
350 08/07/2021 Endt No.RC/ENC(AW)/EE(A)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:08.07.2021 I&CAD Department- Revised procedure for release of funds to States for the Centrally Sponsored Schemes(CSS) and Monitoring utilization of the funds released-Reg
351 07/07/2021 RC/ENC/D1/21032047/2021 Dt:06.07.21 Sri P.Seetharam Prasad,AEE-Not Joined in the new station-Show Cause Noticed Issued
352 29/06/2021 Rc/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE6/2021 Dt:29.06.2021 Estt-I&CAD-HRMS-DDO wise mapping of Work Charged Employees,Contingent,NMR,Contract and Outsourcing Personnel with IFMIS-Regarding
353 28/06/2021 RC/ENC/D2/21032047/2021-1 & 2, dt.25.06.2021 I&CAD Dept-TIES-Sri Paladi Srikanth, AE and Sri Agulduty Rajaji Kannaiah, AE-Transferred and Posted to Chief Engineer(Irrigation), Kamareddy Unit-Not reported to New station-Show Cause Notice -Reg-Reg
354 28/06/2021 RC/ENC/D2/21032017/2021, Dt.24.06.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-Sri Paladi Srikanth, AE and Sri Agulduty Rajaji Kannaiah, AE-Transferred and Posted to Chief Engineer(Irrigation), Kamareddy Unit-Not reported to New station-Detailed Report Called for-Reg
355 22/06/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEe6/2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Strict Implementation of Online Transfer Module-Regarding
356 17/06/2021 Rc/ENC/EE(T)/DEE1(T)/NTPA/B4/2245/2017 Dt:15.06.2021 I&CAD Department- Extension of scheme of compassionate appointment to work Charged employees issued in GO Ms.No.269-Certain information called for-Regarding
357 15/06/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2020 Dt:15.06.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Post Graduate Program by IIT Roorkee,IISC Banglore and IIT Madras on Dam Safety and Rehabilitation-Expression of willingness-Regarding
358 14/06/2021 Circular Memo. No.Rc/ENC/C1/COVID-19/2021 Dt:14.06.2021 Estt - I&CAD Dept - TSES - Keeping in view of spreading of Covid-19 - Certain instructions regarding local arrangements to the post of DDO - Further orders -Issued
359 10/06/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/2020 Dt:09.06.2021 Estt-Reorganization of I&CAD Department-Transfers of Senior Assistants, Junior Assistants and Last Grade service staff within territorial Unit-Permission - Regarding
360 09/06/2021 ENC(Admn)/DyENC/EE(T)/DEE2/AEE3/Mobile Elec Teams Dt:07.06.2021 I&CAD Dept-Details of Additional Jurisdiction attached to Mobile Monitoring Teams(Electrical)-Communicated-Regarding
361 09/06/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2020 Dt:08.06.2021 Irrigation Department-Reorganization of Irrigation Department-Allocation of Ministerial Staff, TSESS Staff, Record Assistant and Last Grade Staff to the of Engineer-in-Chief/Chief Engineers units- Ban on Transfers from 10.06.2021-Regarding
362 09/06/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2020 Dt:09.06.2021 Irrigation Department-Reorganization of Irrigation Department-Instructions/Guidelines on Seniority Fixation of Ministerial Staff, Record Assistant and Last Grade Staff of Engineer-in-Chief/Chief Engineers units-Regarding
363 02/06/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2020, Dt:02-06-2021 Estt –Reorganization of Irrigation & CAD Department –Transfer of Senior Assistants, Junior Assistant, and Last Grade Service Staff on mutual basis-Reg
364 31/05/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2020/1 Dt:31.05.2021 Estt-Reorganization of I&CAD Department-Junior Assistants,Record Assistants and Last Grade Service Staff-Allotment of employees to territorial units-Amednent-Issued-Reg
365 27/05/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/Restructure/2020, Dt.26.05.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Reorganisation of Irrigation Department -Request for permission to draw salary against post having equivalent/higher scale of pay-Reg
366 25/05/2021 ENC(Admin)/DyENC/EE(T)/DEE2/AEE3/Misc/O&M Dt:20.05.2021 I&CAD Department-Operation and Maintenance(O&M)-Certain amendmnets to Go.Ms.No.33 and Guidelines for replacements/repairs of major spare parts for smooth maintenance and functioning of all the Lift Schemes-Copy GO Communicated-Reg
367 18/05/2021 RC/ENC(ADMN)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2020/1 , Dt.18-05-2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. – Reorganization of Irrigation & CAD Department – Allotment to Territorial Units–Vacancies arised due to appointment by transfer as Divisional Accounts Officer-Reg
368 11/05/2021 RC/ENC(ADMN)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2021/2 , Dt.11-05-2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. –TIESS- Submission of Transfer application of Technical Assistants/Junior Technical Officers/ Assistant Technical Officers/Technical Officers–Reg
369 11/05/2021 RC/ENC(ADMN)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2020/1, Dt.11 -05-2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. – Reorganization of Irrigation & CAD Department – Submission of Transfer application in the cadre of Junior Assistants, Typists, Junior Steno ,Record Assistants and Office Subordinates–Reg
370 05/05/2021 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2020 dt:05.05.2021 Further guidelines on Transfers - Instructions issued
371 05/05/2021 RC/ENC/A2/A4/AEEs/2018 PSC/2021 Dt:30.04.2021 I&CAD Department- Online submission of Proposals for Commencement of Probation in respect of AEEs from 2018 PSC-Information-Request-Regarding
372 05/05/2021 ENC(Admn)/EE(T)/DEE/JSB/2021 Dt:04.05.2021 I&CAD Department- Furnishing of list of Drivers working as NMR,Outsourcing,Regular and Work Charged Cadres-Req-Regarding
373 04/05/2021 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC(ADMN)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2020 Dt.04-05-2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. – Reorganization of Irrigation & CAD Department – Ministerial Staff, Record Assistants and Last Grade Service Staff – Mutual Transfers –Reg
374 03/05/2021 Rc/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE6/2021 Dt:03.05.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-HRMS-Activation of online HRMS Transfer Module from 17th onwards-Updating of HRMS data-Regarding
375 30/04/2021 Cir letter No ENC(Admin)/DyENC/EE(T)/DEE2/AEE3/Mobile Elec Teams, Dt 29.04.2021 I&CAD Dept., - Constituting of Maintenance Monitoring Teams (Electrical) for ongoing & existing Pumping Stations of Small LI Projects & IDC Schemes in Telangana - Specific guidelines/Duties and responsibilities for Monitoring of Mobile Maintenance (Electrical) Teams - Communicated - Regarding.
376 27/04/2021 RC/ENC/D2/Transfers/2021 Dt:27.04.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES -Instructions to AEE/Aes for not approach for transfers-Further Instructions Isuued-Reg
377 27/04/2021 Rc/ENC/B3/20071595/2020 Dt:22.04.2021 Estt-TSES-DEE-Continuation of Additional charge beyond(3) months-Government is competent Authority-Instructions issued
378 26/04/2021 Endt No.G4/2021, Dt.22.04.2021 I&CAD Dept-General Admn(OL) Dept-Implementation of Telugu and Urdu as official Languages in the State-Instructions-Issued-Communicated-Reg
379 23/04/2021 Circular Memo. No. RC/ENC/D2/Transfers/2021, Dated:23.04.2021. TIES - Instructions to Join in the new station to the AEE/AEs who have been transferred - Reg.
380 09/04/2021 Circular Irrigation Salary Bills filed from 01.04.2021 to 09.04.2021 for reference
381 07/04/2021 Circular Memo. No. RC/ENC/D2/Transfers/2021 Dated: 07.04.2021 Estt. - I&CAD Dept - TIES - Instructions to AEE/ AEs for not to approach for transfers - Reg.
382 06/04/2021 ENC(Admn)/SE(P&M)/EE(Tech)/DEE-1/AEE-1/SOR21-22/R-1 Dt:01.04.2021 I&CAD Department-Preparation od SoR for all Engibneering Departments for the year 2021-22-Furnishing of data rates in "Schedule of Rates Entry" tab in irrigation Website-Request Regarding
383 31/03/2021 Rc/ENC/A4/16111103/B-78/2021 Dt:12.03.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-AEEs-Exemption from passing Language Test in Telugu-Regarding
384 31/03/2021 RC/ENC/D2/Transfers/2021 Dt:31.03.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-Request Tramsfers of Electrical AEE/AEs to work in Lift Irrigation Schemes/Pump Houses-Options Called for-Regarding
385 30/03/2021 Rc/ENC/C1/21032326/2021, Dt.30.03.2021 I&CAD Dept-Reconstitution of Board of Directors of Telangana State Water Resources Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited-TSWRIDCL-Orders-Issued
386 26/03/2021 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/E1/999/2021 Dt:26.03.2021 EStt.- I&CAD Deptt.- Reorganizatin- TSMS &TSLGS - Cancllation of Deputations/Diversions etc.,- Orders -Issued - Reg.
387 25/03/2021 Endt. No.RC/ENC(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE(6)/2020 dt:25.03.2021 Establishment - Works Accounts Department - Re organization of Irrigation Department - Payment of Salary Bills for the month of March,2021 payable on 1.04.2021 - instructions- issued.
388 24/03/2021 RC/ENc/D2/Transfers/2021 Dt:24.03.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-Request transfers of AEE/AEs-Options called for-Reg
389 22/03/2021 Rc/ENC/C1/21031930/2021 Dt:20.03.2021 I&CAD Department-Close monitoring the Check Dams-Nomonation of Sri.B.Nagendra Rao,ENC(O&M) as Nodal Officer-Regarding
390 20/03/2021 Memo.No.Rc/ENC/B2/21022470/2021 dt:19.03.2021 Estt-TSES-Sri.Peta Venkateswarlu,AEE- Representation addressed to the Government directly without the knowledge of this immediate Superior officer- Explanation called for- Reg.
391 12/03/2021 RC/ENC/D2/Transfers/2021 Dt:12.03.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TIES-Transfers of AEE/AEs on request-Updating the details in HRMS Data-Regarding
392 09/03/2021 circular Memo No.RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2020/3 Dt.09.03.2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. –Reorganization of I&CAD Department –Circle Scale Establishment- Allotment of employees to territorial units- Posting of employees in different offices within the unit- Guidelines- communicated-Further Guidelines communicated- Reg
393 08/03/2021 Memo No.1453/Reforms/A1/2021 Irrigation Department-MNREGS-TS-Works taken up under MNREGS-Provision for Summer allowance-Take necessary action-Reg
394 06/03/2021 ENC(Admn)/SE(P&M)/EE(Tech)/DEE1/AEE1/SOR21-22 Dt:04.03.2021 Irrigation Department-Preparation of SoR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2021-22-Requested-Reg
395 06/03/2021 ENC(G)/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE2/GST/2021 Dt:04.03.2021 Irrigation Department-Implementation of Goods and Service Tax and finalization of GST rates for the years from 2004-05 to 2008-09-Communication of minutes of ENCs level meeting Dt:23.02.2021-Regarding
396 24/02/2021 ENC(G)/SE(P&M)/EE(PPMU)/DEE3/AEE2/Rly Crossings/2021 Dt:23.02.2021 Irrigation Department-Conducting of regular Review meetings regarding ongoing Prioritized Irrigation Projects and Completion of Pending Railway Crossings in Canal network on priority-Regarding
397 22/02/2021 ENC(G)/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE.2/DEE.2/AEE.5/Covid@bills/2020-21 Dt:18.02.2021 Irrigation Department-Covid 19 Pandemic-Certain reliefs considered in works contracts in line with the reliefs considered by Govt of India-Further Instructions-Issued-Regardingr
398 19/02/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Digital key/2021 Dt:17.02.2021 Irrigation Department-New Guidelines for issuing of Class-III DSC Keys w.e.f 01.01.2021-Regarding
399 18/02/2021 ENC(Admn)/SE(P&M)/DEE2/AEE6/2021-21 Dt:09.02.2021 Irrigation Department- Immediate Shifting of Head Offices of Territorial ENCs/CEs/SEs from Jalasoudha Building-Notice-Communicated-Regarding
400 11/02/2021 Lr.No.ENC(Gen)/SE(P&M)/EE(PPMU)/DEE3/AEE/2020-21 I & CAD Dept.,- TSFD - FCA - Time line for obtaining the stage -II(Final) approval under F(C) Act, 1980 - Compliance reports pending - Meetings proposed to be convened by PCCF , Govt of Telangana to sort out issues - to attend scheduled meeting on 13.02.2021 by the concerned territorial ENCs/CEs - communicated - Reg.
401 11/02/2021 Endt No.RC/ENC(Admn)/C1/10022020/2021, Dt.10.02.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Incharge Arrangements to the post of Executive Engineer-Modification of Postings and Transfers-Orders-Issued-Reg
402 05/02/2021 Rc/ENC/C1/17082060/2021 Dt:05.02.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES - Willingness to work on deputation basis in GRMB and KRMB-Called for-Regarding
403 05/02/2021 RC/ENC/C1/10122020/2021 Estt-TSES-Incharge arrangements to the post of ENC,CE,SE and EE for the panel year 2020-21-Not Joined in stipulated time-Cancellation of incharge arrangement orders-Regarding
404 05/02/2021 RC/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2020 Dt:04.02.2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept-Reorganization of I&CAD Department-Circle Scale Establishment-Calling for Options from the concerned staff for adjustment and allocation-Procedure for entry of options of Record Assistants and LGS employees by unit offices -Reg
405 03/02/2021 ENC(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:03.02.2021 Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana –Two day Workshop on “Proactive Disclosure of Information under RTI Act “ from 05.02.2021 to 06.02.2021 – Nominations Called for – Reg
406 03/02/2021 Rc/ENC(Admn)/ADA/AEE2/Restructure/2021/1 Dt:03.02.2021 Irrigation Department-Modification of District Irrigation Officer for Siddipet District - Orders Issued
407 02/02/2021 RC/ENC/D2/Transfers/2021 Dt:02.02.20211 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES - Instructions to AEE/AEs for not approach directly ENC(Admin) office for transfers - Reg
408 01/02/2021 Rc/ENC/E2/21013010/2021 Dt:01.02.2021 Cancellation of Promotion orders from the cadre of Technical Assistant to Junior Technical Officer - Orders Issued
409 29/01/2021 Circular No: Rc/ENC(Admin)/ADA/AEE2/Seniority/2020 Dated:28.01.2021 Irrigation & CAD Dept. –Reorganization of I&CAD Department –Circle Scale Establishment- Calling for options on online from the concerned staff for adjustment and allocation- Regarding
410 28/01/2021 Circular Memo No. Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2020-2 T.S - Irrigation & CAD Department - Submission of Annual Property Returns for the year 2020 in respect of all the cadres including circle scale establishment - Extension of time period for online submission of APRs 2020 - Regarding
411 23/01/2021 MEMO.NO.5665/POLL. B/ 2020-22 DATED:22.01.2021 State Functions- Republic Day Celebrations, 2021 Pattern of Celebrations in Districts - Instructions Issued.
412 23/01/2021 Circular No: ENC(Admin)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE2/21 Dated:23.01.2021 Estt. - I&CAD Dept. - Instructions for not to make correspondence related to SGP, SPP-I etc., of all category employees - Reg
413 22/01/2021 RC/ENC(AW)/C1/3122020/2020, Dt.20.01.2021 Estt-I&CAD Dpet-TSES-Amendment to G.O Rt No.333, I&CAD(Ser-II), Dept, Dt.30.12.2020-Orders-Issued-Reg
414 18/01/2021 RC/ENC/ E2/555/2021, Dt: 18.01.2021 TSIESS – Verification of List for the Promotions to the cadre of J.T.O, A.T.O and T.O – Reg
415 15/01/2021 Memo No.Rc/ENC/12/07126/2020-1, Dt.11.01.2021 TS-I&CAD Dept-Submission of APRs for the year 2020 -Extension of time period for online submission of APRs-2020-Reg
416 12/01/2021 Memo.No.60n5/Al/BG202l Date: 12.01.2021 B.E 2020-2l -I&CAD Dept., -Reorganization of the Department - admission of bills Instructions Issued.
417 11/01/2021 Rc/ENC/D2/12063040/2016, Dt.11.01.2021 Estt-I&CAD Deptt-Seniority list of Superintendents for appointment by transfer of NTPA to ENCs/CEs/SEs-Spl CRs-called for-Reg
418 08/01/2021 Endt No: Rc/ENC{Admn)/C1/31122020/2020-1 Dated:08.01.2021. I8CAD Dept - Reorganization of the Irrigation Department - Certain working arrangements - Regarding.
419 08/01/2021 Endt No: Rc/ENC(Admn)/C1/31122020/2020 Dated:08.01.2021. I&CAD Dept - Reorganization of the Irrigation Department - Certain FAC arrangements -Regarding.
420 07/01/2021 Cir Ltr No: ENC(G)/P&M/EE/DEE2/AEE5/COVID-19/2021, Dt:06.01.2021 I & CAD Dept- COVID-19 Relaxations - Release of Performance BGs & Retention Money as granted by GoI on the extent of works already completed - Certain Reliefs extended to Works in Telangana.
421 06/01/2021 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/Admin/F3/15071025/2020(ACRs) dated 06.01.2021 P.S - Irrigation & CAD Department - TSES - Annual Confidential Reports in respect of AEEs - Called for - Reg
422 05/01/2021 Endt No:- Rc/ENC/AW/E.1/21011184/2021 dated 05-01-2021 I&CADD - Promotions to all categories - Convening the DPCs for 3rd and above level gazetted posts in the State - Certain Instructions - Issued - Reg
423 05/01/2021 Circular Memo.No.ENC/IW/SE(P&M)/NTPA/W2/WC Estt./2019-5, dated 05-01-2021 Est-I&CADD - NMR/Full Time/Part Time employess - Particulars called for- Reg
424 05/01/2021 Endt. No. RC/ENC/C1/20111500/2020/16249 dt:31.12.2020 Irrigation & CAD Department - T.S.E.S - Gazetted Officers - Retirement of ENCs/CEs/SEs and EEs on attaining the age of superannuation during the calender year 2021- Notoification - Issued
425 04/01/2021 Endt No.Rc/ENC(Admn)/C1/31122020/2020 dated 04.01.2021 Estt - TSES - Incharge arrangement to the post of Executive Engineer- Posting orders issued- Reg.
426 31/12/2020 Endt. No.Rc/ENC(AW)/C1/31122020/2020 ,Dt:31-12- 2020 I&CAD Dept- Reorganisation of the Irrigation Department - Declaring the jurisdictions of (19) Territorial Engineer-in-Chiefs/ Chief Engineers and (9) Head quarter Engineer-in-Chiefs/ Chief Engineers - Order - Issued.
427 31/12/2020 Endt. No.Rc/ENC(AW)/C1/31122020/2020,dt:31-12- 2020 Irrigation & CAD Department - TSES In-charge arrangements to the posts of Superintending Engineers, in relaxation of Rule 10 (h) of T.S. State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 - Posting orders of Superintending Engineers Orders Issued.
428 31/12/2020 Endt. No.Rc/ENC(AW)/C1/31122020/2020 ,dt:31-12- 2020 Irrigation & CAD Department - TSES - In-charge arrangements to the posts of Engineer-in-Chiefs and Chief Engineers, in relaxation of Rule 10 (h) of T.S. State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 - Posting orders of Engineer-in-Chiefs/Chief Engineers Issued.
429 29/12/2020 Circular Memo.No.RC/ENC/B3/Retirements-2021 dt:22.12.2020 EStt-Irrigation& CAD Deptt-TSES-Dy.E.Es due to retire from service on superannuation in the calendar year 2021-particulars called for-reg.
430 24/12/2020 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/E1/19071048/2019 dated:22.12.2020 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES- Promotion to the post of Senior Assistant against the Roster Point No.6- Clarification -Orders -Issued.
431 16/12/2020 RC/ENC/I2/07126/2020, Dt.14.12.2020 TS-Irrigation & CAD Department-Submission of Annual Property Returns for the year 2020 in respect of all cadres CE's, SE's, EE's, DEE's and NTPA's-Reg
432 08/12/2020 RC/ENC/F3/Retirements/2020, Dt.05.12.2020 Estt-I&CAD Deptt-TSMS-TSLGS-Due to retire from service in the calender year 2021-Particulars Called for-Reg
433 03/12/2020 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Mandatory Trainings/2020 Dt:02.12.2020 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-Training Programmes for the month of December 2020-Post Promotion Trainings to DEEs&EEs and Ministerial Staff on Service Matters-Communication of Schedule of Trainings-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
434 27/11/2020 Memo No.5419/Genl.L&C/2020-1 Estt-I&CAD Dept-GHMC Elections-Imposing ban on tranfers of Govt Employees those who are drafted for GHMC Elections till completion of Elections-Orders-Issued
435 24/11/2020 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2020 Dated: 24.11.2020 I&CAD Department – GHMC Elections – Election Notification issued on 17.11.2020 – Model Code of conduct came into force – Observance of MCC during the Election period – intimation – Reg.
436 20/11/2020 Rc/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE6/2020 Dt:19.11.2020 Estt-I&CAD Dept-HRMS-Updating and furnishing the details of all the Employees in HRMS Website-Reg
437 20/11/2020 ENC(AW)/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE-1/AEE-1/SOR 21-22/Vol.I Dt:19.11.2020 I&CAD Department-Revision and updation of standard dat (SoR) in all Engineering/Public Works Departments and other organisations-information called for pertaining to new data ofMaterials and Machinery from all HODs of I&CAD Dept and other public works Departments to update SoR 20121-2022-Regarding
438 20/11/2020 RC/ENC/B3/Retirements-2012 Dt:16.11.2020 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-DEEs due to retire from service on superannuation in the calendar year 2021-Particulars called for-Reg
439 17/11/2020 RC/ENC/B3/20101460/2020/15034 Dt:10.11.2020 Estt-Irrigation & CAD Deptt-Deputations - Appointment on deputation basis to the post of Deputy Executive Engineer in GRMB - Willingness called for -Reg.
440 17/11/2020 Rc/ENC/A4/20062019/14960 Dt:10.11.2020 Establishment - I& CAD Dept.-TSES and TSESS - AEEs - Verification of Character and Antecedents of candidates selected for appointment to the post of AEE's - Submission of Attestation form on online - Information - Request - Regard.
441 13/11/2020 Rc/ENC/A1/110/2020 Dt:12.11.2020 I&CAD Department-TSES-Provisional Seniority list of 2013 PSC batch (Supplemental Notification No.41/2011 to 31/2011)-Objections Called for-Reg
442 29/10/2020 RC/ENC/D1/15011940/2016 Dt:22.10.2020 Estt-Irrigation&CAD Dept-TSES-AEEs/AEs and NTPAs due to retire from service in the calander year 2021-Particulars called for-Reg
443 29/10/2020 ENC/IW/B2/1551/2016 Dt:21.10.2020 Estt-TSLGS-I&CAD Dept-Sri Shaik Mohammed,OS-Absconding from duties uncuthorizedly-Removal from Service-Orders issued
444 20/10/2020 Rc/ENC/B3/20071595/2020 Dt:16.10.2020 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Sanction of additional pay-Obtaining Prior approval of the Government before completion of first three months period-Certain Instruction-Issued
445 19/10/2020 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE2/Reorganisation/ Dt.16.10.2020 Estt-Reorganisation of the Irrigation & CAD Department-Meeting-Reg
446 12/10/2020 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/2020 Dt:09.10.2020 I&CAD Department-Inviting Registrations/Nominations for online certification in Dam and Safety Assurance-Calling on online nominations-Participation-Reg
447 28/09/2020 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/DEE(Comp)/AEE2/Misl/2020, Dt.24.09.2020 ACB-Estt-Filling up of (3) Vacant Posts of Engineering Wing in ACB -Panel of Officers-Requested-Reg
448 23/09/2020 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE2/Re-organisation/, Dt.23.09.2020 Estt-Reorganisation of Irrigation & CAD Department-Meeting-Reg
449 23/09/2020 RC/ENC/E1/19071355/2020 Dt:19-09-2020 Estt., - I&CAD Department - TSGSS - Sri. MD. Aijazul Haq, Record Assistant, Working in O/o the EE, MIP Division, Mancherial, Of SYPC Circle, Karimnagar-Clarification on appiontment by transfer from the post of Record Assistant to Junior Assistant- Orders Issued.
450 22/09/2020 RC/ENC/B3/20081530/2019 DT:18-09-2020 Estt - I&CAD Department -TSES - Deputing in the cadre of DEE/EE to work in General Administration (Vigilance & Enforcement) Department under Foreign Service terms - Reg.
451 21/09/2020 Rc/ENC/Legal Cell/2020, Dt.19.09.2020 I&CAD Department-Pending Court cases in District Courts/Session Courts/ACB Courts in I&CAD Department-Entry of cases in the PMS Website-Regd
452 19/09/2020 RC/ENC/EE(Legal)/Dt.19.09.2020 Geo Tagging of the Minor Irrigation Tanks and Check dams-Regarding
453 16/09/2020 RC/ENC/C1/16051473/2020, Dt.16.09.2020 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSES-KRMB-Willingness in the cadre of Superintending Engineer to work on deputation in KRMB-Called for-Reg
454 15/09/2020 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE1/Online Regn/TS/2020 Dt:15.09.2020 I&CAD Department – Extension of validity of existing Contractor Registrations of all Classes and Categories in Telangana for a period of Six Months for which the validity is going to expire between 31.03.2020 to 30.06.2020 – communicated – Reg.
455 11/09/2020 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl/2020, Dt.11.09.2020 Estt-Irrigation & CAD Department-Updation of Entries in Service Book of all Employees-Instructions-Reg
456 09/09/2020 RC/ENC/D2/19121762/2019, Dt.08.09.2020 Estt-I&CAD Deptt-TSES-Willingness to work in Vigilance & Enforcement Department on deputation basis in the cadre of Assistant Executive Engineer-Called for-Reg
457 05/09/2020 RC/ENC/C3/RTI/17081845/2020, Dt.04.09.2020 RTI Act 2005-Details of Public Information Officers and Appellate Authorities of all Unit/Circle offices of I&CAD Department-Called for -Reg
458 01/09/2020 RC/ENC/E2/16121095/2016-6 DT:31-08-2020 Estt.,- I&CAD Department -TSESS- Revision of promotions in the cadre of Technical Assistant, Junior Technical Officer, Assistant Technical Officer and Technical Officer- Certain Instructions issued- Detailed report for-Reg.
459 27/08/2020 Lr.No. ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Awards dt: 24-08--2020 I&CAD Dept., - The Institution of Engineers (India) - 53rd Enginners' Day Celebrations (In Commemoration of 160th birthday of Bharat Ratna Sir Mokshafundam Visvesvaraya) Engineers' day Awards - Nominations Called for - Reg
460 25/08/2020 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE1/online REgn/TS/2020 Dt:24/08/2020 I&CAD Department - Tender Procedures and Registration of Contractors Rules - Amendment to Para (1) (e) i.e., Procedure for Registration of Annexure-II (Rules of Registration for Contractors) of G.O.Ms.No.94, I&CAD (PW-COD) Department, Dt:1-07-2003 for implementation and mandatory submission of online application for Registration of Contractors through web portal for Class-II to Class-V in the category of "Civil" - Further Instructions - Communicated - Reg.
461 18/08/2020 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.1/DEE.2/AEE.5/GST-Clari/2020 Dt:15.08.2020 I&CAD-Public Works-GST Clarification on the value of supply in works contracts for addition of GST and Memo of payment for work bills in GST regime-Communication of Govt.Orders-Regarding
462 17/08/2020 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE1/Online Regn/TS/2020 Dt:04.08.2020 Estt-I&CAD Department-Amendment tp Para (1) (e) i,e.Procedure for Registration of Annexure-II (Rules of Registration for Contractors) of G.O.Ms.94,I&CAD(PW-COD) Department,Dt:01.07.2003 for implemention and mandatory submission of online application for Registration of Contractors through web portal for Class-II to Class-V in the category of “Civil”-Orders-Communicated-Reg
463 12/08/2020 Rc/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE6/2020 Dt:12.08.2020 Estt-I&CAD Department-HRMS-Updating of data of the Employees in HRMS website through Office logins-Req-Reg
464 17/07/2020 Rc/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE6/2020 Dt:16.07.2020 Estt-I&CAD Department-Updation of Contact Numbers,EMail ID and Present Residential address of all the Employees in HRMS Website through their individual Logins-Req-Regarding
465 03/07/2020 Rc/ENC/B3/Field Service/2020 Dt:30.06.2020 Estt-Telangana Irrigation Engineering Service Rules 2018-Rendering field service of 2 years as AEE to become eligible for promotion to the post of DEE and 2 years field service as DEE to become eligible for promotion to the post of EE in the Department-Cancellation of the OD/Deputations orders issued to the DEEs and AEEs at their level-Instructions issued-Reg
466 30/06/2020 RC/ENC/C1/17082060/2020, Dt.30.06.2020 EStt-I&CAD Dept-TSMS-Filling up of Superintendent in Godavari River Management Board on deputation basis-Willingness Called for-Reg
467 27/06/2020 Lr No.ENC/IW/P&M/EE.1/DEE.2/AEE5/SBD/2017, Dt.24.06.2020 I&CAD Dept-Common Standard Bid Document (CSBD) for all Engineering Departments-Labour Enactments-Incorporation of all relevant amended Labour Acts/Laws and other guidelines in all the Tender documents/Agreements of I&CAD Dept-Directions communicated for compliance -Not being implemented uniformly -Represented by the Secretary, INTUC AP & Telangana-Instructions-Communicated-reg
468 26/06/2020 Rc/ENC/C1/COVID-19/2020 Dt:24.06.2020 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSES-Keeping in view of spreading of Covid19-Certain instructions regarding local arragements to the post of DDO-Orders -Issued
469 25/06/2020 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Harithaharam/2020 dt:24.06.2020 I&CAD Department- Telangana Haritha Haram Programme for the year 2020-Reg.
470 18/06/2020 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Awards Dt:17.06.2020 I&CAD Department-Padma Awards-Recommendations of the State Goverment for Padma Awards to be announced on the occasion of Republic Day 2021-Nominations Called for-Reg
471 11/06/2020 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/A1/110/2020, Dt: 11.06.2020 Review of panels of AEEs, AEs, DMs, Gr.-I, Spl Gr., A/T., for promotion as DEE on notional basis for the panel year from 1975-76 to 2004-05 of Zone V & IV prepared by WRD AP - Orders Communicated –Reg.,
472 08/06/2020 Rc/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6/Misl Dt:08.06.2020 I&CAD Department-Official dealings between the Administration and Members of Parliament and State Legislature-Observance of Proper Procedure-Reg
473 04/06/2020 ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE.2/AEE.5/BOCEs/60(C)/2020, Dt.02.06.2020 I&CAD Dept-Delay in Commencement or Progress or neglect of work by the Agencies-Deletion and entrusting of certain components/balance portion of Contract Agreement works to new agencies-Invoking of Clause 60(C) of PS to APDSS for maintaining the rate of progress -Correct interpretation and adoption of Clause 60(C)-Proposed for discussion as Agenda issue in ensuing Board of Chief Engineers (BOCEs) meeting-Details of entrusted works under 60(C) for the last 10 years-Requested-Reg
474 04/06/2020 RC/ENC/C1/20031894/2020, Dt.30.05.2020 Estt-I&CAD Department-Filling up the Post of "Director of Pay Matrix in the North Eastern Regional Institute of Water and Land Management(NERIWALM), Tejpur, Assam under Ministry of Jal Shakthi on deputation basis -Willingness of Officers called for -Reg
475 03/06/2020 Rc/ENc/C1/19111620/2019 Dt:28.05.2020 Irrigation & CAD Dept-TSES-Gazetted Officers-Retirement of three (03) I/c EEs during the Calendar year 2020-Notification Issued
476 30/05/2020 Circular Memo No. Rc/ENC/F3/15071025/2019 (ACRs) Dt.29.05.2020 I &CAD Department-Extension of time period for online submission of ACRs-2020- Further Instructions Issued- Regarding
477 22/05/2020 ENC/IW/SE/P&M/EE/DEE2/AEE5/Encroachments/2020 Dt:22.05.2020 Estt-I&CAD Department- Removal of Encroachments on the properties of I&CAD Department-Certain instructions issued by the Govt-Communicated-Regarding
478 22/05/2020 ENC(AW)/EE(e-Gov)/DEE(e-Gov)/AEE3/2020/May/01 Dt:20.05.2020 Esst-I&CAD Department-Updation of Project Information Website-Regarding
479 20/05/2020 Lr No.ENC/IW/SE/P&M/EE/DEE2/AEE5/TSbPASS/NOCs/2020, Dt.16.05.2020 I&CAD Dept-DT&CP, Hyderabad-TSbpass-Online disposal of Building and Layout applications under TS-bPASS as per the provisions of Telangana Municipalities Act 2019-Request to supply the data on ULB wise, District wise Organisation structure of the Department, NOC relates GOs and Circulars and FTL drawings guidelines etc., Instructions-Communicated-Final Reminder-Reg
480 20/05/2020 RC/ENC/B3/Field Service/2020 Esst-Telangana Irrigation Engineering Service Rules 2018-Rendering field service of 2 years as AEE to become eligible for promotion to the post of DEE and 2 years field service as DEE to become eligible for promotion to the post of EE in the Department-Instructions issued-Reg
481 08/05/2020 Lr No.ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE.2/AEE5/TS bPass/NOCs/2020, Dt.06.05.2020 I&CAD Dept-DT&CP, Hyderabad-TSbpass-Online disposal of Building and Layout applications under TS-bPASS as per the provisions of Telangana Municipalities Act 2019-Request to supply the data on ULB wise, District wise Organisation structure of the Department, NOC relates GOs and Circulars and FTL drawings guidelines etc., Instructions-Communicated-Reminder-Reg
482 27/04/2020 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/12/07126, Dt.20-04-2020. T.S. -I&CAD Dept., - APRs o f AEES/AEs submission oa APRS - Instructions - Reg.
483 27/04/2020 Cir.letter No ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE.2/AEE.5/SBD/2017,Dt:25.04.2020. I & CAD Dept - Incorporation of Labour enactments laws in all the Tender Documents/Agreement Bonds of works in Irrigation ft CAD Department - certain observation submitted for necessary action in the matter - Instructions - Communicated - Reg.
484 24/04/2020 Lr.No.ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE.2/AEE.5/TS bPASS/NOCs/2020,Dt:22.04.2020 I & CAD Dept., - OT&CP, Hyderabad - TS bPASS - Online disposal of Building and Layout applications under TS-bP ASS as per the provisions of Telangana Municipalities Act 2019 - Request to supply the data on ULB wise, District wise Organization structure of the Department, NOC relates GOs and Circulars and FTL drawings guidelines etc.- Instructions - Communicated - Regarding.
485 21/04/2020 Rc/ENC/A2/A4/ AEE’s/2018 PSC / 2020 Dt: 21-04-2020 Guidelines for Online submission of Proposals for Commencement of Probation in respect of 2018 PSC AEEs-Reg
486 18/04/2020 Lr.No.RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Trainings to EEs/2020, Dt.18-04-2020. WALAMTARI- I&CAD Dept., - Postponement of all the Trainings scheduled by WALAMTARI, Hyderabad until further orders - Intimation - Reg.
487 16/04/2020 Rc/ENC/ADA/AEE3/Mandatory trainings to EEs/2020, Dt.16.04.2020 Walamtari-I&CAD-One Week Post Promotion Training to the newly promoted Executive Engineers-Modified list of Trainings-Postponed-Reg
488 15/04/2020 RC/ENC/F3/15071025/2017, Dt.15.04.2020 Annual Confidential Reports in respect of AE/AEE/DEE/EE and Superintending Engineers and their maintenance-Submission of ACRs for 2019-20 on online-Instructions-Issued-Reg
489 13/04/2020 Endt No.RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General.C/2020/TS Dated: 13.04.2020 COVID-19- Extension of Lockdown period up to 30-04-2020-Orders-Communicated-Reg
490 08/04/2020 Lr.No.RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2019, Dt.08-04-2020. WALAMTARI- I&CAD Dept., -4days Training Programme on " Planning, Estimation & Execution" to Executive Engineers (Batch-V) of I&CAD Dept., Govt., of Telangana - Communication of postponement of schedule of Training programme ( Batch-V) from 17-04-2020 to 20-04-2020 - Reg.
491 28/03/2020 Endt No.RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General.C/2020/TS Dated: 28.03.2020 COVID-19-Extension of Lockdown period-orders-communicated-Reg
492 24/03/2020 Circular Memo. No. DCE/DDO/Genl/2020 dated.23.03.2020 Irrigation & CAD Department-COVID-19- General Lockdown- Certain Instructions- Issued
493 23/03/2020 Endt No.RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General.C/2020/TS, Dt.23-03-2020. Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID 19 in Government offices - Instructions - Issued.
494 19/03/2020 Rc/ENC/Legal Cell/2020, Dt.19.03.2020 I&CAD Dept-High Court for the State of Telangana-Filing counter affidavits/attending remarks mentioned by the Government Pleaders in cases pertaining to encroachment in Water Bodies-reg
495 19/03/2020 Memo No.RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General/2020/TS, Dt.19.03.2020 Irrigation & CAD -Disaster Management Act 2005-COVID-19-Preventive Measures to be taken up to contain the spread of Novel Corona Virus-Instructions Issued-Reg
496 17/03/2020 RC/ENC/G2/L&A/Q4/2019-20, Dt.16.03.2020 Loans and Advances-Loans to Government employees-Reallocation of funds towards House Building Advances for 4th quarter in the financial year 2019-20-Reg
497 16/03/2020 Lr.No.RC/ENC(AW)ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2020 Dt: 16-03-2020 Postponement of 14 Days training Programme on Advanced software “ Autocad , Total Station Survey and E –Survey Software for Junior level Engineer’s of I & CAD Department, Batch - I (18-03-2020 to 31-03-2020) - Intimation – Reg.,
498 16/03/2020 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.1/DEE2/AEE5/Misc/2019, Dt.10.03.2020 I&CAD Department-Convening of the Secretaries Conference on 29.02.2020 at 10.30 AM in the Conference hall 9th Floor B Block BRKR Bhavan-Action points-Communicated-Reg
499 13/03/2020 ENC/AW/P&M/EE/DEE-1/AEE-1/SOR 20-21/Vol.I, Dt.10.03.2020 Preparation of SOR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2020-21-Furnishing of draft rates along with supporting quotations for the basic input data required for the preparation of Revised Standard Data for the year 2020-21-Requested-Reg
500 12/03/2020 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Mandatory Trainings to EEs/2020, Dt.12.03.2020 Walamtari-I&CAD Dept-One Week Post Promotion Training Programes to the newly promoted Executive Engineers-Communication of postponement of schedule of Training to Batch-I due to Financial year closing-Intimation-Reg
501 11/03/2020 RC/ENC(AW)/G2/Supdt/2020, Dt.06.03.2020 Loans and Advances-Sanction of House Building Advance-Instructions-Issued-Reg
502 10/03/2020 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2020, Dt.10.03.2020 I&CAD Dept-Black Listing of NGOs-Further Action-Reg
503 07/03/2020 Rc/ENC/B3/Filed service/2020, Dt.06.03.2020 Estt-Telangana Irrigation Engineering Service Rules 2018-Rendering field service for two years to become eligible for promotion to the posts of DEE and EE in the Department-Instructions issued for submission of applicants-Reg
504 07/03/2020 Circular Memo. No. Rc/ENC/A1/110/2020 Dt 06.03.2020 Final Integrated seniority list of AEEs of Zone –V & VI up to 2008 PSC Batch including A/T AEEs
505 07/03/2020 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/mandatory Trainings to EEs/2020, Dt.06.03.2020 Walamtari-I&CAD Dept-One Week Post Promotion Training Programmes to the newly promoted Executive Engineers(In Charge arrangements in relaxation of Rule 10(h) of T.S.State and Subordinate Rules 1996)-Communication of schedule of Training to ENC(AW)-Deputing and Relieving of the Executive Engineers - Modified List of Trainings-Relieving of Participants for the training-Rege
506 04/03/2020 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD/2020, Dt.02.03.2020 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Trainings-Centre for Public Administration(CPA)-Training Programme on " Sensitization on Laws Related to Women(DoPT, GOI sponsored programme) from 05.03.2020 to 07.03.2020-Nominations Called for-Reg
507 29/02/2020 ENC(I)/P&M/EE/DEE.1/AEE.1/V&E/Recommendations Dt:24.02.2020 Esst-I&CAD Department-Verification of the works pertaining to Bathukamma Kunta in Jangaon District-Instructions issued to follow scrupulously while executing the work in their respective jurisdictions-Regarding
508 28/02/2020 Rc/ENC/A2/AEEs/2018 PSC/2020 Dt:28.02.2020 Esst-I&CAD Department-Proposals for Commencement of probation & Declaration of Probation in respect of AEEs of 2018 PSC batch-Reg
509 27/02/2020 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2020 Dt:25.02.2020 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Department-14 days training programme on Advanced Software for AEEs-Schedule and list of participents for 5 batches-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
510 27/02/2020 ENC/AW/P&M/EE/DEE-1/AEE-1/SOR 20-21/Vol.I Dt:25.02.2020 Preparation of SoR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2020-21-Requested-Regarding
511 27/02/2020 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD/2019 Dt:25.02.2020 Esst-I&CAD Department-Trainer Development Programmes-Sponsored National level course on "Experimental Learning Tools" from 03.03.2020 to 07.03.2020 at Dr.MCR HRD Institute-Inviting Nominations-Reg
512 25/02/2020 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Awards, Dt.24.02.2020 I&CAD Dept-Awards-Recommendations of the State Government for the Sardar Patel National Unity Awards in the filed of contribution to the Unity and Integrity of India-Nominations called for-reg
513 25/02/2020 Rc/ENC/D2/12063040/2016, Dt.20.02.2020 I&CAD Dept-TSMS-Promotions issued from the Junior Assistant/Typist to Senior Assistant post and from Senior Assistant post to Superintendent post-Irregular Promotions Noticed-Instructions for review of irregular promotions-Issued-Reg
514 24/02/2020 Circular Memo No. ENC/IW/P&M/EE .I/DEE.1)AEE1/Tender Digest Dt: 24-02-2020 Circular Memo No. ENC/IW/P&M/EE .I/DEE.1)AEE1/Tender Digest Dt: 24-02-2020
515 20/02/2020 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q3/2019-20, Dt.17.02.2020 Loans and Advances-Loans to Government employees-Reallocation of funds towards House Building Advance, Motor Cycle, Moped Advances-Reg
516 18/02/2020 Rc/ENC/F3/20021715/2020 Dt:18.02.2020 Esst-I&CAD Department-TSES-ACRs in respect of AEEs who are falling under Zonal consideration for promotion to the post of DEE-Called for-Reg
517 18/02/2020 Rc/ENC/E2/16121095/2016-5 Dt:18.02.2020 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSESS-Review of the Promotions to the cadre of JTO/ATO and TO-Details called for-Reg
518 10/02/2020 Rc/ENC/A1/110/2020 Dt:10.02.2020 Corrigendum-Provisional Integrated seniority list of AEEs of Zone V & VI upto 2008 PSC Batch including A/T AEEs
519 08/02/2020 Rc/ENC/A1/110/2020 dated 08-02-2020 Provisional Integrated seniority list of AEEs of Zone –V & VI upto 2008 PSC Batch including A/T AEEs
520 08/02/2020 Rc/ENC/D2/12063040/2016 Dt:04.02.2020 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSMS- Irregular Promotions Noticed from the Junior Assistant/Typist post to Senior Assistant post and Senior Assistant post to Superintendent Post – Instructions -Issued
521 05/02/2020 Rc/ENC/B1/1408151/A.P.Reorganisation/2019 Dt:27.01.2020 Estt-Irrigation&CAD Dept-A.P.Reorganization Act 2014-Interstate deputations-Certain Engineers of TS working on deputation in AP-not submitted proposals for extension of deputation for 5th year-Instructions-Issued-Reg
522 04/02/2020 Rc/ENC/AW/G4/Miscellaneous/General/2020 Dt:30.01.2020 I&CAD Department- Instruction issued regarding Official Language Telugu/Urdu-Communicated-Reg
523 04/02/2020 Rc/ENC/B1/140815/A.P.Reorganisation/2019 Dt:27.01.2020 Estt-Irrigation&CAD Dept-A.P.Reorganization Act 2014-Interstate deputations-Sri Y.Srinivasulu,AEE(Z-V) working on deputation in AP-not submitted proposals for extension of deputation for 5th year-Instructions-Issued-Reg
524 04/02/2020 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2019-20 Dt:01.02.2020 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-ITC 2018-12 Week Introductory Training Course(ITC) to the newly recruited AEEs(2018 Civil Recruitees)-Communication of Schedule of ITC Batch-VIII:Musi from 17.02.2020 to 08.05.2020-Relieving of Participants-Requested-Reg
525 29/01/2020 Endt No.Rc/ENC/AW/G.1/Miscellaneous/general/2019, Dt.28.01.2019 I&CAD Dept-Observation of silence on 30th January, 2020 at 11.00 AM, two(2) minutes in the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for India's freedom-certain instructions-Issued-Reg
526 28/01/2020 Rc/ENC/D2/19121762/2019 Dt:28.01.2020 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Willingness to work in Vigilance&Enforcement Department on deputation basis in the cadre of Assistant Executive Engineer-Called for-Regarding
527 22/01/2020 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD/2020 Dt:22.01.2020 I&CAD Department-Training of Trainers Course on Right to Information Act-Inviting Nominations-Requested-Reg
528 20/01/2020 Rc/ENC/AW/G2/2020 Dt:18.01.2020 I&CAD Department-National Voters Day on 25.01.2020-Taking up of "National Voters Day"(NVD) pledge by the Staff and Officers in Government Departments, Offices and Educational Institutions on 25.01.2020-Regarding
529 18/01/2020 ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE2/AEE4/Meeting Dt:17.01.2020 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Reforms and Restructuring of I&CAD Department -Meeting with ENCs,CEs and Retired Engineers on 23.01.2020 at 3.30 PM-Regarding
530 13/01/2020 Rc/ENC (AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl Dated: 13 .01.2020 Workshop on Reforms and Restructuring of Irrigation & CAD Department- Formation of Working Groups-Reg
531 10/01/2020 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2019-1 Dt:10.01.2020 I&CAD Department-Extension of time period for online submission of APRs-2019-Regarding
532 10/01/2020 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHTD/2020 Dt:08.01.2020 I&CAD Department-Training Programme on "Equality for Women" from 21.01.2020 to 23.01.2020 at Dr.MCR HRD Institute-Nominations Called for-Reg
533 10/01/2020 Rc/ENC/AW/ADA/AEE3/Outsourcing/2020-21/TS Dt:08.01.2020 I&CAD Department-Continuation of Outsourcing personnel working in various offices -Submission of consolidated proposals-Reg
534 08/01/2020 Rc/ENC/D1/15011940/2016, Dt.04.01.2020 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Retirement of NTPAs on attaining age of superannuation of 58years during the calender year 2020-Orders-Issued-Reg
535 08/01/2020 Rc/ENC/D1/15011940/2016, Dt.06.01.2020 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES/TSESS-Retirement of AEEs/AEs on attaining age of Superannuation of 58 years during the calender year 2020-Orders-Issued-Reg
536 03/01/2020 RC/ENC/legal Cell/2019, Dt.02.01.2020 I&CAD Dept-Pending Court Cases-Filing Counter Affidavits/Attending Remarks mentioned by the Government Pleader-Certain Guidelines-reg
537 03/01/2020 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD/2019, Dt.03.01.2020 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Trainer Development Programmes(TDP)-DoPT Sponsored National Level course on " Experimental Learning Tools"(ELT) from 21.01.2020 to 25.01.2020-Inviting Nominations-Reg
538 03/01/2020 RC/ENC/C1/1911120/2019, Dt.31.12.2019 I&CAD Dept-TSES-Gazetted Officers-Retirement of ENCs/CEs/SEs and EEs on attaining the age of Superannuation during the calender year 2020-Notification-Issued-reg
539 03/01/2020 ADV/LIS/F.O&M/Do's & Don't Do's/D.No.3/2020, Dt.02.01.2020 Lift Irrigation Schemes-Do's and Don'ts at Operation & Maintenance of Pumping Stations-Reg
540 02/01/2020 ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCHHRD/2019, Dt.31.12.2019 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Insititute of Telangana-center for Public Administration(CPA)-Two day workshop on "Proactive Disclosure of Information under RTI Act"-Nominations called for-Reg
541 28/12/2019 Rc/ENC/A1/Reforms/2019 Dt:28.12.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Correspondence on Service matters of the individuals-Mention Employee Id,Name,Designation of the individual compulsory-Certain Instructions- Issued
542 28/12/2019 RC/ENC/B3/Retirements-2020/2019 Dt:27.12.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Dy.EEs due to retire from service on superannuation in the calender year 2020-Particulars called for-Reg
543 20/12/2019 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2019 Dt:18.12.2019 I&CAD Department- Submission of Annual Property Returns through online for the year 2019 in respect of all cadres-Reg
544 20/12/2019 ENC/AW/P&M/EE/DEE2/AEE4/Inventory Dt:13.12.2019 I&CAD Department-Workshop on "Inventory of the department of respective units and present system suitability and reorganization of I&CAD Department" on Dt:21.12.2019 at 11:00 AM at The Institution of Engineers(India),Visvesvaraya Bhavan,Khairatabad,Hyderabad-Intimation-Regarding
545 18/12/2019 Lr.No. Rc/ ENC/AW/ADA/AEE3/Outsourcing/2019/20/TS Dt: 18-12-2019. Temporary manpower / services engaged in Government department and other intuitions under the control government - Prompt payment of remuneration/service charges - Certification – Reg
546 12/12/2019 Memo No.Rc/ENC/A1/24018/2019, Dt.12.12.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSES-Provisional Seniority list of Assistant Executive Engineers from 1978 PSC to 2007 batch including appointment by transfer Assistant Executive Engineers of Zone-I to VI published by Engineer-in-Chief(Admin), Water Resource Department, A.P-Objections Called for-reg
547 10/12/2019 Lr. No.ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/2019 , Dt: 10-12-2019 34th Indian Engineering Congress – 27th to 29th December, 2019 – Deputing Delegates – Request - Reg.
548 09/12/2019 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/2019, Dt.09.12.2019 WALAMTARI-ITC-2018-12 Week Induction Training Course(ITC) to newly recruited AEEs(2018 Recruitees) of I & CAD Department, Government of Telangana-Communication of schedule of ITC Batch-VII-PRANAHITHA from 16.12.2019 to 07.03.2019 Deputing and Relieving of the Nominated participants-Intimation – Reg
549 09/12/2019 Rc/ENC/E2/17061706/2017, Dt.06.12.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSMS-Request for Appointment by Transfer to the Post of Technical Assistant from Office Subordinate-Instructions-Issued-Reg
550 02/12/2019 RC/ENC/D1/15011940/2016, Dt.28.11.2019 Estt-Irrigation & CAD Deptt-TSES-AEEs/AEs and NTPAs due to retire from service in the calender year 2020-Particulars called for-reg
551 29/11/2019 Rc/ENC/C1/19102158/2019 Dt:28.11.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Filling of Posts of CE Level(II) in National Water Development Agency and Director,National Institute of Hydrology,Roorkee and Director, CW&PR Station Pune-Willing of officers called for-Regarding
552 27/11/2019 RC/ENC/B3/Retirements-2020/2019 Dt:25.11.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSES-DEEs due to retire from service on superannuation in the calendar year 2020-Particulars called for-Reg
553 21/11/2019 Rc/ENC/F3/15071025/2019(ACRs) Dt:18.11.2019 Reminder-TSES-I&CAD Dept-Annual Confidential Reports of DEEs and above cadre-Certain Instructions-Issued-Reg
554 20/11/2019 ENC/IW/P&M/NTPA/W2/771/2017 Dt:14.11.2019 I&CAD Department-Wages to Casual Labour/Daily Wage Worker,Full Time Contingent Worker/Consolidated pay worker and Part Time Worker paid from Contingencies on the Government Offices-Revision-Orders Communicated-Reg
555 19/11/2019 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q2/2019-20 Dt:14.11.2019 Loans and Advances-Reallocation of funds towards House Building,Motor Cycle,Moped,Personal Computer,Motor Car Advances for 2nd quaters in the financial year 2019-20-Reg
556 04/11/2019 Rc/ENC/A1/37119/2017 Dt:01.11.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Integrated Seniority list of AEs/AEEs as per G.O.Ms.No.32 Dt:25.04.2018-Objections called for -Reg
557 30/10/2019 Rc/ENC/AW/G.1/National Unity Day/191019999/2019 Dated:30.10.2019 I&CAD Department-Observance of "Rashtriya Ekta Diwas(National Unity Day)" on 31.10.2019-Reg
558 30/10/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl Dt:29.10.2019 I&CAD Department-Implementation of PESA Act in Telangana-Reg
559 26/10/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2019 Dt:26.10.2019 I&CAD Dept-WALAMTARI-12 Week Introductory Training Course(ITC) to the newly recruited AEEs Civil Engineering(2018 Batch) -Batch-VI-MANJIRA from 04.11.2019 to 25.01.2020-Relieving of Participants-Requested-Reg
560 18/10/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2019 Dated:17.10.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-HRMS-Updation of Employee IDs of all the Employees in HRMS Website-Req-Regarding
561 16/10/2019 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(e-Gov)/AEE3/2019/Oct/01 Dt:14.10.2019 I&CAD Dept-Implementation of eSign in department applications-Procurement of eSign for DDOs/EEs-Regarding
562 01/10/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2019 Dt:01.10.2019 WALAMTARI- 3 day Training Programme on “Tendering, Accounting of Budget & Establishment Matters” to Superintending Engineers (2 batches) and 4 day Training Programme on “Planning, Estimation & Execution” to Executive Engineers (5 batches)-Communication of schedule of Training Programmes-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
563 30/09/2019 RC/ENC/E2/19041396/2019 Dt:30.09.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Certain information regarding formation of Unit/Circle/Division offices from inception-Called for-Regarding
564 25/09/2019 Lr No.ENC/IW/P&M/EE.1/DEE.2/AEE5/SBD/2017, Dt.21.09.2019 Agreement Bonds-Certain Changes/Additions proposed to the General Conditions/Special Conditions of the Agreement-Representation by the Secretary, INTUC on inclusion of certain Labour enactment laws-Incorporation of all the relevant Labour enactments laws in Tender Documents/Agreement Bonds of works in Irrigation & CAD Department-Instructions-Communicated-Reg
565 13/09/2019 RC/ENC/I2/07126/2019-1 Dt:13.09.2019 I&CAD Dept-Furnishing of APRs and ACRs of DEEs and above cadre-Certain Instructions Issued-Reg
566 06/09/2019 Circular Memo. No. Rc/ENC/A1/110/2018 Dated. 03.09.2019 Final seniority list of Assistant Executive Engineers of 2008 PSC batch & 2012 PSC batch including A/T AEEs from 01-01-2008 to 31-07-2012 of Zones V & VI
567 03/09/2019 Rc/ENC/D1/ Seniority list of Superintendents, Dt: 03.09.2019 Particulars of Superintendents for Review of Seniority list of Superintendents and inclusion of names of certain eligible Superintendents- called for
568 31/08/2019 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.1/DEE.2/AEE5/SCST Policy/2017/Vol.III Dt:19.08.2019 I&CAD Dept-Clarification for exemption of Solvency certificate for Registration of Contractors in Class III& Class IV(Civil Category) to Waddera/Sagara communities in terms of GO.Ms.No.59-Req-Reg
569 26/08/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2019 Dt:23.08.2019 WALAMTARI-ITC-12 Week Introductory Training Course(ITC) to the newly recruited AEEs Electrical Engineering(2018 Batch)-Batch V Penganga from 03.09.2019 to 23.11.2019-Relieving of participants-Req-Reg
570 19/08/2019 Rc/ENC/A1/37119/2017, Dated:17-08-2019 Final zone-wise seniority list of Assistant Engineers of Direct Recruitment/Appointment by Transfer through various sources during the period from 1990 to 2015, duly disposing off objections - Communicated - Reg.
571 19/08/2019 Lr.No.1012/Team-1/Trngs-MS Excel & Autocad/2019-20/174 Dt:17.08.2019 WALAMTARI-4 day Training Programme on MS Excel and Excel Macros from September 2019 to December 2019 and 3 day Training Programme on AUTOCAD/ZW CAD from August 2019 to November 2019 to AEEs/AEs and DEEs-Schedule of Trainings-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of participants for the training programme-Requested-Reg
572 17/08/2019 Endt No.RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2019/TS Dt:16.06.2019 Irrigation&CAD Dept- Preparednes on likely situations of intense Thunderstorm and Lightning in States in Monsoon Seasons-Dissemination of DO's and Dont's-Reg
573 16/08/2019 Memo.No 5082/Genl.A1/2019-1 Guidelines for Development of SDG State Indicator Framework
574 08/08/2019 RC/ENC/G2/2019 Dt:07.08.2019 Irrigation&CAD Dept-Independence Day Celebrations on 15.08.2019-Requested to attend office at 9.00 AM-Regarding
575 05/08/2019 Rc/ENC/E2/19041396/2019, Dt: 05.08.2019. Certain information regarding formation of Unit / Circle / Division offices from inception - Called for - Regarding
576 03/08/2019 ENC(I)/CAD/DEE/AEE/2505/2018-19(K) Dt:01.08.2019 I&CAD Dept-SCIWAM Committee 1st meeting for finalization of Khariff action plan of 2019-20 -Regarding
577 02/08/2019 Endt No.Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl/2 Dt:31.07.2019 Irrigation&CAD Dept-Uploading of all legislative documents on the New India Portal
578 02/08/2019 Endt No.Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl/1 Dt:01.08.2019 Irrigation&CAD Dept-Identification of Critical information Infrastructure-Regarding
579 26/07/2019 RC/ENC/C3/19071521-27/2019 Dt:25.07.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Details of complete postal address with pincode,landline number,mobile number,email id of Unit/Circle/Division offices-called for-Reg
580 22/07/2019 Memo No.ENC/IW/P&M/NTPA/W1/WC Estt./2019-6 Dt.12.07.2019 Work Charged Estt-Compassionate appointment to the cadre of Work Charged Establishment consequent to Act 2/1994-Reg
581 22/07/2019 Memo No.ENC/IW/P&M/NTPA/W1/WC Estt./2019-4 Dt.12.07.2019 Irrigation & CAD Department-Work Charged Establishment-Certain work charged employees promoting without the requisite technical qualifications prescribed in Government orders-Particulars called for-Reg
582 22/07/2019 Memo No.ENC/IW/P&M/NTPA/W1/WC Estt./2019-3 Dt.12.07.2019 Work Charged Establishment-Work charged employees those who converted into Work Charged Establishment from NMR service before completion of 5 years of NMR service-Particulars called for-Reg
583 22/07/2019 Memo No.ENC/IW/P&M/NTPA/W1/WC Estt./2019-2 Dt.12.07.2019 Work Charged Establishment-Review of appointments made with reference to Act 2/1994 and to take corrective steps in consultation with District Collector to accommodate them in regular establishment in the present vacancies-Particulars called for-Reg
584 22/07/2019 Memo No.ENC/IW/P&M/NTPA/W1/WC Estt./2019-1 Dt.12.07.2019 Work Charged Establishment-Work Charged employees those who have appointed after 25.11.1993 in Act No.2 of 1994-Particulars called for-Reg
585 18/07/2019 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE1/Regn Dt.16.07.2019 Registration of Contractors-Design, Development & Implementation of the web portal for Online Registration of Contractors-Extending Online application of Registration of Contractor facility for Class-II to Class-V/Categories in a phased manner-meeting held on 28th June 2019 at 3.00 PM-At BOC Hall 1st Floor, Jalasoudha Building-Final List of Nodal Offices-Identified-Reg
586 18/07/2019 Memo No.Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2019 Dt.18.07.2019 TSES-I&CAD Dept-Furnishing of Annual Property Returns of DEE's and above cadre and Annual Confidential Reports of DEE's and above cadre-Certain Instructions-Issued-Reg
587 18/07/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2019 Dt:17.07.2019 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Department-ITC 2018-12 Week Introductory Training Course(ITC) to the newly recruited AEEs(2018 Civil Recruitees) of ITC Batch-IV-KRISHNA from 30.07.2019 to 19.10.2019-Communication of Schedule -Relieving of Participants-Requested-Reg
588 15/07/2019 RC/ENC/E2/19051442/2019 Dt:10.07.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSESS-Certain instructions issued regarding sanction of periodical benefits i,e., Commencement and Completion of Probation,Annual Grade Increments,AAs to the cadre of JTOs,ATOs and TOs.
589 12/07/2019 Lr.No.ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:10.07.2019 Irrigation&CAD Dept-Department of personnel & Training (DOP&T) Govt.Of India-Traineer Developmemt Programmes (TDP) at MCR HRDIT,Hyderabad during 2019-20-Inviting Nominations-Reg
590 12/07/2019 ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE-2/AEE/SoR 2019-20/Vol.I Dt:04.07.2019 Irrigation&CAD Dept-Schedule of rates as per Telangana Revised Standard Data for the year 2019-20-Approved-Printing&Communication of SORs-Reg
591 08/07/2019 Memo No.RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Harita Haram/2019 Dt.06.07.2019 I&CAD Dept-Haritha Haram Programme for the Year-2019-List of Nominated District Coordinators & List of Nominated Nodal Officers-Reg
592 06/07/2019 The Telanga State Extra Ordinary Gazette dt:06.06.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSES-The Telangana State Extra Ordinary Gazette dt:06.06.2019 regarding final orders of Removal from Service issued against the employees 1.Smt I.Rajani,AEE 2.Kum.Srujana Sree Ramoju,AEE 3.Sri.A.Surendra,AEE 4.Sri.S.Madhukar,AEE and 5.Sri M.V.S.N.S.Hemanth Kumar,AEE.
593 04/07/2019 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018 Dt:04.07.2019 Corrigendum-Provisional Seniority list of AEEs of 2008 PSC batch & 2012 PSC batch including A/T AEEs of Zones V & VI - Objections - called for - Reg.
594 03/07/2019 Rc/ENC/A1/110/2018, dated: 03. 07.2019 Provisional Seniority list of AEEs of 2008 PSC batch & 2012 PSC batch including A/T AEEs of Zones V & VI – Objections – called for – Reg.
595 03/07/2019 Rc/ENC/A4/20062019/2019 Dt:03.07.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Submission of attestation forms by AEEs of 2018 PSC batch only through online from HRMS-Instructions-Issued
596 01/07/2019 ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE2/AEE5/MoRTH data Dt:23.06.2019 Irrigation&CAD Dept-Adoption of MoRTH Data in Irrigation works for Roads/CC Pavements etc-Guidelines Communicated-Regarding
597 28/06/2019 Circular Memo.No/ENC/AI/37119/2017 Dated: 28.06.2019. Provisional zone-wise seniority list of Assistant Engineers-change in mail ID- Extension of date for submission of objections-Reg
598 24/06/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE2 Dt.22.06.2019 Irrigation & CAD Department-General-DBT-Use of Aadhar in DBT Schemes-Judgement of Hon'ble Supreme Court-Reg
599 22/06/2019 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/AEe6/2019 Dt:21.06.2019 I&CAD Department-Furnishing the Incumbency pariculars of the Employees and Vacancy Position report for every month-Request-Regarding
600 19/06/2019 Rc/ENC/A1/37119/2017 Dt.19.06.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept., TESS-AEs-Provisional Zone-Wise Seniority list of Assistant Engineers of Direct Recruitment/Appointment by transfer through various sources during the period from 1990 to 2015-Communicated in terms of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India orders Dt.27-09-2016 in Civil Appeal No.9856-9860 of 2016-Objections called for -Reg
601 15/06/2019 RC/ENC/A1/Reforms/2019 , Dt: 15-06-2019 TSES/TSEES/TSMS/TSLGS – Correspondence on Service matters of the individuals – Mention Employees ID compulsory – Certain Instructions – Issued
602 15/06/2019 CE,GLIS, Warangal Corrigendum-III Dt.15.06.2019 Providing Consultancy Services for EIA Studies, Preparation of EMP and obtaining Environment Clearance for Construction of Balancing Reservoir in JCR DLIS-Corrigendum-III-Reg
603 15/06/2019 Lr No.Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE1/2019 Dt.15.06.2019 Registration of Contractors-Class-I-Registartion-Including information regarding the IT PAN number & GSTIN number of the contractor in the Special Class & Class-I Contractor Registration Proceedings-Reg
604 14/06/2019 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Awards Dt:14.06.2019 I&CAD Department-Padma Awards-Recommendations of the State Government for Padma Awards to be announced on the occasion of Republic Day,2020-Nominations Called for-Reg
605 13/06/2019 RC/ENC/C1/19051562/2019 Dt:04.06.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Recruitment of Officers of State Services of Telangana for the post of DGM(T) and Manager(T) on deputation basis-Willingness of officers called for-Reg
606 13/06/2019 LR No.Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q1/2019-20, Dt.12.06.2019 Loans and Advances-Loans to Government employees-Reallocation of funds towards House Building Advance, Motor Car Advance, Motor Cycle Advance, Moped Advance, Personal computer advance for 1st quarter in the financial year 2019-20-Reg
607 12/06/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Consultants Dt:11.06.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Appointment of Sri J.Vijay Prakash,ENC(Retd) as advisor on contract basis-Orders Issued-Reg
608 11/06/2019 CE/GLIS/EC/EIA consultants/ 2019,- Corrigendum-2 Providing consultancy service for EIA studies, preparation of EMP and obtaining environment clearance for Construction of Balancing Reservoir in JCR DLIS- Corrigendum-2
609 10/06/2019 CE/GLIS/EC/EIA consultants/ 2019,- Corrigendum-1 Providing consultancy service for EIA studies, preparation of EMP and obtaining environment clearance for Construction of Balancing Reservoir in JCR DLIS- Corrigendum-1
610 10/06/2019 RC/ENC/E2/19041396 Dt:07.06.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSESS-Formation of Unit/Circle/Division offices from inception-Certain information called for-Reg
611 30/05/2019 RC/ENC/G2/2019 Dt:30.05.2019 I&CAD Department-Telangana state Formation Day Celebrations on 02.06.2019-Requested to attend office at 8.00 AM-Regarding
612 29/05/2019 Rc/ENC/E1/17082151/2017 Dt:28.05.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSMS-Requirement of Ministerial staff on deputation basis to work in DG WALAMTARI,Hyderabad and PDDF Chelgal,Jagtial Dist-Reg
613 25/05/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2019 Dt:20.05.2019 I&CAD Department-Steps to be taken for betterment of the administration-Reg
614 23/05/2019 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/A1/3008/2018 Dt.22.05.2019 Maintenance of Lien and Seniority of all cadres of ministerial staff as per new Presidential Order-2018-Reg
615 21/05/2019 CE/GLIS/EC/EIA consultants/ 2019, Dated: 20.05.2019. Providing consultancy service for EIA studies, preparation of EMP and obtaining environment clearance for Construction of Balancing Reservoir in JCRDLIS, Telangana.
616 21/05/2019 RC/ENC/F3/15071025/2017 Dt:21.05.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Further instructions issued for Submission of Annualn Confidential Reports in respect of all the SEs/EEs/DEEs/AEE/AEs for the year 2018-19-Reg
617 15/05/2019 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/DEE(e-Gov)/AEE6/OTS&CDs/2019 Dt:14.05.2019 I&CAD Department-Construction of Off take sluices(OTs) and Check Dams(CDs)-Extending Mission Kakatiya IT Systems for monitoring and Bill Processing-Regarding
618 13/05/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misc Dt:13.05.2019 I&CAD Department-MCC Meeting held on 25.04.2019 at 11:00 AM-Minutes of the meeting -Communicated-Reg
619 03/05/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2018 Dt:02.05.2019 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Department-ITC 2018-Postponement of ITC Batch-III-Civil Godavari earlier scheduled from 08.04.2019 to 29.06.2019-Communication of Reschedule of dates from 27.05.2019 to 17.08.2019-Intimation-Reg
620 01/05/2019 Endt :RC/ENC(AW).I(1)/2072/2018 Dt.29.04.2019 Pay Revision Commission for the State Government Employees-Extension of Term with effect from 25.02.2019-Orders-Issued
621 27/04/2019 Memo No. RC/Engineer-in-Chief(Admin.Wing) /I2/07126/19-c dt: 27-04-2019 Permission to submit APRs and ACRs-2018 on online for the defaulters in the Engineering cadres (i.e. Executive Engineer/Dy.E.E./A.E.E./Assistant Engineer) during the period 29-04-2019 to 04-05-2019- instructions - Issued
622 24/04/2019 ENC/IW/P&M/NTPA/W2/NMRs.Reg/2017 Vol-II Dt:24.04.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Regularization of daily wage and temporary employees-Details with documents called for-Reg
623 22/04/2019 Memo No.RC/ENC/H3/2018 Dt.22.04.2019 Estt-IS-I&CAD Department-Information regarding the employees who have proceeded on Prolonged/Unauthorized absence-Verify the Service Books-Reg
624 20/04/2019 RC/ENC/A1/3008/2018, Dated: 18 -04-2019. Presidential Order - Local cadre of existing employees of Irrigation & CAD Department as per New Presidential Order - Uploading data of Work Charged Employees and submission of Sub Division wise Distribution of posts - circle wise – Instructions – Issued – Regarding.
625 18/04/2019 Memo No. RC/ENC/I2/07126/19-B dated: 18-04-2019. T.S. Irrigation & CAD Department – Annual Property Returns – defaulters- Assistant Engineers/Assistant Executive Engineers- further instructions – Issued.
626 18/04/2019 Lr No.ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainingd/2018-19 Dt.02.03.2019 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-14 days training programme on Advanced Software "Autocad, Total Station Survey, Civil 3D and e Survey" for Junior & Middle Level Irrigation Engineers(DEEs/AEEs/AEs) of I&CAD Dept., (Batch-XV) from 23.04.2019 to 06.0.2019-Communication of Reschedule f dates from 11.06.2019 to 24.06.2019 due to ZPTC & MPTC Elections-2019-Intimation-Reg
627 17/04/2019 RC/ENC/C1/18051979/2019 Dt:17.04.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Filling up of posts Engineering Wing in ACB-Willingness of Officers in the cadre of EE,DEE and AEE called for-Regarding
628 17/04/2019 Rc/ENC/C3/RTI/1st Quarterly reports/2019 Dt:17.04.2019 RTI ACT 2005-Submission 1st Quaterly reports for the year 2019 in C&G Forms-Reg
629 16/04/2019 Circular Memo No.Ec/ENC/E2/19041396, Dt.12.04.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Certain Information regarding formation of Unit/Circle/Division offices from inception-Called for-Reg
630 15/04/2019 Circular Memo No.RC/ENC/F3/15071025/2017 Dt.10.04.2019 Annual Confidential Reports in respect of AE/AEE/DEE/EE & SEs working on deputation in various Organisations-Submission of ACRSs for 2018-19-Offline-Further Instructions-Issued-Reg
631 15/04/2019 Endt No.ENC(I)/SE(PMU)/EE(P&M)/DEE-2/AEE4/IP&INF/19-20 Dt.08.04.2019 I&CAD Dept-TS-IPASS-Incentives for setting up the New Industrial Enterprises in Telangana Stata-Continuation of the Operational Period of the incentives schems i.e T IDEA and T-PRIDE - Orders-Communicated-Reg
632 15/04/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2018 Dt:15.04.2019 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Department-ITC 2018-Postponement of ITC Batch-III-Civil:Godavari earlier schedule from 08.04.2019 to 29.06.2019-Communication of postponement due to administrative reasons-Intimation-Requesting-Reg
633 04/04/2019 Rc/ENC/F3/15071025/2017 Dt:04.04.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Guidelines for online submission of ACRs for the year 2018-19
634 29/03/2019 ENC/I&W/EE.I/DEE.2/AEE.4/SOR19-20/Vol.I Dt:28.03.2019 Preparation of SoR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2019-20-Requested-Reg
635 26/03/2019 Expression of Interest PSMC Expression of interest for formulation of pumping Station Monitoring Center(PSMC) at Jalasoudha
636 22/03/2019 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q3/2018-19 Dt:22.03.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Loans and Advances to Goverment employees-Reallocation of funds towards House Building,Motor Cycle,Moped Advance for 4th quarter in the financial year 2018-19-Reg
637 20/03/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE1/Regn Dt.19.03.2019 Registration of Contractors-Design, Development & Implementation of the web portal for Online Registration of Contractors-Extending Online application of Registration of Contractor facility for Class-II to Class-V/Categories in aphased manner-meeting held on 4th February 2019 at 3.00 PM-At BOC Hall 1st Floor, Jalasoudha Building-Minutes Communicated-Reg
638 19/03/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017-18 Dt:15.03.2019 Estt-WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-14 days training programme on Advanced Software "Autocad,Total Station Survey,Civil 3D and e-survey" for DEEs/AEEs/AEs from 23.04.2019 to 06.05.219-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
639 19/03/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2018 Dt:15.03.2019 Estt-WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-ITC 2018-12 week Introductory Training Course(ITC) program to newly recruited AEEs Civil&Electrical(2018 Batch)-Postpone of training scheduled(08.04.2019 to 29.06.2019) due to Lok Sabha Elections 2019- Reschedule of dates from 15.04.2019 to 06.07.2019-Intimation-Reg
640 18/03/2019 RC/ENC/A1/3008/2018, Dt.18.03.2019 Presidential Orders – Local cadre of existing employees of Irrigation & CAD Department as per New Presidential Order – Circle Scale Establishment – Instructions for attending ENC Admin office – Issued – Reg.
641 14/03/2019 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q3/2018-19 Dt:12.03.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Loans to Goverment employess-Reallocation of funds towards House Building Advances,Motor Cycle Advance,Mopped Advances for 3rd quater in the financial year 2018-19-Reg
642 12/03/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Nodal officer/2019 Dt.07.03.2019 General Section-I&CAD Department-State Gazetteers-Constitution of " State Advisory Board" to oversee the preparation of State Gazetteer-Nomination of Nodal Officer-Reg
643 07/03/2019 960/Genl.A1/2019-1 Estt-I&CAD Department-Remittances of TDS amount-Request for issue of instructions to all DDO's in each Dept-Reg
644 02/03/2019 Memo No.ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE-2/AEE-4/SOR 19-20/Vol-I Dt.01.03.2019 Preparation of SOR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2019-20-Furnishing of draft rates along with supporting quotations for the basic input data required for the preparation of Revised Standard data for the year 2019-20-Requested
645 02/03/2019 Lr No.ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainingd/2018-19 Dt.02.03.2019 TS Forest Academy-Dulapally-"Processing of application for Forest Land Diversion under Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 for Department of I&CAD Dept -Nominations Submitted-Reg
646 02/03/2019 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/E2/19011070/2019 Dt.28.02.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSESS-Certain instructions regarding Sanction of Periodical benefits i.e Commencement and Completion of Probation, Annual Grade Increments,AAS to the cadre of JTO,ATO, and TO-Issued-Reg
647 28/02/2019 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/A1/3008/2018, Dt.23.02.2019 Presidential Order-Local Cadre of existing Employees of I&CAD Dept as New Presidential Order-Maintenance of the Seniority-Circle Scale Establishment-Instructions-Issued-Reg
648 26/02/2019 Memo No. RC/Engineer-in-Chief(A.W)/I2/07126/19-A Dated: 23-02-2019 T.S. Irrigation & CAD Department – Annual Property Returns of AE/AEEs and below cadres including circle scale establishment- Instructions – Issued- Reg
649 25/02/2019 Circular MEmo No.RC/ENC/B3/19011837/2019, Dt.23.02.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Deputing a Civil Engineer in the cadre of AEE/DEE to work in Telangana Floods Department for Women, Children, Disabled & Senior Citizens, Govt of Telangana, Hyderabad under Foreign Service Terms-Reg
650 09/02/2019 ENC(AW)/EE(ADMIN)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainings/2018-19 Dt:09.02.2019 Esst-I&CAD Department- Processing of application for Forest land diversion under Forest(Convervation) Act 1980 for Department of Irrigation&CAD -Nominations-Submitting -Reg
651 07/02/2019 RC/ENC/H3/2018 Dt:06.02.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Information regarding the employees who have proceeded on Prolonged/Unauthorized absence-Verify the Service Books-Regarding
652 07/02/2019 ENC(I)/SE(PMU)/EE(P&M)/DEE1/AEE1/ARB/19-20 Dt:02.02.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Settlement of disputes by way of arbitration in Government contracts by the International Center for Alternative Dispute resolution,regional Center,Hyderabad-Reg
653 07/02/2019 ENC(I)/SE(PMU)/EE(P&M)/DEE-2/AEE-4/RSQ/Dy.No S419/19-20 Dt:06.02.2019 Esst-I&CAD Department-Rajya Sabha Proviisionally Admitted Starred/Unstarred Question Dy.No.S419 regarding "Completion of Irrigation Projects in AP and Telangana"
654 02/02/2019 ENC(IW)/SE(PMU)/EE(P&M)/DEE1/AEE1/Roottopsolar/19-20 Dt:28.01.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Installation of Grid connected Rooftop Solar PV Power Plants on Govt.Buildings in Telangana State-Request-Reg
655 01/02/2019 Lr.No.RC/ENC/G1/Misc/2019 Dt:29.01.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Annual Inspection of Circles/Divisions/Sub Divisions by the ENCs/CEs/SEs/EEs-Certain instructions-Issued
656 01/02/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2018 Dt:01.02.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Postponement and Rescheduled of ITC Batch-III-Civil:Godavari from 08.04.2019 to 29.06.2019-Communication of Reschedule of dates-Intimation-Reg
657 31/01/2019 RC/ENC/G2/2019 Dt::30.01.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Attendance report called for working in Jalasoudha building on Republic day celebrations held at Jalasoudha premises on 26.01.2019-Regarding
658 29/01/2019 Rc/ENC/G.1/Miscellaneous/General/2019 Dt.29.01.2019 Observance of Silence on 30th January 2019(Wednesday) in memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for India's Freedom- Instructions-Reg
659 25/01/2019 Rc/ENC/A1/3008/2018, Dt: 25.01.2019. Uploading of HRMS Data in respect of Work Charged Employees – Instructions issued – Regarding.
660 24/01/2019 9960/GHMC.II/2018 Dt:03.01.2019 MA&UD Dept-GHMC-Approval of rates Centering&Scaffolding charges for CC/RCC Walls in GHMC-Board of Chief Engineers opined to take approval of competent authority-Approval-Orders-Issued
661 24/01/2019 RC/ENC/I2/07126/2018-1 Dt:22.01.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Extension of time period for Online submission of APRs 2018-Regarding
662 24/01/2019 RC/ENC/G2/2019 Dt:24.01.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Republic Day Celebrations on 26.01.2019-Requested to attend office at 9.00 AM-Regarding
663 21/01/2019 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Presidential Order Dt.19.01.2019 Presidential Order-Telangana Public Employment(Organisation of Local Cadres abd Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order-2018--Local Cadre of existing employees of Irrigation &CAD Dept as per New Presidential Order-To FIll the Proforma 2, 3 & 4 in Finance Portal-To attend the O/o The Engineer-in-Chief(AW)-Schedule-Reg
664 21/01/2019 Rc/ENC/F1/2018/1 Dt.02.01.2019 Pensions-I&CAD Dept., -Sanction of Pensionary benefits to the Charged officers-Certain instructions-Issued
665 21/01/2019 Rc/ENC/AW/ADA/Outsourcing/2019-20/TS Dt.19.01.2019 I&CAD Dept-Continuation of Outsourcing personnel working in various offices of I&CAD Dept., Govt of Telangana-Submission of consolidated proposals-Reg
666 19/01/2019 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:19.01.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Dr.MCR HRD-Two days Wokshop on "Proactive Disclosure of Information under RTI Act" from 07.02.2019 to 08.02.2019-Nominations Called for-Reg
667 17/01/2019 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q3/2018-19 Dt:11.01.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Loans to Government employees-Reallocation of funds towards certain advances for the 3rd quarter of FY 2018-19-Regarding
668 17/01/2019 Rc/ENC(AW)/G5/Attendance/2019 Dt:16.01.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Instructions on maintaining attendance and use of Biometric Devices-Certain Instructions issued
669 11/01/2019 Memo.No.70/General.A1/2019 Dt:08.01.2019 Irrigation&CAD Department-Elections to Gram Panchayats-Elections Notification issued on 01.01.2019-Observance of Model Code of Conduct during elections period-Reg
670 09/01/2019 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE1/Registration of Contractors Dt:09.01.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-Reminder-Certain regulations/Concessions in respect of reservation of works to SC/ST Contractors in public works-List of registered Contractors under all Classes in the prescribed format-Requested-Reg
671 08/01/2019 Memo No.RC/ENC/D2/18122018/2018 Dt.02.01.2019 Estt-I&CAD Dept-No Objection Certificate to obtain VISA and to visit abroad-Certain Instructions-Reg
672 07/01/2019 ENC(I)/SE(PMU)/EE(P&M)/DEE1/AEE1/SW/19-20 Dt:04.01.2019 Est-I&CAD Dept-Issue of Online Shooting permissions by single Window System by Film Development Corporation-Information called for-Reg
673 07/01/2019 ENC(I)/SE(PMU)/EE(P&M)/DEE1/AEE1/SW/19-20 Dt:04.01.2019 Est-I&CAD Dept-Issue of Online Shooting permissions by single Window SAystem by Film Development Corporation-Information called for-Reg
674 07/01/2019 RC/ENC/D2/1812046/2018 Dt:05.01.2019 Estt-I&CAD Department-To work on Deputation under Director General,Vigilance&Enforcement Department Hyderabad-Willingness called for-Reg
675 03/01/2019 Memo No.RC/ENC/D2/18122018/2018 Dt.02.01.2018 Estt-I&CAD Department-No Objection Certificate to Obtain Visa and to visit abroad-Certain Instructions-Regarding
676 27/12/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/2018 Dt:22.12.2018 Estt-I&CAD Department-International Dam safety Conference held on 13-14th February,2019 at Bhubaneswar ,Odisha-Calling of online nominations-Reg
677 20/12/2018 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General/BC/2017-18 Dt:20.12.2018 I&CAD Dept-Postponed the meeting to 28.12.2018 -TSCBC-Comprehensive Scientific Study by the Telangana State Commission for Backward Classes on various groups of Backward Classes and enhancement of their reservation-Information Called-Intimation-Reg
678 18/12/2018 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General/BC/2017-18, Dt.17.12.2018 I&CAD Dept-TSCBC-Comprehensive Scientific Study by the Telangana State Commission for Backward Classes on various groups of Backward Classes and enhancement of their reservation-Information Called-Reg
679 17/12/2018 Rc/ENC/H3/2018 Dt:01.12.2018 Employees proceeded on Prolonged/Unauthorizes absence-Verify the Service Books-Reg
680 17/12/2018 Rc/ENC/H3/2018 Dt:03.12.2018 Estt-I&CAD Department-Prolonged Absence from duty beyond 90 days-Certain instructions issued
681 17/12/2018 RC/ENC/I(1)/CA/2018 Dt:15.12.2018 TS-I&CAD Department-Compassionate Appointments-Under Relaxation of Rules-Instructions Issued
682 15/12/2018 Rc/ENC/A1/3008/2018, Dt :15-12-2018 Work Charged Employees - Uploading of HRMS Data for Presidential order - Particulars Called for - Regarding.
683 14/12/2018 RC/ENC/I2/07126/2018-1 Dt.11.12.2018 TS-I&CAD-Submission of Annual Property Returns for the year 2018 in respect of all cadres-Reg
684 13/12/2018 RC/ENC/B3/Retirements2019/2018 Dt:06.12.2018 Esst-Irrigation & CAD Dept-TSES-DEEs due to retire from service on superannuation in the calender year 2019-Particulars called for-Reg
685 12/12/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2018 Dt:06.12.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Department-ITC 2018-12 Week Introductory Training Course(ITC) program to the newly recruited AEEs(2018 Batch)-Communication of schedule of ITC-3batches (Batch-I-Civil,Batch-II-Electrical,Batch-III-Civil)-Deputing and Relieving of nominated Participants-Intimation-Reg
686 05/12/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/2018 Dt:05.12.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TS Forest Academy,Dulapally-" Processing of application for Forest land diversion under Forest(conservation) Act 1980 -Nominations called for-Reg
687 04/12/2018 Rc/ENC/A1/13008/2018 Dt:04.12.2018 Presidential Order-Filling up of Local Status data of Employees of Circle Scale Establishment in HRMS Login by the Unit/Circle officers-Instructions Issued-Regarding
688 04/12/2018 RC/ENC/D1/15011940/2016 Dt:03.12.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-AEE/AES and NTPAs due to retire from service in the calendar year 2019-Particulars called for-Reg
689 03/12/2018 Rc/ENC/A1/3008/2018-1 Dt: 30.11.2018 Presidential order - Extension of time - Online Submission of Local Status on or before 04.12.2018 – Reg.
690 30/11/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE1/Registration of Contracts Dt:29.11.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Certain regulations/Concession in respect of reservation of works to SC/ST Contractors in public works-List of registered Contractors under all classes in the prescribed format-Requested-Reg
691 28/11/2018 Circular No:4017/Team-4/Training/2018 Dt:28.11.2018 WALAMTARI-Postponement of Training -3 days Training Programme on Crop Water Requirement & Water Saving Crop Production Technologies for AEEs/AEs (recruited before 2012) from 29th Nov to 1st Dec 2018-Communicated-Reg
692 28/11/2018 Rc/ENC/H2/18101018/2018 Dt:26.11.2018 TS-I&CAD Dept-Drawl of fraudulent Medical Claims while the Employees on tour/duty-Certain instructions-Issued
693 26/11/2018 Lr.No.3011/Team-2(O&M)/Post Promotion Trngs/EEs/2018-19 Date:24.11.2018 WALAMTARI-Postponement and rescheduling of the Training Programmes due to upcoming State Elections to the newly promoted Executive Engineers Aug 2018- communication of rescheduled dates - Reg
694 22/11/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017-18 Dt:20.11.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-14 days training programme on Advanced Software “AutoCAD, Total Station Survey, Civil 3D and e-survey” for Junior & Middle level irrigation Engineers(DEEs/AEEs/AEs) of (Batch-XII to Batch-XIV) –Schedule of Training for further batches(XII to XIV) from December 2018 to February 2019-Nomination of participants for trainings-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
695 20/11/2018 Rc/ENC/A1/3008/2018 Dt:20.11.2018 Extension of time -Online Submission of Local Status- Presidential order-Telanga Public Employment(Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order-2018-Local Cadre of existing Employees as per New Presidential Order-Regarding
696 13/11/2018 Letter No. RC/ENC/G1/S.B/2018 dt: 13-11-2018 Suggestion on new service book- Meeting on 27-11-2018 with all DCEs and DSEs-Reg
697 13/11/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018-3 Dt:09.11.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSSES-AEEs/AEs-Appointment by transfer as AEEs and AEs-Degree/Diploma Certificates called for-Reg
698 08/11/2018 Rc/ENC/A1/3008/2018 Dt:08.11.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Presidential order-Telangana Public Employment(Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order-2018-Local Cadre of existing Employees of Irrigation & CAD Dept as per New Presidential Order-Online submission of local status-Reg
699 08/11/2018 RC/ENC/G2/L&A/Q2/2018-19 Dt:05.11.2018 Loans and Advances-Loan to Goverment employees-Reallocation of funds towards House Building Advances,Motor Cycle Advance,Moped Advance for 2nd quater in the financial year 2018-19-Reg
700 03/11/2018 RC/ENC/G1/S.B/2018 Dt:31.10.2018 Reminder-Public Service-I&CAD Department-Maintenance of Service Book-Replacing the existing Service Book with new format-Suggestions-Information called for-Regarding
701 31/10/2018 RC/ENC/B1/140815/A.P.Re-organisation/2017 Dt:29.10.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-A.P.Reorganization 2014-Interstate tranfers of certain AEEs from TS to AP-visible copies of study certificates called for-not submitted-Instructions issued-Reg
702 27/10/2018 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General/BC/2017-18 Dt:26.10.2018 Esst-Irrigation & CAD Department-TSCBC-Comprehensive Scientific study by the Telangana State Commission for Backward Classes on various groups of Backward Classes and enhanceent of their reservation-Terms of reference-Communicated-Collection of data pertaining to regular,Outsourcing Employees and Contract Employees-Information called for-Reg
703 27/10/2018 Rc/ENC/G2/Stores/Dairy-2019 Dt:25.10.2018 I&CAD Dept-printing of Official Dairy 2019 of Telangana State-Publication of Telangana State-Publications of Telephone Nos/e-mail Addresses of Telangana State Official Dairy 2018-Funishing of up to date information-Regarding
704 26/10/2018 RC/ENC/AW/ADA/AEE3/Outsourcing/2018-19 Dt:23.10.2018 Irrigation&CAD Dept-Fresh Proposals for engaging the personnel on Outsourcing basis in different Categories in various offices -Permission of the Govt for a period up to 31.03.2019-Deferred-Information-Reg
705 20/10/2018 Rc/ENC/A1/3008/2018 Dt:19.10.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Presidential Order-Telangana Public Employment(Organization of Loacl Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) order-2018-Local Cadre of existing Employees of I&CAD Department as per New Presidential Order-Particulars Called for
706 01/10/2018 RC/ENC/AW/ADA/AEE3/Outsourcing/2018-19 Dt:29.09.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Outsourcing-Details of Outsourcing personnel engaged in the Unit/Circle offices in various categories for the year 2018-19-Consolidated Statement-Requested-Reg
707 27/09/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017-18 Dt:26.09.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-14 days training programme on Advanced Software "Autocad Total Station Survey,Civil 3D and e-survey" for Junior&Middle level Irrigation Engineers(DEEs/AEEs/AEs) Batch-XI from 03.10.2018 to 16.10.2018-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
708 25/09/2018 RC/ENC/E1/18071385/2018 Dt:24.09.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSMS/TSESS/TSLGS-Direct Representations for Transfer/depution-Certain instructions issued
709 22/09/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2018 Dt:18.09.2018 WALAMTARI-ITC 2018-Electrical Engineering-One Week Introductory Module Training(IMT) program to the newly recruited AEEs Electrical Engineering(2018 Batch)-Communication of Schedule-Deputing and Relieving of the Nominated participants-Intimation-Regarding
710 20/09/2018 4017/Team-4/Trainings/2018 Dt:15.09.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-3 days Training Programme on "Crop Water Requirement & Water Saving Crop Production Technologies" for AEEs/AEs from 27th to 29th September,2018 at WALAMTARI-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of participants for the training-Requested-Reg
711 18/09/2018 Memo No.Rc/ENC/B1/1408151/AP.Reorganisation/2017 Dt.11.09.2018 Memo No.Rc/ENC/B1/1408151/AP.Reorganisation/2017 Dt.11.09.2018
712 18/09/2018 RC/ENC/G2/L&A/Q1/2018-19 RC/ENC/G2/L&A/Q1/2018-19
713 15/09/2018 RC/ENC/D2/150891842/2015 Dt:15.09.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Deputation of Technical Staff and Junior Engineers to HL&WBM Circle,Secunderabad from 21.09.2018 to 23.09.2018 for monitoring/Assisting for Ganesh Idols immersion-Orders-Issued
714 15/09/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018 Dt:14.09.2018 Esst-I&CAD Department-Direct Recruitment in the cadre of AEEs(Civil/Electrical) in notification no.31/2017-Certain information called for-Regarding
715 11/09/2018 RC/ENC/G1/SB/2018 Dt:06.09.2018 Public Service-I&CAD Department-Maintenance of Service Book-Replacing the existing Service Book with New Format-Suggestions-Invited-Regarding
716 05/09/2018 Rc/ENC/B2/17101403/2018 Dt:01.09.2018 Estt-Irrigation & CAD Department-Sri S.Krishna Mohan,DEE-Sanction of FAC allowances for the period beyond 3 months-Delegation of powers to Head of the Department-Justification-Called for-Reg
717 01/09/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017-18 Dt:31.08.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-14days training programme on Advanced Software "Autocad,Total Station Survey,Civil 3D and e-survey" for Junior&Middle level Irrigation Engineers (DEEs/AEEs/AEs) (Batch-X) from 14.09.2018 to 27.09.2019-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
718 31/08/2018 RC/ENC/G2/L&A/Q1/2018-19 Dt:29.08.2018 Loans to Govt Employees-Reallocation of funds towards Education advances for 1st quarters in the financial year 2018-19-Requisitions called for-Reg
719 29/08/2018 RC/ENC/B1/1408151/A.P.Re-organisation/2017 Dt:24.08.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-A.P.Reorganization 2014-Certain Engineers of TS working on deputation on reciprocal basis in AP beyond third yera and not submitted representation for extension of duputation-Instructions issued-Reg
720 29/08/2018 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE1/Registration of Contractors Dt:28.08.2018 Essst_i&CAD-Certain regulations/Concession in respect of reservation of works to SC/ST Contractors in public works-List of registered Contractors under all Classes in the prescribed format-Req-Reg
721 29/08/2018 D.O.No.L2/IPPB/Launch&Settings/2018 Launch of India post payments Bank by Dept of posts,Govt of India
722 25/08/2018 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/RetiredAEs/Contract Basis Dt:24.08.2018 Esst-I&CAD Dept-Engaging the Services of (87) retired DEEs/AEEs/AEs/TOs on Cotract basis for a period of One year-Orders-Issued-Regarding
723 25/08/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl Dt:23.08.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Employees not Staying at Headquaters-Reg
724 23/08/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - May & June,2018 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs - Commencement of Probation and Declaration of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs -Proceedings Orders issued during the month of May & June, 2018-Reg.
725 13/08/2018 RC/ENC/G2/2018 Dt:08.08.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept,Hyderabad-Independence Day Celebrations on 15.08.2018-Requested to attend office at 9.00 AM-Regarding
726 13/08/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEe3/Awards Dt:08.08.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-The Institution of Engineers(India)-51st Engineers Day Celebrations(in Commemoration of 158th birth day of Bharat Ratna Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya) Engineers day Awards-Nominations called for-Reg
727 10/08/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/WALAMTARI/Ind.Trg/2018 Dt:04.08.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-ITC 2018-One week Introductory Module Training(IMT) to newly recruited AEEs Civil Engineering(2018 Batch) in Telangana State-Communication of schedule-Deputing and relieving of the Nominated participents-Req-Reg
728 10/08/2018 RC/ENC/AW/EE(A)/DEE(e-Gov)/AEE1/2018/2 Dt:08.08.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Reveal of HRMS Username and Password-Reg
729 01/08/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEe1/Registration of Contractors Dt:31.07.2018 Esst-I&CAD Dept-Certain regulations/Concession in respect of reservation of works to SC/ST contractors in public works-List of registered Contractors under all Classes in the prescribed format-Requested-Reg
730 30/07/2018 1011/Team-1/Survey-Trngs/B9/2018-19/316 Dt:28.07.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-14 days training programme on Advanced software applications "Autocad,Total Station Survey,Civil 3D and e-Survey" for Junior&Middle Level(AEEs/AEs&DEEs) of I&CAD Dept.,Govt of Telangana(Batch-IX) from 08.08.2018 to 21.08.2018-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of Participants for the training-Requested-Reg
731 27/07/2018 ENC(IW)/SE(PMU)/EE/DEE.1/AEE.2/V&E/2018 Dt:26.07.2018 Genl.Admn(V&E)-RV&EO,Hyderabad City-I-List of certain works during the year 2017-18 and 2018-19 till to date-records called for-Reg
732 27/07/2018 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q1/2018-19 Dt:27.07.2018 Loans and Advances-Loans to Goverment employees-Reallocation of funds towards Education advance for 1st quater in the financial year 2018-19-Requisitions called for-Reg
733 27/07/2018 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q1/2018-19 Dt:27.07.2018 Loans and Advances-Loans to Government employees-Reallocation of funds towards House Building ,Motor Cycle and Moped Adavances for 1st quater in the fincial year 2018-19-Reg
734 24/07/2018 RC/ENC/C1/16051473/2016 Dt:24.07.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-Willingness to work on deputation basis in Godavari River Management Board(GRMB) and Krishna River Management Board(KRMB)-Called for-Regarding
735 24/07/2018 ENC(I)/SE(PMU)/EE/DEE1/AEE1/ARB/CourtCases/18-19 Dt:23.07.2018 Irrigation&CAD Dept-PAG(Audit)-Arbitration/Court Cases particulars called for-Reg
736 24/07/2018 Lr. No. 4017/Team-4/WALAMTARI-Training/2018 , Dt: 18-07-2018 3 days Training Programme on Crop Water Requirement & Water Saving Crop Production Technologies for AEEs/AEs from 26th to 28th July, 2018
737 20/07/2018 Circular Memo. RC/ENC/C1/18062489/2018 dt: 17-07-2018 Upper Yamuna River Board, MoWR, New Delhi- Filling up of Group A,B & C posts on deputation basis- Regarding.
738 17/07/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/E2/18071514/2018 DT: 13-07-2018 Lab Boy/Printing Technician/Provincial zed Work Inspectors/Technical Assistant /Junior Technical Officers/Assistant Technical Officer/Technical officer- Details called for-Reg.
739 10/07/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017-18 Dt:10.07.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-14days training programme on Advanced Software "Autocad,Total Station Survey,Civil 3D and e-Survey" for Junior&Middle level Irrigation Engineers(DEEs/AEEs/AEs) (Batch-VIII) of I&CAD Dept at Walamtari-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
740 07/07/2018 Rc/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General/2018, Dt: 07-07-2018 "Telangana Engineers Day" Celebration on the occasion of Er. Nawab Ali Nawaz Jung Bahadur on 11th July 2018.
741 06/07/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE/Other Trg/2018 I&CAD Dept-2days Training Programme on "Gender Equity and Water Management on August 20th&21st,2018 at Hyderabad-Nominations-Relieving of Participants-Requested-Reg
742 06/07/2018 ENC(I)/PPMU/EE/DEE/AEE/Website Monitoring Dt:05.07.2018 Periodical Monitoring/Updation of Irrigation Website by all project Authorities-Regarding
743 04/07/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2018 Dt:29.06.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-Modified List-3 days refresher training programme to Deputy Executive Engineers of I&CAD Department-from 09.07.2018 to 11.07.2018(Batch-23) -Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of participants for the training-Reg
744 03/07/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018 Dt:02.07.2018 TSPSC-Departmental Tests-May-2018 Session-Modification to the pattern of Examinations-On-Line examinations-In CBRT Method-Intimation-Reg
745 03/07/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018 Dt:02.07.2018 TSPSC-Department Test-May-2016 Session(Notification No.19/2016)-Requesting to verify the result through Telangana state Gazette when you will be entered in service Register-Request-Reg
746 02/07/2018 RC/ENC/I(1)/2072/2018-2 Dt:02.07.2018 Reminder-PRC-Furnishing of information relating to pay and allowances attached to different categories of posts in the existing scale of pay-Reg
747 23/06/2018 Lr.No.2031/Team-II/O&M/RTP/DEEs/B23/2018-19/242, Dt.21.06.2018 WALAMTARI - I&CAD D - 3 day Refresher Training Programmes for DEEs of I&CAD Department(Batch-23) from 09.07.2018 to 11.07.2018 at WALAMTARI - Confirmation of Nominees - Relieving of Participants for the training.
748 20/06/2018 Rc/ENC/I(1)/2072/2018 Dt:19.06.2018 PRC-Furnishing of information to pay and allowances attached to different categories of posts in the existing scale of pay-Regarding
749 20/06/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2018 Dt:19.06.2018 Estt-I&CAD-Uploading of photos of the Employees in HRMS Website-Request-Regarding
750 18/06/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl Irr&CAD Department-Choice Marketing Company,Channel partner of Featherlite-Communication-Reg
751 18/06/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2018 Dt:18.06.2018 Estt-I&CAD-HRMS-Incumbency particulars of AEEs/AEs Sub Division Wise-Requested-Reg
752 13/06/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Harita Haram/2018 Dt:12.06.2018 I&CAD Department-Telangana Haritha Haram Programme-Reg
753 11/06/2018 RC/ENC/D1/31129/2018-6, Dt.11.06.2018 Transfer and Postings of DEEs and AEEs/AEs - Further instructions for exercising options.
754 08/06/2018 Rc/ENC/D1/31129/2018-5 Dt: 08-06-2018. Lifting of Ban on Transfers - Further instructions issued.
755 07/06/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2018 Dt:07.06.2018 Estt-I&CAD-HRMS-Date of Joining Intimation of newly Recruited AEEs 2018 PSC Batch(Civil&Electrical)
756 05/06/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017-18 Dt:05.06.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-14 days training programme on Advanced Software "Autocad Total Station Survey,Civil 3D and e-survey" for Junior&Middle level Irrigation Engineers(DEEs/AEEs/AEs)(Batch-VII) -Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
757 02/06/2018 RC/ENC/D1/31129/2018-4 Further Instructions on Long Standing Transfers
758 01/06/2018 RC/ENC/D2/28022018/2018 Dt:01.06.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-TSES-AEEs/DEEs-Cancellation of OD Orders-Kept in Abeyance-Regarding
759 31/05/2018 RC/ENC/G2/2018 Dt:29.05.2018 Telangana State Formation Day Celebrations on 02.06.2018-Requested to attend office at 9.30 AM-Regarding
760 30/05/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018 PSC/2018 Dt:28.05.2018 Direct Recruitment-Telangana Irrigation Engineering Services-Recruitment of Assistant Executive Engineer provisionally selected in Notification No.31/2017-2018 PSC Batch-(Civil&Electrical)-List of ST Candidates provisionally selected-Certain Instructions-Issued
761 29/05/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2017 Dt:28.05.2018 G.O.Ms.No.32-Public Services-Special Rules-Telangana Irrigation Engineering Subordinate services Rules,2018-Notification-Issued
762 29/05/2018 Rc/ENC/A1/110/2017 Dt:28.05.2018 Public Services-Special Rules-Telangana Irrigation Engineering Subordinate services Rules,2018-Notification-Issued
763 29/05/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - March & April,2018 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs - Commencement of Probation and Declaration of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs -Proceedings Orders issued during the month of March & April, 2018-Reg.
764 29/05/2018 Rc/ENC/C1/18051979/2018 Dt:26.05.2018 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Filling up posts of DD(Engg) (in the rank of Executive Engineer & Assistant Executive Engineer in A.C.B-Willingness of Officers in the cadre of EE and AEE called for-Regarding
765 26/05/2018 Circular Memo. No. Rc/ENC/D1/31129/2018-3 dated 25-05-2018 Proforma for furnishing list of longstanding employees
766 25/05/2018 Circular Memo. No. Rc/ENC/D1/31129/2018-3 dated 25-05-2018 Relaxation on ban on transfers- Certain Guidelines - Issued
767 25/05/2018 RC/ENC/A3/13032366/2018 Dt.25.05.2018 Direct recruitment - TSMS - Filling of vacancies in cadre of Junior Assistants and Junior Stenographers in the department under Direct recruitment - Posts notified to TSPSC - Further instructions -issued
768 25/05/2018 RC/ENC/A3/13032366/2018, Dated.2305.2018 Direct recruitment - TSMS - Filling of vacancies in cadre of Junior Assistants and Junior Stenographers in the department under Direct recruitment - Posts notified to TSPSC - CORRIGENDUM -issued
769 25/05/2018 RC/ENC/AW/ADA/AEE3/Mandatory Trainings to DEEs/2018, Dt.24.05.2018 WALAMTARI-I & CAD Dept.., - 3 Week Post Promotion Training Programe for newly promoted DEEs of I & CAD Department, Govt., of Telangana - for the Panel year 2018-19 - Confirmation of Nominees - Relieving of Participants for the training - Reg
770 22/05/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018 Dt.22.05.2018 Preponement of issue of appointment orders to newly recruited AEEs from 3:00 PM to 11:00 AM on 23-05-2018- Intimation - Reg.
771 22/05/2018 ENC(IW)/SE(PMU)/EE/DEE.1/AEE3/Misc/CSR/2018 Dt:21.05.2018 Project for collaboration under CSR-Reg
772 22/05/2018 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE2/AEE2/Training Dt:02.05.2018 Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Centre for Public Administration-Two day Workshop on Best Practices&Success Stories on RTI from 05.06.2018 to 06.06.2018-Nominations invited-Regarding
773 21/05/2018 RC/ENC/A3/13032366/2018 Dt:21.05.2018 Direct Recruitment-TSMS-Filing of vacancies in cadre of Junior Assistants and Hunior Stenographers in the department-Posts notified to TSPSC-Further Instructions-Issued
774 19/05/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018 PSC/2018 Dt:18.05.2018 Direct Recruitment-Telangana Irrigation Engineering Services-Recruitment of AEEs provisionally selected in Notification No.31/2017-2018 PSC Batch-Civil Branch-List of ST candidates provisionally selected-Certain Instructions-Issued
775 19/05/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018 PSC/2018 Dt:19.05.2018 Direct Recruitment-Telangana Irrigation Engineering Services-Recruitment of AEEs provisionally selected in Notification No.31/2017-2018 PSC Batch-Civil & Electrical Branches-Issue of appointment orders at institution of Engineers,Khairtabad on 23.05.2018-Intimation-Reg
776 19/05/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018 PSC/2018 Dt:11.05.2018 Direct Recruitment-Telangana Irrigation Engineering Services-Recruitment of AEEs provisionally selected in Notification No.31/2017-2018 PSC Batch-Civil Branch-Verification of Orginal Certificates-Interviews in person for verification of orginal certificates for candidates not attended on 18.05.2018-Reg
777 17/05/2018 RC/ENC/A3/110/2018 Dt.17.05.2018 Meeting on 19-05-2018 at 10.30am with DCEs and DSEs in the Chambers of ENC(AW), Hyderabad regarding finalization of vacancies of Junior Assistant to send an indent to TSPSC
778 15/05/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018 PSC/2018 Direct Recruitment-Telangana irrigation Services-Recruitment of Assistant Executive Engineers provisionally selected in Notification No.31/2-17-2018 PSC Batch-Civil Branch-Verification of Original Certificates-Regarding
779 09/05/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018 PSC/2018 Dt:09.05.2018 Direct Recruitment-Telangana Irrigation Engineering Services-Recruitment of AEEs provisionally selected in Notification No.31/2017-2018 PSC Batch-Electrical Branch-List of ST candidates provisionally selected-Certain Instructions-Issued
780 09/05/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(admin)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD/2018 Dt:09.05.2018 Dr.MCR HRD-Center for Public Administration(CPA)-Refresher Courses on RTI Act to the Officers who underwent Training of Trainers Programme on RTI Act-Nominations Called for-Reg
781 08/05/2018 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017 Dt:01.05.2018 Dr.MCR HRD Institute-Training-Center for Public Administaration-Training programme on Equality for Women in minority communities(DoPT,GoI Sponsored Programme) from 14.05.2018 to 16.05.2018-Nomination invited-Reg
782 08/05/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Work inspectors/2018/TS Dt:05.05.2018 I&CAD Dept-Treat the work inspectors with ITI Qualification as Technical Work Inspector for payment of remuneration Rs.15,000/- per month-Permission Accorded-Orders Issued
783 05/05/2018 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017 Dt:01.05.2017 Dr.MCR HRD Institute-Training-Centre for Public Administration(CPA)-Training Programme on Equality for women in Minority Communities(DoPT,GoI Sponsored programme ) from 14.05.2018 to 16.05.2018-Nomination Invited-Reg
784 02/05/2018 Lr.No.1011/Team-1/Survey Trngs/2018-19/172 dt:20.04.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD-14 days training programme on Advanced Software Applications Autocad Total Station Survey,Civil 3D and e-survey for Junior &Middle Level Irrigation Engineers(Dy.EEs&AEEs/AEs)(Batch-VI) from 16.05.2018 to 29.05.2018-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of participants for the training-Requested-Reg
785 01/05/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(A)/EE(A)/DEE(e-gov)/AEE1/2018/1 Dt:30.04.2018 I&CAD Department-GAD Dashboard-Deputation of 5 Engineers from I&CAD Dept having GIS Knowledge to CGG to serve project of GIS based monitoring of Dept-Regarding
786 28/04/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018PSC/2018 dt.28.04.2018 New recruitment of AEE (Electrical) - Verification of Original certificates on 05.05.2018 - instructions - issued
787 26/04/2018 Lr.No.2031/Team-II/O&M/RTP/DEes/B19-B22/2017-18/162/ Dt:26.04.2018 3 days Refresher training programme to DEEs-For the month of May,2018 i,e 4 Batches(Batches-XIX,XX,XXI&XXII)@WALAMTARI-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of Participants for the trainings-Requested-Reg
788 26/04/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/DLIS Reorg/2018 I&CAD-Dindi Lift Irrigation Project of Nalgonda Dist-Renaming as Sri Ramaraju Vidyasagar Rao Dindi Lift Irrigation Project-Orders-Issued
789 24/04/2018 మె.మో.నెo. 9335 /అ.భా/2016 తేదీ: 28.03.2018 విషయము: అధి కార భాష-తెలుగు /ఉర్దూ - అమలు గురించి ఆదేశాలు - జారీ -గురించి
790 24/04/2018 మె.మో.నెo /అ.భా/ఏ1/2018 తేదీ: 28.03.2018 ప్రధాన పరిపాలన (అధి కార భాష) -అధి కార భాష తెలుగు - అమలు గురించి ఆదేశాలు - జారీ-గురించి
791 24/04/2018 RC/ENC/A1/110/2018-2 Dt:23.04.2018 Esst-I&CAD Dept-TSSES-AEEs/AEs-Appointment by transfer as AEEs and AEs-Degree/Diploma Certificates-Called for-Reminder-Reg
792 20/04/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept-3 days Training Programme on "Crop Water Requirement & Water saving Crop production Technologies" for AEEs/AEs(recruited before 2012) from July-2018 to March 2019 at WALAMTARI-Nominations-Submitted-Reg
793 18/04/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2018 Dt:16.04.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD Dept.,-14 days training programme on Advanced Software "Autocad,Total Station Survey,Civil 3D and e-survey" for Junior & Middle level Irrigation Engineers(DEEs/AEEs/AEs) at WALAMTARI-Schedule of training from May 2018 to October 2018-Nominations of the participants for trainings-Furnishing the list of nominations for conducting training-Reg
794 18/04/2018 RC/ENC/D1/31129/2018 Dt:17.04.2018 Esst-I&CAD-Long standing Transfers-List of Employees working on long standing basis in the cadres of AE/AEE/DEE-Particulars called for
795 29/03/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation- February,2018 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs - Commencement of Probation and Declaration of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs -Proceedings Orders issued during the month of February-2018-Reg
796 29/03/2018 RC/ENC/A2/110/2018 Dt:23.03.2018 Esst-I&CAD Dept-TSSES-Assistant Engineers-Appointment by transfer from the cadre of work Work Inspector as Assistant Engineer-Certain information-called for-Reg
797 27/03/2018 Lr.No.2031/Team-II/O&M/RTP/DEEs/B15-B18/2017-18/794, Dt.23.03.2018 WALAMTARI - I&CAD D - 3 day Refresher Training programmes for DEEs of I&CAD Department - for the month of April, 2018 - Confirmation of Nominees - Relieving of Participants for the trainings
798 20/03/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2017 Dt.19.03.2018 DT & CP - Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) - Design and develop an online single window system for granting construction permits - Common Application Form(CAF) - Instructions to Nodal officers - Reg.
799 19/03/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD/2018, Dt.19.03.2018 I & CAD Dept., - Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana - Center for Public Administration (CPA) - Two day Workshop on Effective Implementation of Right to Information Act from 03.04.2018 to 04.04.2018 - Nominations Called for - Reg
800 19/03/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017-18 Dt.19.03.2018 WALAMTARI - I & CAD Dept., - 14 days training programme on Advanced Software Autocad, Total Station Survey, Civil 3D and e - survey for Junior & Middle level Irrigation Engineers(DEEs/AEEs/AEs) (Batch - V) of I&CAD Dept. at WALAMTARI - Confirmation of Nominees - Relieving of Participants for the training - Reg
801 14/03/2018 RC/ENC/H1/10012018/18 Hyderabad - She Teams - Legal awareness Programme/ Workshop on harassment to Women on 20.03.2018 from 3.00PM to 4.00PM - Venue changed from Institution of Engineers to Ravindra Bharathi, Hyderabad
802 12/03/2018 RC/ENC/H1/10012018/2018/18 Hyderabad-She teams-Legal awareness programme/Work shop on harassment to women on 20.03.2018 from 3 PM to 4 PM-Requested to depute all the Lady employees working in their Jurisdiction-Reg
803 07/03/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2018 Dt:06.03.2018 Esst-I&CAD-HRMS-Updation of Contact details of all the Employees in the HRMS website-Request-Reg
804 27/02/2018 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017 Dt:23.02.2018 Dr.MCR HRD Institute-Center for Public Administration(CPA)-Refresher course on Right to Information act to the Officers underwent Training of Trainers programmes on RTI Act-during the year 2017-18 nominations invited-Regarding
805 26/02/2018 Lr. No. RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2018, Dt: 26-02-2018 WALAMTARI - I&CAD Dept., - 3 days Training Programme on Crop Water Requirement & Water Saving Crop Production Technologies for AEEs/AEs from 06-03-2018 to 08-03-2018 at WALAMTARI - Nominations .
806 26/02/2018 Rc/ENC/Legal Cell/(EP Dist.wise)2017-18 Dt:26.02.2018 Irrigation&CAD Dept-Hon ble High Court-WP(PIL) No.345 of 2017 on the letter dt.24.06.2017 given by the Prl.District Judge,Mahaboobnagar-Details of EP cases information called for-Reg
807 26/02/2018 Rc/ENC/Legal Cell/(EP Dist.wise)2017-18 Dt:26.02.2018 Irrigation&CAD Dept-Hon ble High Court-WP(PIL) No.345 of 2017 on the letter dt.24.06.2017 given by the Prl.District Judge,Mahaboobnagar-Details of EP cases information called for-Reg
808 22/02/2018 Lr.No.1011/Team-2/Survey Trngs/B4/2017-18/72-4 Dt:20.02.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD-14 days training programme on Advanced Software Applications AUTOCAD,Total Station Survey, Civil 3D and e-Survey for Junior & Middle Level Irrigation Engineers(Dy.EE&AEEs/AEs) of I&CAD Department,Goverment of Telangana from 07.03.2018 to 20.03.2018(Batch-IV) at WALAMTARI-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of participants for the training-Req-Reg
809 22/02/2018 Lr.No.2031/Team-II/O&M/RTP/DEEs/B11-B14/2017-18/725 Dt:20.02.2018 WALAMTARI-I&CAD-3 day Refresher Training Programmes for Deputy Executive Engineers of I&CAD Department,Goverment of Telangana-For the month of March,2018 i,e 4 Batches (Batches-XI,XII,XIII & XIV) @ WALAMTARI-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of participants for the trainings-Requested-Reg
810 21/02/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Other Training/2018 Dt:20.02.2018 I&CAD Dept-One day Workshop on "Tranforming Engineering & Construction through Advanced Project & Portfolio Management" on 23rd Feb,2018 at National Academy of Construction,NAC Campus Hyderabad-Nominations-Reg
811 20/02/2018 Rc/ENC/E2/17041586/2017-2 Dt:15.02.2018 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSESS-Promotions issued from Technical Assistants(Tracer) post to the JTO(Draughtsman Gr.III) post-Irregualr promotions noticed-Detailed Report-Called for
812 20/02/2018 Rc/ENC/E2/17041586/2017-2 Dt:15.02.2018 Estt-I&CAD Department-TSESS&TSMS-Request for post-facto permissions for having acquired higher qualification while working in the Department-Instructions-Issued
813 20/02/2018 Rc/ENC/G1/2018 Dt:17.02.2018 Irrigation&CAD Department-Re-allocation of subjects-Orders-Issued-Reg
814 19/02/2018 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/B3/18021626/2018, Dt: 19-02-2018 Service particulars of Technical Officers ( Special Grade ) / Technical Officers for promotion to the post of DEE-Called for-Reg
815 17/02/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt:16.02.2018 I&CAD Dept-Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Refresher Training on RTI Act to the officers who underwent TOT on RTI Act-From 26.02.2018 to 28.02.2018-Confirmation of the identified officers-Relive-Requested-Reg
816 17/02/2018 RC/ENC/F3/18021404/18 Dt:16.02.2018 Establishment-I&CAD Department-APES/APESS-Confidential Reports in respect of Incharge Deputy Executive Engineers/AEE/AE-Called for-Reg
817 15/02/2018 11715/SPF-MC/2017-1 Dt:19.01.2018 Guidelines on Interstate transfer of State Government employees between State of Telangana and State of Andhra Pradesh-Further Instructions-Issued
818 15/02/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - January,2018 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs - Commencement of Probation and Declaration of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs -Proceedings Orders issued during the month of January-2018-Reg
819 14/02/2018 RC/ENC/AW/ADA/AEE3/Outsourcing/2018-19/TS Dt:14.02.2018 Continuation of Outsourcing personnel working in various offices of I&CAD Dept-Submission of consolidated proposals-Reg
820 10/02/2018 RC/ENC/G2/L&A/Q4/2017-18 Dt:09.02.2018 Loans and Advances-Loans to Government employees-Reallocation of funds towards House Buildings Advances, Motor Car Advance,Motor Cycle,Moped,&Cycle and other Conveyance for 4th quarters in the financial year 2017-18-Reg
821 06/02/2018 RC/ENC/H1/10012018/18 Dt:02.02.2018 Appointment of a Committee for redressal of grievance of Lady Employees in I&CAD Department-Reg
822 06/02/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Retired Engineers/2017-18 Dt:05.02.2018 I&CAD Dept-Sri A.Sudhakar,IFS,Conservator Forest (Retd) appointed as OSD for processing Environment Forest and Wild life clearance for Irrigation Projects-Extending the services as Advisor, Forests instead of OSD for further period of one year w.e.f 06.09.2017-Orders-Issued
823 05/02/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Retired Engineers/2017-18 Esst-Erection of gates in Irrigation Projects-Appointment of Sri Kannam Naidu as Technical Consultant on Contract Basis-Orders-Issued
824 03/02/2018 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2017-1 Extension of time period for online submission of APRs-2017 in respect of all the cadres CEs,SEs,EEs,DEEs and NTPAs-Regarding
825 02/02/2018 Rc/ENC/B1/1408151/A.P.Re-org Dt:02.02.2018 A.P.Re-organisation-Interstate deputions-Cancellation of Interstate deputations of AEEs of working in Telangana-Relief Orders-Reg
826 31/01/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017 14days training programme on Advanced Software Autocad, Total Station Survey, Civil 3D and e-survey for Junior & Middle level Irrigation Engineers(DEEs/AEEs/AEs) at WALAMTARI-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
827 29/01/2018 మే.మో.నెం. 9335/అ.భా/2016 తేదీ: 29.01.2018 అధికార భాష- తెలుగు /ఉర్దూ - అమలు గురించి ఆదేశాలు - జారీ
828 29/01/2018 Lr.No.2031/Team-II/O&M/RTP/DEEs/B7-B10/2017-18/656 Date.24.01.2018 WALAMTARI - I & CADD - 3 Days Refresher Training programmes for Deputy Executive Engineers(Dy.E.E.s) of I & CAD Department, Government of Telangana - For the month of February, 2018 i.e. 4 Batches (Batch - 7,8,9,10) @ WALAMTARI - Confirmation of Nominees - Relieving of participants for the trainings - Req.- Reg
829 22/01/2018 Memo.NO.RC/ENC/G2/2018 Dt:20.01.2018 Republic Day Celebrations on 26.01.2018-Requested to attend office at 9.00 AM-Regarding
830 20/01/2018 Memo.No.8284/Ser.I(1)/2017-1 A.P.Reorganisation Act-Interstate Transfers of Government employees between the State of A.P and Telangana-Certain proposals-Returned-Reg
831 17/01/2018 Memo No.Rc/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE7/2018/Elec & Mech, Dated.11.01.2018 Estt.TSES.-AEEs/AEs - to work in the pumping stations - directions to implement the orders - Reg.
832 12/01/2018 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2018/84 Dt:10.01.2018 District Mineral foundation-compliance of Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgement dated:13.10.2017 in Transferred case (Civil) No.43/206 and Payment of DMF from 17.09.2015-Reg
833 12/01/2018 RC/ENC/E2/17101790/2017 Dt:04.01.2018 Esst-I&CAD Dept-TSESS-The Qualification acquired through Distance education mode at Diploma, Bachelors & Masters level in the field of Engineering - Not to Submit proposals seeking permission to study through Distance education mode - Until further instructions issued
834 10/01/2018 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - December, 2017 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs - Commencement of Probation and Declaration of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs -Proceedings Orders issued during the month of December, 2017-Reg.
835 10/01/2018 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2017-1 Dated.10.01.2018 T.S. - Irrigation & CAD Department - Submission of Annual Property Returns for the year - 2017 in respect of all the cadres, CEs SEs, EEs, DEEs and NTPAs - Extension of time period for online submission of APRs - 2017 - Regarding.
836 06/01/2018 ENC/IW/SE(PMU)/EE/DEE1/AEE1/19200/Misc/18 Dt:04.01.2018 EODB projects executed by center for Good governance (CGG) for labour,Factories and Boilers Department-release of due payments to CGG-Certain Instructions-Issued
837 06/01/2018 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017 Dt:06.01.2019 WALAMTARI-14 days training programme on Advanced Software Autocad, Total Station Survey, Civil 3D and e-survey for Junior & Middle level Irrigation Engineers (DEEs/AEEs/AEs) at WALAMTARI-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
838 06/01/2018 Rc/ENC/F3/15071025/2017 Dt.04.01.2018 Estt., - I & CAD Deptt., -Submission of Annual Confidential Reports of all the CEs/SEs/EEs/DEEs/A.E.E/A.E/TO/NTPAs for the year 2016-17 - Further Instructions - Issued.
839 04/01/2018 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/DEE(eGov)/AEE4/LA/1 Dt:03.01.2018 Land Acquisition-Effective implementation of Land Acquisition Module in Project Monitoring System(PMS)-Integration with Bill Monitoring System(BMS) of Finance Department-Requested-Reg
840 28/12/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - November, 2017 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs - Commencement of Probation and Declaration of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs -Proceedings Orders issued during the month of November, 2017-Reg.
841 23/12/2017 Rc/ENC/A2/1504169/2017 Dt:22.12.2017 Service Particulars of TAs/JTOs/ATOs/Work Inspectors of all Grades for appointment by transfer to the post of Assistant Engineers for the panel year 2017-18-Particulars-Called for-Reg
842 23/12/2017 Rc/ENC/A1/1504169/2017 Dt:22.12.2017 Service particulars of AEs/ATOs/JTOs/TAs and Work Inspectors for appointment by transfer as Assistant Executive Engineers for the panel year 2017-18-Called for-Regarding
843 23/12/2017 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q2&Q3/2017-18 Loans and Advances-Loans to Government employees-Reallocation of funds towards House Building Advances, Motor Cycle,Moped,Personal Computer,Motor Car Advances for 2nd&3rd quaters in the financial year 2017-18-Reg
844 22/12/2017 Lr.No.2031/Team-II/O&M/RTP/DEEs/B3-B6/2017-18/600 Date.21.12.2017 WALAMTARI - I & CAD D - 3 Days Refresher Training programmes for Deputy Executive Engineers(Dy.E.E.s) of I & CAD Department, Government of Telangana - For the month of January, 2018 i.e. 4 Batches (Batch - 3,4,5,6) @ WALAMTARI - Confirmation of Nominees - Relieving of participants for the trainings - Req. - Reg
845 21/12/2017 Endt No.ENC/IW/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE2/AEE4/sand, Dt.15.12.2017 I & CAD Department - New Sand mining policy 2017 - Certain amendments to the Telangana State Sand Mining Rules, 2015 - Copy Communicated.
846 21/12/2017 Endt No.ENC/IW/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE2/AEE/T-Pride, Dt.15.12.2017 I & CAD Department - Incentives for setting up of New Industrial Enterprises in Telangana State T-PRIDE Incentive Scheme 2014 -for Scheduled Cast/Scheduled Tribe Entrepreneurs - Implication of GST on incentives - Cap on tax incentives for micro and small industries - Amendments - Issued - Copy Communicated.
847 21/12/2017 Endt No.ENC/IW/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE2/AEE/T-idea, Dt.15.12.2017 I & CAD Department - Incentives for setting up of New Industrial Enterprises in Telangana State T-IDEA incentive Scheme 2014 - Implication of GST on incentives - Cap on tax incentives for micro and small industries - Amendments - Issued - Copy Communicated.
848 16/12/2017 RC/ENC/A1/110/2017 Dt.13.12.2017 Estt- I &CAD Dept - TSSES - AEEs/AEs - Appointment by transfer as AEEs and AEs - Degree / Diploma Certificates - Called for - Reg.
849 15/12/2017 ENC/IW/SE(PMU)/EE/DEE1/AEE1/19200/Misc/17-18 Dt:13.12.2017 Engaging the Prioners in maintenance of minor works in Government Departments on payment of wages/remuneration-Instructions-Issued-Reg
850 14/12/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017 Dt:14.12.2017 3 days Refresher training programme to DEEs-From 18.12.2017 to 20.12.2017 (Batch-II) at WALAMTARI-Confirmation of Nominees-Relieving of Participants for the training-Reg
851 14/12/2017 Rc/ENC/C1/17111024/2017 Dt:13.12.2017 Retirement of officers on attaining the age of superannuation during the calender year 2018-Notification-Issued
852 11/12/2017 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2017-1 Dated.08.12.2017 T.S.-Irrigation & CAD Department - Submission of Annual Property Returns for the year - 2017 in respect of all the cadres, CE's, SE's, EE's, DEE's and NTPA's - Regarding.
853 08/12/2017 Tender Notice No.Dy.ENC(AW), 01/2017-18, Dt.07.12.2017 Tender Notice for the Work of Printing and Supply of Irrigation Calendar - 2018
854 06/12/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017 Dt.06.12.2017 WALAMTARI - I&CAD Dept., - 3 days Refresher training programme to Deputy Executive Engineers of I&CAD Department, Government of Telangana - from 11.12.2017 to 13-12-2017 (Batch-I) at WALAMTARI - Confirmation of Nominees - Relieving of Participants for the training - Reg
855 04/12/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017 Dt.04.12.2017 WALAMTARI - I&CAD Dept., Government of Telangana - Refresher training programmes for Deputy Executive Engineers of Telangana State - Scheduling of training programmes - Nomination of participants for trainings - submitted - Reg.
856 04/12/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - October, 2017 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs - Commencement of Probation and Declaration of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs -Proceedings Orders issued during the month of October, 2017-Reg.
857 04/12/2017 ENC/IW/SE(PMU)/EE/DEE1/AEE1/19200/Misc/17-18, Dt.01.12.2017 Irrigation & CAD department - General Adm(Official Language) Department - Official Language - Telugu/Urdu - Instructions - Issued - Communicated - Reg.
858 24/11/2017 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/ Dated:22.11.2017 T.S.-Irrigation & CAD Department - Annual Property Returns of AE/AEEs and below cadres including circle scale establishment - Reiteration of Government Instructions - Reg.
859 23/11/2017 మెమో నెం. 9335 /అ.భా/ 2016 - 3 తేదీ:27 .10 .2017. అధికార భాష - తెలుగు/ఉర్దూ - అమలు గురించి ఆదేశాలు - జారీ.
860 22/11/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2017 Dt.22.11.2017 I & CAD Dept. - Air Conditions working in the Chambers/Rooms of ineligible officers - Details of ineligible officers who are availing A.C. Facility on Government offices - Reg
861 21/11/2017 Rc/ENC/Legal Cell/2017-18 Dt:20.11.2017 Suits-Orders of Hon'ble A.P.A.T.issued in various cases which are pending for implementation for a long time-Abstract of all the pending cases-Called for-Reg
862 20/11/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Other Trg/WALAMTARI/2017 Dt.18.11.2017 WALAMTARI -I&CADDept. - 14 Days training programme on Advanced software Autocad, Total Station survey, Civil 3D and e-survey for Junior & Middle level Irrigation Engineers(DEEs/AEEs/AEs) at WALAMTARI - Confirmation of Nominees - Relieving of Participants for the training - Reg.
863 16/11/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE-2/AEE4/SOR17-18/Vol-1/17, Dt.14.11.2017 I & CAD - SoR 2017 - 18 - SoR for all the Engineering Department - specific to the functioning of Building Work - Telangana Buildings - SoR: 2017-18 - correction/Errata in SoR 2017-18 - requested - Reg
864 13/11/2017 RC/ENC/B3/16101655/2017 Dt.10.11.2017 Irrigation & CAD Deptt. - APES - Dy.E.Es due to retire from service in the calendar year 2018 - Particulars called for - Reg.
865 13/11/2017 Lr.No.RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2017 Dt.10.11.2017 DT & CP - Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) - Design and develop an online single window system for granting construction permits - Common Application Form(CAF) - Details of Nodal Officer District wise and inspecting Officer ULB wise - Information requested - Furnishing of list - Reg.
866 08/11/2017 RC/ENC/D1/15011940/2017, Dt.08.11.2017 Estt-Irrigation & CAD Deptt - APES - AEEs/AEs and NTPA due to retire from service in the calendar year 2018 - Particulars called for - Reg.
867 02/11/2017 RC/ENC/AW/G1/Misc/2017 Dt.01.11.2017 I & CAD Department - Office procedure - Annual Inspection of Circles/Divisions/Sub - Divisions by the CEs/SEs/EEs certain instructions - Issued.
868 02/11/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE-2/AEE4/SOR17-18/Vol-1/17, Dt.01.11.2017 I & CAD Department - SoR 2017-18 - Corrigendum for Rates of Fine Aggregate in Irrigation Work item & Roads & Bridges work item - requested - Reg
869 02/11/2017 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/Ee.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017 2-Days workshop on ADR Methods(Arbitration) for the Irrigation & CAD Department,Engineers (head Quaters and its Circles) at Hyderabad-Reg
870 25/10/2017 Rc/ENC/C1/17061461/2017 Dt:25.10.2017 Appointment to the Post of Superintending Engineer in national Water Development Agency on deputation basis-Willingness of the Superintending Engineers called for-Regarding
871 20/10/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Kaleshwaram Project Dt.17.10.2017 I & CAD Department - Work Load of all the Projects in the Telangana State - Requested - Regarding.
872 20/10/2017 Ref.No.04/OSD/EC/EIA consultants/2017 Dated.20.10.2017 CORRIGENDUM to Request for proposal (RFP) Dated.11.10.2017 - for appointment of accredited EIA Consultants - Reg.
873 20/10/2017 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General/BC/2017-18 Dt.18.10.2017 I&CAD Department - TSCBC - Comprehensive Scientific study by the Telangana State Commission for Backward Classes on various groups of Backward Classes and enhancement of their reservation - Terms of reference - Communicated - Collection of data pertaining to Regular Employees, Outsourcing Employees and Contract Employees - Information called for - Reg.
874 13/10/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - September, 2017 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs - Commencement of Probation and Declaration of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs -Proceedings Orders issued during the month of September, 2017-Reg.
875 11/10/2017 04/OSD/EC/EIA Consultants/2017 Date.11.10.2017 Request for proposal for appointment of accredited EIA Consultants - Reg.
876 09/10/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2017 Dt:09.10.2017 Endownment Lecture at Institution of Engineers (India) in the honor of Er.R.L.Raju,FIE,CE(Retd) on 10.10.2017 at 17.30 Hours on the importance of Earth Dams and Presentation of the Software Program for the design of earth dam and power of using Macros for Automation of Engineering Applications-Request to inform all the Engineers working in I&CAD Department-Reg
877 07/10/2017 RC/ENC/AW/EE/Legal Cell-2 Dt.06.10.2017 I & CAD Deptt. - Review Meeting on the Project wise Land Acquisition Cases / Decretal cases pending with GPs and AGPs of Irrigation & CAD Department - Details of the cases called for - Reg.
878 06/10/2017 Endt No:ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE2/AEE4/GST, Dt.06.10.2017 I & CAD Department - Finance(TFR) Dept., - Goods and Service Tax - Communication of the provisions for tax deduction at source under GST., to all Administrative Departments of Secretariat/all HODs/Government Agencies/Corporations - Reg
879 06/10/2017 RC/ENC/AW/G1/2017 Telangana Rastra Adikara Bash Sangam-Implementation of Telugu language as Official language in Government administration-Reg
880 26/09/2017 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General/BC/2017-18 Dt.25.09.2017 Estt.- I&CAD Deptt. - Comprehensive study by the Telangana State Commission for Backward Classes on various groups of Backward Classes and enhancement of their reservation - information called for - Reminder - Reg.
881 22/09/2017 Rc/ENC/AW/EE(Legal Cell), Dt.19.09.2017 I&CAD Deptt - Review Meeting on the Project wise Land Acquisition cases/ Decretal cases pending with GPs and AGPs of Irrigation & CAD Department - Details of the cases called for.
882 22/09/2017 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q2/2017-18 Dt:21.09.2018 Loans & Advances-Sanction of HBA to employees-Certain information-Requested
883 19/09/2017 Rc/ENC/B3/91746/2017 Dated: 19-09-2017 Estt- Irrigation CAD Department - TSES- Tentative Integrated seniority list in the cadre of Deputy Executive Engineer of Zone V &VI for the panel years 1983-84 to 2001-02 - objections called for.
884 19/09/2017 RC/ENC/A1/24018/2017 Dated.19.09.2017 Estt- Irrigation CAD Department - TSES - Provisional Seniority List of A.E.E.s including A/T AEEs of IJD Batch, 1978 PSC LR, G.O 647, G.O. 413 and 1984 PSC LR and subsequent batches upto year 2003 - Objections - Called for.
885 11/09/2017 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE.1/AEE.2/17/Misc/TSiPASS Dt:09.09.2017 TS-I PASS-Rules-Telangana State Industrial Project Approval and Self Certification on System(TS-I PASS) Rules,2015-Revised combined Application Form-Orders-Issued-Copy Communicated.
886 09/09/2017 Lr.No.Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainings/2017 Dt:09.09.2017 WALAMTARI-AEs-Feeder Category-Training Course to newly appointed by transfer to the post of AEs from the feeder category of ATO/JTO/TA/WI of I&CAD Department, Govt.of.Telangana scheduled from 18.09.2017 to 21.10.2017 -Nominations of AEE/AEs-Reg
887 09/09/2017 Rc/ENC/D1/3535/2015 Dated.09.09.2017 Estt.- I&CAD Deptt. - APMS - Seniority list of Superintendents for appointment by transfer as NTPA to ENCs/C.Es/S.Es - Spl C.Rs called for - Reg.
888 09/09/2017 Lr.No.2021/Team-II/AEs-Feeder Category Trngs/2017-18/420 Dt.07.09.2017 WALAMTARI - Training Course to newly appointed by transfer to the post of AEs & AEEs from 18-09-2017 to 21.10.2017 - Nominations - Reg.
889 08/09/2017 Endt.No.RC/ENC/G1/State Functions/2017 Dt.08.09.2017 State Functions - Declaration of Sri Kaloji Narayana Rao Poet, Jayanthi on 9th September every year as a State Function-Instructions-Issued.
890 08/09/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - August, 2017 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs - Commencement of Probation and Declaration of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs -Proceedings Orders issued during the month of August, 2017-Reg.
891 07/09/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2017 Dt:06.09.2017 Furnishing of Educational Qualification details of all the AEs/AEEs working in I&CAD Department-Recruited through PSC in the year 2012,2013,2015 and 2016-Requested-Reg
892 01/09/2017 RC/ENC/A2/110/2017 Dt:31.08.2017 Direct Recruitment - AEEs and AEs - Commencement of probation of Assistant Executive Engineers and Assistant Engineers recruited in PSC Batches of 2015 & 2016 - Instructions - Issued
893 31/08/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainings/2017 Dt:31.08.2017 In-house Training programs for Senior Engineers of Telangana State conducted at WALAMTARI premises in collaboration with NCT&SR,New Delhi-Cancellation of Training Program scheduled in the months of September 2017 to March 2018-Intimation to the participants-Reg
894 31/08/2017 Lr.No.RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General/2017-18 Dt:31.08.2017 Consolidated Unit/Circle wise statement of Goverment Vehicles,Hired Vehicles and Drivers(Regular/Outsourcing/WC) available in the Proforma-Requested-Reg
895 28/08/2017 RC/ENC/A1/110/2017 Dt.28.08.2017 Estt. I&CAD Dept. TSSES - AEs - Declaration of Probation of Assistant Engineers - Proposals - called for Deputation of DEEs and AEEs/AEs to M&W Circle, Hyderabad from 27-08-2017 to 07.09.2017 for monitoring/Assisting for Ganesh Idols Immersion - orders - Issued.
896 26/08/2017 RC/ENC/D2/15081842/2015 Date.23.08.2017 Estt. I&CAD Dept. TSES - Deputation of DEEs and AEEs/AEs to M&W Circle, Hyderabad from 27-08-2017 to 07.09.2017 for monitoring/Assisting for Ganesh Idols Immersion - orders - Issued.
897 24/08/2017 RC/ENC/A3/16111103/B-37/2016 Dt:22.08.2017 AEEs/AEs-Exemption from passing the Language Test in Telugu-Orders-Issued
898 24/08/2017 Letter No:Rc/ENC/A4/17081845/2017 Dated.23.08.2017 RTI Act 2005 - Details of Public Information Officers and Appellate Authorities of all Unit/Circle offices of I&CAD Department - called for - Regarding.
899 22/08/2017 RC/ENC/B1/1408151/A.P.Reorg(Ext-17) Dt:09.08.2017 A.P.Reorganization 2014-AEE's/DEE's allotted to Zone I to IV and working on deputation on reciprocal basis in Goverment of Telangana-Requesting for extension of deputation-Representations forwarded-Reg
900 19/08/2017 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Awards Dt:18.08.2017 The Institution of Engineers (India) -50th Engineers Day Celebrations (in Commemoration of 157th birth day of Bharat Ratna Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya) ENGINEERS DAY AWARDS-Nomination called for- Reg
901 18/08/2017 Endt.No.RC/ENC/D4/G.O.97/2017 Dt.10.08.2017 HM & FW Dept. - Employees Health Scheme - Providing Cashless and qualitative treatment to the State Government Employees, Pensioners and their dependent family members - Comprehensive guidelines - Orders - Issued.
902 18/08/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - July, 2017 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs - Commencement of Probation and Declaration of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs -Proceedings Orders issued during the month of July, 2017-Reg.
903 16/08/2017 Lr.No.ADV/LIS/160 Dt.11.08.2017 Do's and Don't Do's of Lift Irrigation schemes (In case of Synchronous motors with FCMA or SFC start system only)
904 16/08/2017 RC/ENC/B1/81365/A.P.RE-ORG/2017 DtL11.08.2017 A.P.Re-organisation-Interstate transfers of Government Employees between the state of Andhra Pradesh and the State of Telangana-guidelines issued-Instructions issued for submission of application-Reg
905 10/08/2017 Lr.No.RC/ENC/AW/ADA/AEE3/Outcourcing/2017 Dt.10.08.2017 I & CAD Dept. - Outsourcing - Proposals for engaging the personnel on Outsourcing basis in various Categories - Rejected -Reg.
906 09/08/2017 Circular Memo No.Rc/ENC/Legal Cell/2017-18 Dated.09.08.2017 Irrigation & CAD Department - GA(Ser.A) Dept., - Suits - WP.No.18312 of 2017 - Filed by Sri.Y.Eshwaraiah, S/o.Veeramallaiah - Orders of Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh - Implementation orders of A.P.A.T., Certain Instructions - Issued - Reg.
907 08/08/2017 Circular Memo No:Rc/ENC(AW)/D1/15031160/2017/Elec & Mech, Dated.08.08.2017 Estt - I&CAD Dept. - TSES - Certain AEEs/AEs - Transferred and posted to work in the Pumping Stations and in the Other Units/Places etc., - Date of Joining Report Intimation - Regarding.
908 08/08/2017 Circular Memo.No.ENC/IW/SE(PMU)/EE/DEE1/AEE1/19200/Misc/17-18, Dt.04.08.2017 I & CAD department - Centrally Sponsored Schemes - Adhaar seedong of beneficiary by 31.03.2018 - Mandatory - Reg
909 08/08/2017 Memo No:RC/ENC/D2/15081842/2015 Date.07.08.2017 Estt. I&CAD Dept. TSES - DEEs and AEEs/AEs and other Technical Staff to M&W Circle, Hyderabad from 27-08-2017 to 07.09.2017 for monitoring/Assisting for Ganesh Idols Immersion - orders - Issued.
910 08/08/2017 Lr.No.2011/Team-2(O&M)/NCTSR Trainings/2017-18/356 Dt:08.08.2017 WALAMTARI-Govt of Telangana-Training programs for Senior Engineers of Telangana State-In collaboration with(NCT&SR),New Delhi-Cancellation of Training Program to be conducted at WALAMTARI premises-09th to 11th August-Intimation to nominated participants of Group-II-Req-Reg
911 08/08/2017 Lr.No:ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017 Dt.07.08.2017 Call for papers for 26th ICOLD congress 1-7th July 2018 at Vienna, Austria- Due date extended till 15th August - Reg
912 03/08/2017 RC/ENC/G1/Trainings/2017 Dt.01.08.2017 Dr.MCR HRO - Centre for Information Technology(CIT)-Calender Training Programme of 2017-18 - Nominations - Requested - Regarding
913 02/08/2017 Lr.No.2011/Team-2(O&M)/NCTSR Trainings/2017-18/335 Dt:02.08.2017 WALAMTARI-In-house Training program for Senior Engineers of Telangana State-In collaboration with(NCT&SR),New Delhi-Postponement of Training-3rd to 4th August-Intimation to Participants of Group-VII-Req-Reg
914 31/07/2017 RC/ENC/G1/Trainings/2017 DR.MCRHRD-Training Programme on Communication and Presentation Skills from 08.08.2017 to 10.08.2017-Nominations Invited-Regarding
915 29/07/2017 Lr.No.1016/Team-II/ITC 2016/G5,G6-AEEs&AEs/2017-18/326 Dt:29.07.2017 WALAMTARI-ITC 2016-3 Months Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs&AEs(2016&2016 Batches) of I&CAD Department,from 21.08.2017 to 10.11.2017(Group:V-SUDDAVAGU) and from 28.08.2017 to 18.11.2017(Group VI-YERRAVAGU)-Nominations of AEEs & AEs-Reg
916 28/07/2017 Lr. No. ENC(AW)/EE/Legal Cell, Dt: 28-07-2017 I&CAD Dept-Request to furnish information regarding the District and Lower Courts in prescribed proforma- Reg.
917 28/07/2017 RC/ENC/E2/16121095/2016 Promotions issued from Technical Assistants (Tracer) post to the Junior Technical Officer (Draughtsman Gr.III) post-Irregular Promotions noticed-Instructions-Issued
918 26/07/2017 Lr.No.ADV/LIS/142 Dt.25.07.2017 Operation and Maintenance guide lines of pumping stations - reg
919 25/07/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6/2017 Dt:25.07.2017 Qualification details of all the Assistant Engineers along with Specialization working in Irrigation&CAD Department for Updation in HRMS website-Requested-Reg
920 25/07/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainings/2017 Dt:24.07.2017 WALAMTARI-In-house Training programs for Senior Engineers of Telangana State-in collaboration with (NCT&SR),New Delhi for the months of October,November & February-Rescheduling the Training Programs scheduled in the month ending due to Superannuation-Intimation-Reg
921 24/07/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainings/2017 Dt:22-07-2017 WALAMTARI-In-house Training programs for Senior Engineers of Telangana State-In collaboration with(NCT&SR),New Delhi in the month of August-Confirmation of Nomination-Relieving of participants for the trainings-Requested-Reg
922 22/07/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement of probation - May & June, 2017 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs Commencement of Probation and Completion of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs -Proceedings Orders issued during the month of May & June, 2017-Reg.
923 21/07/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainings/2017 WALAMTARI-In-house Training programs for Senior Engineers of Telangana State Conducted at WALAMTARI premises in collaboration with NCT&SR,New Delhi-Not attended Training-Disciplinary action-Reg
924 15/07/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/D1/15031160/2017/Elec&Mech Dt:15.07.2017 Certain Assistant Executive Engineer/Assistant Engineers - Transferred and posted to work in the Pumping Stations and in the Other Units/Places etc.,- Date of Joining Report Intimation-Regarding
925 14/07/2017 RC/ENC/A3/16111103/B-35/2016 Dated.07.07.2017 Estt - I&CAD Department - TSES - AEs/AEEs - Exemption from passing the Language Test in Telugu - Orders - Issued.
926 13/07/2017 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General/BC/2017-18 Dt:12.07.2017 Comprehensive study by the Telangana State Commission for Backward Classes on various groups of Backward Classes and enhancement of their reservation-Information called for-Reg
927 12/07/2017 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE2/Haritha Haram/2017 Dt.12.07.2017 Irrigation & CAD Department - Telangana Haritha Haram - Appointment of State level Co-ordinator , District Co-ordinators - Reg.
928 12/07/2017 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017 Dt:07.07.2017 Dr.MCR HRD Institute-Refresher course on RTI act to the Officers undergone Training of Trainers programmes on RTI Act-during the year 2017-18-Nominations invited-Reg
929 12/07/2017 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017/2048 Dt:07.07.2017 CBIP Monthly Journal on "Water & Energy International"
930 12/07/2017 RC/ENC/D4/2017 Medical reimbursement claim pertaining to the officers staff working and retired from service -Further Instructions-Issued
931 10/07/2017 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General/2017-18 Dt:10.07.2017 Telangana Engineers Day Celebration on the occasion of Nawab Ali Nawaz Jung Bahadur on 11th July 2017-Invitation-Reg
932 06/07/2017 Memo No.ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE.2/AEE.4/C-S/Vol.VII/17, Dt.05.07.2017 Common SSR for all engineering departments - Convening meeting to review and fix up the rates for Cement & Steel for every month - furnishing of quotations of prices of various cement and steel sections for every month during the year SOR 2017-18 - Reg.
933 06/07/2017 Endt.No.ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE.1/AEE.2/17/Misc/2024 Dt.03.07.2017 I&CAD (PAC/C&AG) Department - ENs & ATNs on the PAC Recommendations in respect of Reviews/Paragraphs that featured in the C&AG Audit Reports - Reg.
934 06/07/2017 Rc/ENC/D1/150311467/2017 Dt.06.07.2017 Establishment - TSES - Certain DEEs/AEEs/AEs who are working in Quality control are transferred and posted to the other circle/Unit Officers - Instructions to join duty in the new station immediately - Regarding
935 03/07/2017 Rc/ENC/A1/A2/15155/2017 Appointment by transfer to the posts of AEEs and AEs-Intimation of date of Joining as A/T -Further instructions issued-Reg
936 03/07/2017 ENC/IW/C1/401/Senority list/2016 Dt:01.07.2017 Provisional Seniority list of Senior Assistants of ENC/IW, Hyderabad-Communicated-Objections Called for
937 01/07/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainings/2017 Dt:01.07.2017 WALAMTARI-In-house Training programs for Senior Engineers of Telangana State to be conducted at WALAMTARI premises in collaboration with NCTSR-Confirmation of Nominations-Relieving of participants for the training-Reg
938 30/06/2017 RC/ENC/A2/110/2017 Dt:28.07.2017 Compassionate appintment of Sri M.Suresh Babu S/o late M.Krishna,Lascar,as T.A-Request for retension of vacancy in the cadre of T.A-Reg
939 23/06/2017 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/Outsourcing/2017-18 Request to furnish certain information in respect of Outsourcing Employees working in I&CAD Department-Reg
940 21/06/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dr.MCR HRD-"Urban Floods:Challenges and Mitigation Measures" from 28.06.2017 to 30.06.2017-Nominations Called for
941 19/06/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/DEE(eGov)/AEE7/2017 Implementation of Digital Signing using Digital key while accessing Bill Generation Service in MissionKakatiya Website for Executive Engineers (DDOs) in Minor Irrigation-Reg
942 15/06/2017 Rc/ENC/G1/2017 Finance(PF) Department-Institutional Finance-Aadhaar Act,2016-Sensitizing all the departments to protect personal data of beneficiaries collected for different schemes on public domain/website-Reg
943 14/06/2017 Lr.No.ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017/1660 Dt.13.06.2017 I &CAD Dept.- Arrangement of meeting between Shall Desal members and Committee Members - regarding.
944 13/06/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE2/AEE5/BOCEs/61108/2017 Nurturing the spirit of entrepreneurship among SCs/STs,Waddera and Sagara(Uppara) Contract Co.Operative Societies and Individuals -Measures to promote participation in the works of all Engineering Departments-Accorded-Orders-Issued
945 12/06/2017 Rc/ENC/E(1)/17041586/2017-1 Permission to acquire higher qualification while working in the Department- Certain instructions-Reg
946 07/06/2017 Rc/ENC/ADA/AEE2/Re-organisation/ dt.06.06.2017 Telangana State Ground Water Department - Establishment - Requirement of Staff of the District Ground water offices due to shortage of staff during district bifurcation - Requested - Reg.
947 03/06/2017 RC/ENC/G1/2017, Dt.23.05.2017 I&CAD Deptt., - Orders Relating to the National Anthem of India - Communication - Reg
948 03/06/2017 Lr.No:ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017 Dt.02.06.2017 Irrigation & CAD Department - Finance(PF) Department - Institutional Finance - Aadhaar Act, 2016 - Sensitizing all the Departments to protect personal data of beneficiaries collected for different schemes on public domain/website - Reg
949 03/06/2017 Lr.No:ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017 Dt.02.06.2017 I&CAD - 2 Days workshop on ADR Methods (arbitration) for the Irrigation & CAD Department, roads & Building Department and Panchayat Raj Department Engineers in each District of Telangana state - Req-Reg.
950 03/06/2017 Circular Memo.No.Rc/ENC/F3/15071025/2017 Dt.29.05.2017 I & CAD Deptt. - Submission of Annual Confidential Reports of all the CEs/SEs/EEs/DEEs/AEE/AE/TO/NTPAs for the year 2016 - 17 - Further Instructions - Issued - Reg.
951 01/06/2017 Lr.No.RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainings/2017 Dt.31.05.2017 WALAMTARI - I&CAD Department - Government of Telangana - In-house Training programs for Senior Engineers of Telangana State to be conducted at WALAMTARI premises in collaboration with NCTSR - Confirmation of Nomination - Relieving of participants for the trainings - Reg.
952 31/05/2017 Lr.No.ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017 Dt.30.05.2017 I&CAD Department - YAT & C Department - Telangana Formation Day Celebrations - 2017 - State level Awards - Recommendation of Outstanding personalities from the respective Department - Reg.
953 30/05/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/DEE(eGov)/AEE2/2017 Implemrntation of OTP while accessing Annual Property Returns Service in HRMS for Executive Engineers&above-Reg
954 29/05/2017 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE.1/DEE.1/AEE(2)/Misc/2017 Dr.MCR.HRD Institute-Refresher Course on Right to Information act to the Officers undergone training of Trainers programme
955 29/05/2017 Rc/ENC/A2/15011489/2017 SUITS-APAT-O.A.No.9426/2009 & Batch and filed by certain WIs/JTOs etc to promote them as AEs by treating the Diploma acquired from the deemed Universities-Implementation of the orders APAT-Stay vacated by the Hon'ble High Court in orders dt:06.08.2016-Reg
956 27/05/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement of probation - March & April, 2017 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs Commencement of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs Proceedings Orders issued during the month of March & April, 2017-Reg.
957 22/05/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainings WALAMTARI-In-house Training programs for Senior Engineers of Telangana State-Communication of List of Trainings to be conducted at Walamtari premises in collaboration with NCTSR-Nomination of participants for trainings-Submission-Reg
958 19/05/2017 Endt.No.RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE7/SNU/2017, Dated: 19.05.2017 I & CAD Dept. - Requested to offer inputs into the design and contents for the Programme - Water Science and Policy, being to be introduced by the Shiv Nadar University(SNU)
959 17/05/2017 Endt.No.RC/ENC/D2/15011360/2017 Date.17.05.2017 Representation of Engineers for Transfer in to the Quality Control & Inspection Unit - Regarding.
960 17/05/2017 RC/ENC/H3/15081724/2015 Prolonged absence from duty beyond 90 days-Certain instructions issued-Regarding
961 17/05/2017 Lr.No.1016/Team-II/ITC2016/G4-AEs/2017-18/186 WALAMTARI-ITC 2016-3 Month Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs&AEs(2013&2016 Batches) from 29.05.2017 to 19.08.2017(Group:IV-PALEMVAGU)-Nominations of AEEs&AEs-Reg
962 17/05/2017 Rc/ENC/C2/17041349/2017 Dt:12.05.2017 B.Venkateswarlu I/c Chief Engineer,Quality Control,Hyderabad-Permission to gi USA frpm 16.05.2017 to 14.06.2017 on personal grounds-Orders Isuued
963 12/05/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(S)Admin/ADA/AEE1 Dated.02.05.2017 I & CAD Dept., - Concession to SC/ST and Waddera Contract Co-Operative Societies and individuals and also Sagara(Uppara) communities - Implementation of G.O.Ms.No.52, Transport, Road & Building(B.I-1) Department, Dt.18-03-2000 - Clarification on implementation of G.O - Details of such registered societies/individuals (Unit/Circle/Division wise) - Requested - Reg
964 11/05/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/G.C/2017/TS Conservation of Electrical Usage- Fire Safety Measures- Instructions-Reg
965 08/05/2017 Com/CAD/ISBIG/DEE/AEE/F-2/ Dt:06.05.2017 Request for Expression of Interest for preparation of detailed cost estimates for the CADWM works
966 08/05/2017 RC/ENC/G1/Misc/2017 Date.05.05.2017 I & CAD Dept - Office procedure - Annual Inspection of Circles, Divisions, Sub-Divisions by the CEs, SEs, and EEs - Certain instructions - Issued
967 06/05/2017 ENC/IW/SE(PMU)/EE(P&M)/DEE1/AEE1/19200/17-18 Furnishing of the Land,Quaters particulars-Reminder
968 06/05/2017 ENC(AW)/EE/DEE/Legal Cell Request to furnish the information regarding the court Cases in Prescribed Proforma-Reg
969 03/05/2017 Letter No: RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/DEE(C)/AEE7/Workload/2017, Dated: 03.05.2017 Irrigation & CAD Department - Furnishing of details of Jurisdiction/Workload of each division under each Unit - Detailed information called for - Reg.
970 03/05/2017 RC/ENC/I(1)/17021328/2016 Dt:02.05.2017 G.A.(Ser.E) Deptt.Nodal Authority for providing compassionate Appointment to the dependents of the deceased Government employees Of Head of Department and Departments of Secretariat Details of Vacancies of posts to be considered under the scheme of Compassionate appointments-Reg
971 01/05/2017 Lr.No.1016/Team - II/ITC 2016/G3-AEs/2017-18/158 Dt.01.05.2017 WALAMTARI-ITC 2016 - 3 Months Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEs/AEEs(2016 & 2013 Batch) of I&CAD Department, Government of Telangana - from 15.05.2017 to 05.08.2017(Group:III-GOLLAVAGU) - Nominations of AEs/AEEs -Reg
972 01/05/2017 01/OSD/EC/EIA consultants/2017 Dated.30.04.2017 CORRIGENDUM - II to Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Environment Impact Assessment studies
973 29/04/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE2/AEE5/BOCEs/61108/2017 Dt.29.04.2017 Revision of Syllabus & Rules for the Departmental test of Telangana State Government - Requested by TSPSC, Hyd - Updation/Modification of A & D - Codes - Convening of 4th Board of Chief Engineers meeting for the year 2017 on draft D - Code - Intimation - Regarding
974 27/04/2017 01/OSD/EC/EIA consultants/2017 CORRIGENDUM to Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Environment Impact Assessment studies
975 27/04/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6(C) Lift Irrigation Schemes-Details of Pump Houses and Concerned Engineering Staff Incharge of Pump House-Particulars Called for
976 25/04/2017 01/OSD/EC/EIA consultants/2017 Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) for Environment Impact Assessment studies
977 24/04/2017 RC/ENC/G1/Trainings/2017 Dt.22.04.2017 Dr.MCR HRDI - Centre for Information Technology(CIT) - Calendar Training Programme of 2017-18 - Basic Computer Training on MS-Office (13 days) from 12.06.2017 to 24.06.2017 - Nominations - Requested - Regarding.
978 22/04/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/DG Walamtari Reorganization of TSERL- Management and Administrative control of TSERL,Hyderabad to be with Director General,WALAMTARI,Hyderabad-Orders issued
979 20/04/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/A1/24018/2017 Dt:19.04.2017 New Methodology proposed for finalization of seniority
980 19/04/2017 ENC(IW)/SEPMU/EE(P&M)/DEE1/AEE1/GB Meeting, Dt.18.04.2017 TRAC - Governing Body Meeting - 23rd GB Meeting of TRAC held on 28.01.2017 at Hyderabad - Communication of minutes of 23rd G.B. Meeting of TRAC to members - Regarding.
981 19/04/2017 RC/ENC/G1/Trainings/2017 Dt.18.04.2017 Dr.MCR HRDI - Centre for Information Technology(CIT) - Calendar Training Programme of 2017-18 - Basic Computer Training on MS-Office (13 days) from 15.05.2017 to 27.05.2017 - Nominations - Requested - Regarding.
982 13/04/2017 Endt.RC/ENC/G1/Trainings/2017 Dt.10.04.2017 Dr.MCR HRDI - Centre for Information Technology(CIT) - Calendar Training Programme of 2017 - 18 - Advanced MS -Excel (03 days) from 04.05.2017 to 06.05.2017 - Nominations - Requested - Regarding.
983 13/04/2017 ENC/IW/SE/PMU/EE/P&M/DEE2/AEE6 Dt.12.04.2017 I&CAD Dept.-Land Acquisition units of Special Collectors and Special Deputy Collectors Re-Organization and Re-deployment of posts and incumbents of LA Units for Irrigation - Guidelines Issued - Regarding
984 12/04/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(S)Admin/ADA/AEE1 Dt:11.04.2017 Concession to SC/ST and Waddera Contract Co-Operative Societies and Individuals-Implemention of G.O.Ms.No.52-Clarification on implementation of G.O-Details of such registered societies/individuals(Unit/Circle/Division wise)-Requested-Reg
985 11/04/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dr.MCR HRD-Two days workshop on Best Practice&Success Stories on RTI from 18.04.2017 to 19.04.2017-Nominations Called for-Reg
986 04/04/2017 Lr.No.ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE.2/AEE.5/Service Tax/61108/2017 Dt.03.04.2017 I&CAD Dept.-Reimbursement of Service Tax introduced w.e.f.01.04.2015 - Furnishing of Project wise financial implications - Regarding
987 30/03/2017 RC/ENC/H3/14021105/2014, Dt.27.03.2017 Estt-I&CAD Dept-Engineering Services - Smt.I.Rajani, AEE Proceed on leave from 14.02.2014 onwards - Surrendered to this office - Regarding.
988 28/03/2017 RC/ENC/I(1)/17021328/2017, Dated.28.03.2017 Estt-I&CAD - Deptt - TSES - Public Services - G.A.(Ser.E) Deptt. Nodal Authority for providing compassionate appointment to the dependents of the deceased Government employees of Head of Department and Departments of Secretariat details of vacancies of posts to be considered under the scheme of Compassionate Appointments - Reg.
989 28/03/2017 Endt.RC/ENC/G1/Trainings/2017 Dt.28.03.2017 Dr.MCR HRDI-Centre for Information Technology(CIT) - Calendar Training Programme of 2016-17 - Basic Computer Training on Ms-Office(13 Days) from 01.05.2017 to 13.05.2017 - Nominations - Requested - Regarding.
990 27/03/2017 Rc/ENC/A2/1504169/2015 Dt:25.03.2017 Service Particulars of Technical Assistants/JTOs/ATOs/Work Inspectors of all grades for appointment by Transfer to the post of Assistant Engineers for panel year 2016-17-Particulars called for-Regarding
991 27/03/2017 Rc/ENC/A2/14091316/2017 Dt:25.03.2017 Service Particulars of AEs/ATOs/JTOs/Technical Assistants and work Inspectors for appointment by Transfer as AEEs for the panel year 2016-17-Called for-Regarding
992 25/03/2017 RC/ENC/G1/Trainings/2017 Calender Training Programme of 2017-18-Training programme on Basic Computer Training on MS-Office(13 days) from 17.04.2017 to 29.04.2017-Nominations called for-Reminder-Requested-Regarding
993 22/03/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE.2/AEE.4/SOR17-18/Vol.I, Dt.21.03.2017 Preparation of SOR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2017-18 - Furnishing of draft rates along with supporting quotations for the basic input data required for the preparation of Revised Standard data for the Year 2017-18-Requested - Reg.
994 22/03/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement of probation - Feb, 2017 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs Commencement of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs Proceedings Orders issued during the month of February, 2017-Reg.
995 21/03/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE1/AEE1/19200/Misc/17 Dt:18.03.2017 Crisis Management Plan(CMP) 2016 of Ministry of Water Resources,RD&GR,Govt.of India-report called for-Reg
996 21/03/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE1/AEE1/19200/Misc/17 Dt:18.03.2017 Installation of Floating Solar Power Plants on water Bodies report called for-Reg
997 21/03/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Trainings/WALAMTARI, Dt.20.03.2017 WALAMTARI - ITC 2013 - 3 Months Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs & AEs(2013 & 2016 Batch) I&CAD Department, Govt., of Telangana(Group-2: NALLAVAGU) from 13-03-2017 to 03-06-2017 - Not Attended list - Reg.
998 21/03/2017 RC/ENC/A1/16041308/2017 Commision of Inquiry-Furnishing names of the Muslim Employees working in the department as required-Called for-Certain Instructions-Regarding
999 20/03/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dr.MCRHRD-Workshop on "Suo-Motu Discloser under RTI" Act-from 27.03.2017 to 28.03.2017-Nomonations Called for-Reg
1000 18/03/2017 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6(C)/2017 Dt:18.03.2017 Updation of details of all the Employees in HRMS Website-Further Schedule communicated-Reg
1001 18/03/2017 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE.1/AEE.2/Misc/2017 I&CAD Dept.-Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project(DRIP) with World Bank financial assistance - Report -Called for - Reg.
1002 17/03/2017 RC/ENC/G1/Training/2017 Dr.MCRHRDI-Calender Training Programme of 2016-17-Refresher Computer Training Programme for SAs from 20.03.2017 to 22.03.2017-Nominations-Requested-Reg
1003 10/03/2017 Endt.RC/ENC/G1/2017, Dt.10.03.2017 I & CAD Department - TNGOs Central Union, Hyderabad - Karimnagar District - Compassionate appointment on medical invalidation grounds - Relaxation of Rules - Request - Rejected - Reg.
1004 10/03/2017 RC/ENC/B3/17021622/2017 Dt.10.03.2017 I & CAD Department - Deputations - Appointment on deputation basis to the post of Deputy Executive Engineers in Sri.Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University - Willingness called for - Reg.
1005 09/03/2017 RC/ENC/B1/31129/2017 Dt:08.03.2017 Long Standing Tranfers-List of employees working on long standing basis in the cadre of AE/AEE/DEE-Particulars called for
1006 09/03/2017 Rc/ENC/G1/2017 Labour Employeement Training&Factories Department-to provide social Security in the form of Provident Fund,Pensions&Insurance to the employees-Necessary action-Reg
1007 09/03/2017 RC/ENC/I(1)/16061050/2017 Dt:08.03.2017 Appointment of dependents of Government Servants-who died while in service on compassionate grounds-Details called for-To attend the Meeting on 13.03.2017@11.00 AM-Reg
1008 08/03/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE.2/AEE.5/Service Tax/61108/2017 Dt.03.03.2017 I&CAD Dept.,-Reimbursement of Service Tax introduced w.e.f 01.04.2015 - Furnishing of Project wise financial implications - Regarding.
1009 08/03/2017 ENC(IW)/SEPMU/EE(P&M)/DEE1/AEE2/2016-17 Dt.06.03.2017 Irrigation&CAD Department - Labour Employment Training & Factories Department - to provide social security in the form of provident Fund, Pensions & Insurance to the employees - Necessary action - Reg.
1010 04/03/2017 RC/ENC/I(1)/16061050/2017 Dt:28.02.2017 Appointments of dependents of Goverment Servants who died while in service on compassionate grounds-Details Called for-Reg
1011 03/03/2017 Lr.No.1016/Team-I/ITC2016/2016-17/608 Dt:03.03.2017.2017 WALAMTARI-ITC2013&2016-3-Months Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs/AEs(2013&2016 Batch)-from 13.03.2017 to 03.06.2017(Group:II-NALLAVAGU)-AEEs/AEs deputed-Reg
1012 02/03/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE1/AEE1/19200/16-17 Dt.01.03.2017 I&CAD Department - Furnishing of the Land, Quarters particulars - Remainder - Reg
1013 02/03/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE.2/AEE.4/SOR17-18/Vol.I, Dt.02.03.2017 Preparation of SOR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2017-18 - Furnishing of draft rates along with supporting quotations for the basic input data required for the preparation of Revised Standard data for the Year 2017-18-Requested - Reg.
1014 28/02/2017 Rc/ENC/A4/RTI-Act/2017 Dated.22.02.2017 RTI Act 2005 - Implementation - Revised set up of Appellate Authorities, Public Information Officers, Assistant Public Information Officers to facilitate speedy disposal of applications under section 5(1) of Right to Information Act, 2005 - Orders Issued.
1015 28/02/2017 RC/ENC/B3/1159/2016, Date.27.02.2017 Estt. - TSES - DEE - Additional Charge - Continuation of additional charge beyond 3 months - Government is competent authority - instructions issued.
1016 27/02/2017 RC/ENC/H3/16091445/2016 Dt.23.12.2016 Irrigation & CAD Deptt - Unauthorized absence to duty for more than (23) years of Sri Khader Mohiuddin, JTO - Regarding
1017 22/02/2017 RC/ENC/A1/110/2017 Dt:21.02.2017 AEEs/AEs-Revised Attestation Forms in r/o AEEs/AEs recruited in the year 2012,2013&2016 PSC Batches-Called for-Reg
1018 22/02/2017 1178/General/2017-1 Dt:14.02.2017 Orders relating the National Anthem of India-Communication-Requested-Reg
1019 22/02/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE1/AEE1/19200/16-17, Dt.21.02.2017 I&CAD Department - Disposal of unused vehicles, scrap material etc - Reg.
1020 21/02/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE1/AEE1/19200/16-17 Dt.21.02.2017 Furnishing of Land,Quarters Particulars-Reg
1021 21/02/2017 RC/ENC/A1/13032366/2016 Dt:20.02.2017 Filling of vacancies in Goverment Department on Direct recruitment-Particulars in certain categories called for-Particulars not received so far-Instructions-Issued
1022 21/02/2017 Lr.No.RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dt.20.02.2017 Dr.MCRHRD Institute of Telangana-Training Programme on Basic Course on Disaster Management from 02.03.2017 to 04.03.2017-Nominations Called for-Reg
1023 20/02/2017 RC/ENC/I(1)/17021328/2017 Nodal Authority for providing compassionate appointment to the dependents of the deceased Government employees-Details of vacancies of posts to be considered under the scheme of Compassionate Appointments-Reg
1024 20/02/2017 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6(C)/2017 Dt:20.02.2017 Updation of details of all the Employee in HRMS Website-Further Schedule Communicated-Regarding
1025 20/02/2017 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE3/General.C/2017/TS Instructions with regard officers who are connected with Mission Bhagiratha,Mission Kakatiya and other critical programmes-Not to be deputed or diverted-Reg
1026 18/02/2017 ENC/IW/CAO/PAC Meeting/2017 Dt.18.02.2017 I & CAD Department - Committee on Public Accounts - Meeting at 11.30 A.M on 20th February, 2017 - Reg.
1027 18/02/2017 ENC/IW/SE/P&M/EE.I/DEE-2/AEE/Misc/17, Dt.17.02.2017 I&CAD Dept. - Professional documentation & dissemination of good governance initiatives - request for furnishing of Good Governance initiatives taken up in the Department - Reg
1028 17/02/2017 Endt.Rc/ENC/G1/2017 Dt.16.02.2017 I&CAD Dept. -Elections - Biennial Elections to Legislative Council - Applicability of Model Code of Conduct - Intimation - Reg.
1029 16/02/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement of probation - Jan, 2017 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs Commencement of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs Proceedings Orders issued during the month of January, 2017-Reg.
1030 15/02/2017 Rc/ENC/F3/15071025/2017 Annual Confidential Reports in respect of AE/AEE/DEE and their maintance and EEs/SEs-Instructions issued
1031 15/02/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/New Districts Redistribution of Medium Irrigation Projects among the Chief Engineers-Orders-Issued
1032 10/02/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Trg/MCRHRD Dr.MCRHRD-Two days workship on Best Practice&Success Stories on RTI from 14.02.2017 to 15.02.2017-Nominations Called for-Reg
1033 09/02/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE/DEE-2/AEE-4/SOR 17-18/Vol.I Dt:07.02.2017 Preparation of SoR for all Engineering Departments for the year 2017-18-Requested-Reg
1034 09/02/2017 Rc/ENC/G1/2017 Dt:08.02.2017 Finance Department-Human Resources Management-Employee Data Sheet information-Online collection of Employees data through Web-Based application-Instructions to furnish the data-Regarding
1035 04/02/2017 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2016-3 Dt:03.02.2017 List of Defaulters-Further Extension of time period for online submission of Annual Property Returns 2016-Regarding
1036 31/01/2017 Rc/ENC/E2/2015 Dt:27.01.2017 Request for permission to appear Courses for Diploma in Civil and Mechanical Engineering in Distance Education-Returned-Reg
1037 30/01/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl/2017 Instructions with regard officers who are connected with Mission Bhagiratha,Mission Kakatiya and other critical programmes-Not to be deputed or diverted-Reg
1038 28/01/2017 Rc/ENC(Admin)/ADA/AEE3/Jalasoudha, Dated: 27.01.2017 Security measures - Guidelines for entry into Jalasoudha Building Complex - Communicated - Reg.
1039 28/01/2017 Rc/ENC/Legalcell/2017, Dated: 28.01.2017 I&CAD Dept-GP for I&CAD Dept,APAT,Hyderabad - Payment of Legal Fee towards CA Cases in APAT-Requested-Reg.
1040 25/01/2017 RC/ENC/I(1)/16061050/2017 Dt:24.01.2017 Appointment of Goverment Servents who died while in Service on compassionate grounds-Details called for-Reg
1041 24/01/2017 ENC(AW)/EE/Legal Cell Dt:24.01.2017 Intimation on creation of separate email ID for Legal Cell in ENC(AW) office-Reg
1042 24/01/2017 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - Dec, 2016 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs Commencement of Probation and Completion of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs Proceedings Orders issued during the month of December, 2016-Reg.
1043 23/01/2017 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6(C)/2017 Dt:23.01.2017 HRMS-Updation of details of all the Employees in HRMS Website-Regarding
1044 21/01/2017 Lr.No.1016/Team-I/ITC2016/2016-17/546 Dt:21.01.2017 WALAMTARI-ITC 2016-3 Month Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEs (2016 Batch) -From 30.01.2017 to 22.04.2017(Group:I-MATHADIVAGU)-AEs duputed-Reg
1045 19/01/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Trainings/WALAMTARI Dt:18.01.2017 WALAMTARI: Absent list of AEEs-3Months Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs (2013 Batch) from 16.01.2017 to 07.04.2017(Group:X-VATTIVAGU)-Reg
1046 16/01/2017 RC/ENC/I2/07126/2016-2 Dt:16.01.2017 Extension of time period for online submission of Annual Property Returns 2016-Regarding
1047 12/01/2017 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE.I/19200/17 Optimum Utilization of Government buildings vacant rooftop space-take up Solar net metering financial resources-take necessary action-Reg
1048 12/01/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEe3/Trg/MCRHRD Dr.MCRHRD-Training Programme on Basic Course on Disaster Management from 23.01.2017 to 25.01.2017 and 31.01.2017 to 02.02.2017-Nominations Called for-Reg
1049 11/01/2017 RC/ENC/G1/Misc/2017 Dt:10.01.2017 Punctuality in attending the office-Certain Instructions issued-Regarding
1050 07/01/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/GC/2017 Air Conditions working in the Chambers/Rooms of ineligible officers-Details of ineligible officers who are availing A.C.Facility on Government officer-Reg
1051 06/01/2017 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Hire Vehicles Dt:04.01.2017 Irregularities in Hiring of Vehicles in Government Department in the State-Furnish a detailed report-Reg
1052 04/01/2017 Lr.No.1010/Team-I/ITC2013/2016-17/510 Dt:03.01.2017 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013-3 month induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 batch) in Telangana State-from 16.01.2017 to 07.04.2017(Group:X-VATTIVAGU)-AEEs deputed -Reg
1053 03/01/2017 11446/Ser.1(1)2016-1 Representation of unemployed disabled association-Certain Grievance-Implementation of 3% reservation for persons with disabilities in DSC recruitment -Reg
1054 29/12/2016 Rc/ENC/C1/16111011/2016 Dt:28.12.2016 Gazetted Officers-Retirement of Engineer-in-Chief,Chief Engineers, Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers during the Calendar year 2017-Notification-issued
1055 28/12/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - Nov, 2016 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs/AEs Commencement of Probation and Completion of Probation orders of certain AEEs/AEs Proceedings Orders issued during the month of November,2016-Reg.
1056 21/12/2016 RC/ENC/B3/1601655/2015 Dy.EEs due to retire from service in the calendar year 2017-Particulars called for-Reg
1057 16/12/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/SC,ST,BC/2016-2 Particulars of backlog vacancies of SC/ST employees, BC employees and Muslim Employees of this Department-Called for-Information received from few units-certain instruction-Reg
1058 16/12/2016 RC/ENC/A1/13032366/2016 Dt.08.12.2016 Direct recruitment - Filling of vacancies in Government Department on Direct recruitment - Particulars of Vacancies in certain categories called for - particulars not received so for - instructions - issued.
1059 15/12/2016 ENC(AW)/EE/Legal Cell Dt:15.12.2016 Review meeting by Hon'ble Minister for Irrigation-Request to furnish the information regarding the Court Cases in Prescribed Proforma-Reg
1060 15/12/2016 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2016-1 Dt:01.12.2016 Submission of Annual Property Returns for the calendar year 2016 in respect of all the cadres,CEs,SEs,EEs,DEEs and NTPAs-Regarding
1061 14/12/2016 RC/RNC/G1/2016 Dt.08.12.2016 Republic Day Celebrations, 2017 - List of invitees called for - Reg
1062 14/12/2016 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE.I/AEE.I/Flyash, dt.13.12.2016 Utilization of Fly Ash & Fly Ash based Products in I & CAD Dept - Certain instructions issued.
1063 13/12/2016 Lr.No.RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Other Trg/WALANTARI/2016 Dt: 13-12-2016 Identification of topics & details of training needs of Engineers in WALAMTARI-Suggestions-Requested from CEs
1064 08/12/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE1 Registration of Contractors-Software developed by C.G.G-Online processing of Registration applications-Flow chart/hierarchy of officials involved in processing and approval of Registration-Information requested-Reg
1065 03/12/2016 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q3/2016, Dt.02.12.2016 Loans and Advances - Loans to Government employees - Reallocation of funds for the 3rd Quarter budget provision in the Financial Year 2016-17 - Reg.
1066 03/12/2016 Engineer - in - Chief (Irrigation) Letter Verification of Service Tax by M/s Sri Sai Associates(Shri.N.Dharma Reddy) - Regarding.
1067 01/12/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/New Districts Dt:01.12.2016 Modified Orders of District Irrigation Officer Jangoan-Regarding
1068 01/12/2016 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2016-1 Dt:01.12.2016 Submission of Annual Property Returns for the calander year 2016 in respect of all the cadres,CEs,SEs,EEs,DEEs and NTPAs-Regarding
1069 01/12/2016 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE2 Dt.01.12.2016 Staff particulars(Sanctioned Strength and Working Strength of all the Cadres) along with work load/job chart of Engineering staff - information called for - Reg.
1070 30/11/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/SC.ST.BC/2016 Particulars of backlog vacancies of SC/ST ,BC and Muslim Employees-Called for-Certain Instructions-Regarding
1071 26/11/2016 Rc/ENC/A1/110/2016 Date.26.11.2016 Errata- Provisional Seniority List of AEEs including AT AEEs of IJD Batch,1978 PSC LR,GO 647,GO 413 and 1984 recruitment batch of Zones V&VI prepared in accordance with Honble supreme court orders dt18.02.2016-Communicated-Objections called for-Reg
1072 23/11/2016 RC/ENC/D1/15011940/2016 AEEs/AEs and NTPA due to retire from service in the calander year 2017-Particulars called for-Reg Dt:19.11.2016
1073 17/11/2016 Lr.No.1011/Team-I/H&I/Total Station/2016-17 Dt:17.11.2016 WALAMTARI-Training on Survey with Total Station for DEEs/AEEs working in Hydrology & Investigation Unit-From 21.11.2016 to 30.11.2016-Reg
1074 16/11/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE5/GC/2016 Shifting of Chief Engineer, CDO office to 6th Floor of Jalasoudha Building,Errummanzil, Hyderabad-Availability of furniture in CE,CDO,Unit,Hyderabad-Reg
1075 12/11/2016 Rc/ENC/A1/110/2016 Dt:11.11.2016 Provisional Seniority List of AEEs including AT AEEs of IJD Batch,1978 PSC LR,GO 647,GO 413 and 1984 recruitment batch of Zones V&VI prepared in accordance with Honble supreme court orders dt18.02.2016-Communicated-Objections called for-Reg
1076 12/11/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - Oct,2016 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs Commencement of Probation and Completion of Probation orders of certain AEEs Proceedings Orders issued during the month of October,2016-Reg.
1077 05/11/2016 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE.1/AEE.2/Misc Dt.31.10.2016 Dr.MCR HRD Institute - Two day Workshop on "Effective Implementation of Right to Information Act" - From 16.11.2016 to 17.11.2016 - Nominations invited.
1078 05/11/2016 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE.I/19200/16 Dt:05.10.2016 Introduction of Online Registration in I&CAD Dept - Taking up of Online Registration of Class - I Contractors - Willingness called for.
1079 04/11/2016 RC/ENC/B3/16101655/2016 DEEs retire from service in the Calander year 2017-Particulars-Called for-Reg
1080 02/11/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110_ST_Ver/2016 Dt:02.11.2016 Direct Recruitment-Candidates selected to the post of AEEs&AEs by the TSPSC-Verification of ST Status-Intimation-Reg
1081 01/11/2016 RC/ENC/G1/Trainings/2016 Dr.MCR HRDI-Calander Training Programme of 2016-17-Basic Computer Training on MS office from 21.11.2016 to 03.12.2016-Nominations-Requested-Reg
1082 31/10/2016 Rc/ENC/G1/2016, Dt.29.10.2016 Rashtriya Ekta Diwas(National Unity Day) - Observance of "Rashtiya Ekta Diwas(National Unity Day)" on 31.10.2016 - Instructions - Issued
1083 28/10/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Trainings/WALAMTARI, Dt.28-10-2016 International Conference on "Climate Change, Water, Agriculture and Food Security (ICCWAFS 2016)" November 2nd 3rd, 2016, at ICRISAT, Hyderabad - Deputation of Assistant Executive Engineers - Reg.
1084 25/10/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Trainings/WALAMTARI Dt:24.10.2016 WALAMTARI-ITC 2016-3 Months Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2016 Mechanical Batch) from 31.10.2016 to 28.01.2017(Group:IV-TALIPERU)-AEE/AEs deputed-Reg
1085 22/10/2016 RC/ENC/16041306/2016 Dt:18.10.2016 Commission of Inquiry-furnishing date of the Muslim Employees working in the department-Called for-Certain instructions-Reg
1086 21/10/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Awards Dt:20.10.2016 Prime Minister Award for excellence in public Administration for Extraordinary innovate work done by officers of the Central and State Government-Nominations Called for-Reg
1087 21/10/2016 Rc/ENC/D1/16101/41/2016 Dt:17.10.2016 D.Priyanka,AEE -Placement in SGP Clarification-Issued-Reg
1088 21/10/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110_ST_Ver/2016 Dt:18.10.2016 Direct Recruitment-Candidates selected to the post of AEEs&AEs by the TSPSC-Verification of ST Status-Intimation-Reg
1089 20/10/2016 Lr.No.1011/Team-I/ITC 2016/2016-17/424 Dt:19.10.2016 WALAMTARI-ITC 2016-3-Month Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs/AEs(2016 Mechanical Batch) -from 31.10.2016 to 28.01.2017(Group:IV-TALIPERU)-AEEs/AEs deputed-Reg
1090 17/10/2016 Rc/ENC/G2/Stores/Dairy-2017 Dt:17.10.2016 Printing of Official Dairy 2017 of Telangana State-Publication of Telephone Nos/e-mail Addresses of Telangana State-Furnishing of up to date Information-Reg
1091 17/10/2016 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q2/2016-17 Dt:05.10.2016 Loans and Advances-Reallocation of funds-Advances for 2nd quaters in the financial year 2016-17-Reg
1092 15/10/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/A4/RTI Act-2005-Quaterly reports/3rd/2016 Dt.14.10.2016 RTI Act 2005-Submission 3rd Quaterly reports in 'C' & 'G' Forms - Reg.
1093 06/10/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/New Districts Dt.06.10.2016 New Districts Formation - Changing of Office Name Boards showing the Name of the District-Reg
1094 06/10/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/Commencement & Declaration of probation - Sep,2016 I&CAD Dept TSES AEEs Commencement of Probation and Completion of Probation orders of certain AEEs Proceedings Orders issued during the month of September,2016-Reg.
1095 05/10/2016 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE.I/19200/16 Dt:05.10.2016 Fisheries growing in Telangana State-Programme scheduled for launching from 3rd October-Reg
1096 04/10/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/New Districts Formation of New Districts-Re-organisation of Revenue Divisions and Mandals in Telangana State-Accommodation for new office Buildings available in Districts-Certain instructions issued
1097 01/10/2016 Rc/ENC/E2/16071649/2016 Dt:22.09.2016 Appintment by transfer to the post of JTO-Clarification regarding minimum service-Instructions-Issued
1098 29/09/2016 Lr.NO.ENC(AW)/EE(A)/DEE2(eGov)/AEE3/Website/7 Dt:29/09/2016 Irrigation Projects-Major&Medium-Furnishing of Project Information for publishing on website-Reg
1099 24/09/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/2016 Dt.22.09.2016 I & CAD Dept. - TSES - AEEs - 2012 & 2013 PSC Batches - Furnish the Commencement & Declaration of Probation Proposals pending at their end on or before 10-10-2016 - Reg
1100 21/09/2016 Lr.No.1010/Team-I/ITC 2013/2016-17/374 Dt:20.09.201609.2016 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013- 3 Months Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 Batch) from 26.09.2016 to 17.12.2016(Group IX-RALIVAGU)-AEEs deputed-Reg
1101 20/09/2016 Lr.No.RC/ENC(AW)/EE(aDMIN)/ADA/AEE4(T)/2016, Dt.19.09.2016 I&CAD Dept., - Intermediate Education - Vocational Education +2 Stage on Job Training - National Skill Development Programme - Permit the Vocational Intermediate Govt., Junior College Students for on the Job Training in I&CAD Dept., - Reg.
1102 12/09/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/2016 Dt:09.09.2016 Commencement and Declaration of probation of AEEs-PSC Batches of 2012&2013-Meeting-Reg
1103 08/09/2016 Lr.No.Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q2/2016, Dt.07.09.2016 Loans and Advances - Loans to Government Employees - Reallocation of funds for the 2nd Quarter budget provision in the Financial Year 2016 - 17 -Reg
1104 08/09/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/2016 Dt:07.09.2016 Appointment as OSD for a period of one year for processing of Environment/Forest/Wild Life clearance proposals of various Projects at State level-Orders-Issued
1105 07/09/2016 Lr.NO.1010/Team-I/ITC2013/2016-17/356 Dt:06.09.2016 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013-3 Months Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 batch) from 19.09.2016 to 09.12.2016(Group:VIII-PEDDA VAGU)-AEEs deputed-Reg
1106 06/09/2016 Memo No. RC/ENC/D2/ 15081842/2015 dt: 06-09-2016 Deputation orders for Ganesh Idols immersion duties
1107 06/09/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/2016 Biometric Attendant System-Certain instruction-Reg
1108 06/09/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/New Districts Portal Districts Formation Portal-Upload the details of the Regular Posts in the New Districts Formation Portal-Reg
1109 02/09/2016 Circulor Memo No. RC/ENC/110/ AEs /2016 PSC/2016 dt: 02-09-2016 Verification of Original Certificates of newly recruited AEs
1110 02/09/2016 Rc/ENC/D3/3535/2015 Dt.01.09.2016 Seniority list of Superintendents for appointment by transfer as NTPA to ENCs/CEs/SEs Spl. C.Rs called for-Reg
1111 01/09/2016 Rc/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE7/2016 Dt.01.09.2016 Staff particulars of Minor Irrigation sector - Called for.
1112 01/09/2016 RC/ENC/A1/13032366/2016 Dt.30.08.2016 Filling of vacancies in Government Departments - Filling of vacancies in the department on direct recruitment - Particulars Called for
1113 31/08/2016 Lr.No.1016/Team-I/ITC2016/2016-17/341 Dt:30.08.2016 WALAMTARI-One Week Introductory Module Training to newly recruited AEs(2016 batch) from 06.09.2016 to 11.09.2016(Groups:II&III)-Nominations-Requested -Reg
1114 31/08/2016 Lr.No.1016/Team-I/ITC2016/2016-17/342 Dt:30.08.2016 WALAMTARI-One Week Introductory Module Training to newly recruited AEs(2016 batch) from 13.09.2016 to 18.09.2016(Groups:IV&V)-Nominations-Requested-Reg
1115 31/08/2016 Lr.No.1016/Team-I/ITC2016/2016-17/342 Dt:30.08.2016 WALAMTARI-One Week Introductory Module Training to newly recruited AEs(2016 batch) from 13.09.2016 to 18.09.2016(Groups:IV&V)-Nominations-Requested Reg
1116 30/08/2016 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/DEE2(eGov)/AEE3/Website/6 Dt:29.08.2016 Irrigation Projects-Major and Medium-Furnishing of information for publishing on website-Reg
1117 27/08/2016 Letter No.ENC(AW)/PPmu dated 26.8.2016 Land Acquisition for various purpose -details called for from all units
1118 26/08/2016 RC/ENC/G1/Trainings/2016 Training programme on Basic Computer Training on MS-Office from 19.09.2016 to 01.10.2016-Regarding
1119 24/08/2016 RC/ENC/D2/15081842/2015 Deputation of DEEs and AEEs/AEs to M&W Circle,Hyderabad 07.09.2016 to 18.09.2016 for monitoring/Assisting for Ganesh Idols Immersion-Orders-Issued
1120 24/08/2016 Lr.No.ENC(AW)/EE/DEE/Legal Cell Dated:24.08.2016 I&CAD Department - Review meeting by Hon'ble Minister for Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation - Request to furnish the information regarding the Court Cases in Prescribed Proforma - Reg.
1121 23/08/2016 Lr.No.1016/Team-I/ITC 2016/2016-17/325 Date:23.08.2016 WALAMTARI - ITC 2016-One week Introductory Module Training to newly recruited AEs(2016 Batch) from 29.08.2016 to 03.09.2016(Group:I)-Nominations - Requested - Reg
1122 23/08/2016 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/DEE2(eGov)/AEE3/Website/5 Irrigation Projects-Major and Medium-Furnishing of project information for publishing on website-Reg
1123 20/08/2016 Rc/ENC/C1/16021616/2016 Dated.17.08.2016 Appointment to the post of Chief Engineer(Level-II) in National Water Development Agency-Willingness of the officers called for - to work on O.D.Basis
1124 18/08/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/DEE(C)/AEE6(C) Lift Irrigation Schemes-Details of Pump Houses Particulars called for
1125 18/08/2016 ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE5/Training/2016 Academic collaboration in Ph D programme with the TERI University-Nominations called for
1126 16/08/2016 Rc/ENC/D2/68397/2015 Utilizing of services of AEEs/AEs on deputation basis to Telangana State Irrigation development Corporation Limited-Willingness called for
1127 16/08/2016 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE3/Awards 49th Engineers day Celebrations(in Commemoration of 156th birth day of Bharat Ratna Sri Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya) Engineers day Awards-Nominations Called for
1128 12/08/2016 Lr.No.ENC(AW)/EE(A)/DEE2(eGov)/AEE3/Website/4 Dated.12.08.2016 I&CAD Dept.,-Irrigation Projects - Major & Medium - Furnishing of Project Information for publishing on website - Regarding.
1129 10/08/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE(C)/2016 Dt:10.08.2016 Updation of Mobile numbers of the employees in the HRMS from their individual login-Requset-Regarding
1130 06/08/2016 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE5/General.C/2016/TS Dt.06.08.2016 I&CAD Department Particulars of Govt., Vehicles and Hired Vehicles in I&CAD Department - Consolidated statement - Requesting - Reg.
1131 05/08/2016 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/DEE2(eGov)/AEE3/Website/3 Irrigation Projects-Major and Medium-Furnishing of project information for publishing on website-Reg
1132 04/08/2016 RC/ENC/D1/16011038/2016 Sanction of maternity leave for 180 days in the cadre of AEEs/AEs-Powers delegated to SEs level-Reg
1133 04/08/2016 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/DEE2(eGov)/AEE3/Website/2 Dated: 03.08.2016 I & CAD Dept., - Ongoing Irrigation Projects- Major & Medium - Project wise- Packagewise- programme & Progress - Information Called for Regarding
1134 28/07/2016 Lr.No.ENC(AW)/EE(A)/DEE2(eGOV)/AEE3/Website/1 Dated.27.07.2016 I&CAD Dept.-Project wise package wise - programme & progress - Information called for-Reg.
1135 26/07/2016 RC/ENC/A1/9426/2016 Dt.17.05.2016 I&CAD Dept. - Zone wise Seniority of AEEs directly recruited/Appointed by transfers from 1990 to 2007-Communication of final seniority list Reg
1136 23/07/2016 Endt.RC/ENC/G1/2016 Dt.23.07.2016 Independence Day Celebrations, 2016 - List of invitees called for-Reg.
1137 18/07/2016 EC/ENC/G1/2016 Dr.MCR HRDI-Computer Fundamentals&Office Application (5 days) from 25.07.2016 to 29.07.2016-Nominations-Requested-Reg
1138 15/07/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/EE9A)/DEE-1(eGov)/AEE/Website Dt.15.07.2016 Updation of Project Information in Irrigation Web Site by the Concerned Project authorities - Reg.
1139 15/07/2016 RC/ENC/C1/16051473/2016 Dated.15.07.2016 Willingness to work on diversion of services under Krishna River Management Board - Called for - Regarding.
1140 13/07/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Kaleshwaram, PCSS Reorg/2016 Dt.12.07.2016 Reassigning certain offices of Engineers to Kaleshwaram Project, Hyderabad - Orders issued-G.O.Rt.No.613.
1141 13/07/2016 6797/Genl/2016-1 Swachh Bharat APP Prepared by MyGov-Reg
1142 12/07/2016 Circular Memo.No.ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE4/Training/ADR, Dt.11.07.2016 Training in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Methods for the Engineers of I & CAD Department, Govt. of Telangana - Inviting Nominations - Reg.
1143 12/07/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/PentaReddy Dt.11.07.2016 Sri K.Penta Reddy, Advisor for Lift Irrigation Schemes-Extension of tenure for a further period of (2) Years w.e.f.16.05.2016 - Orders Issued.
1144 05/07/2016 Rc/ENC/D1/141210089/Re-Organisation AP/2014 Dated.04.07.2016 A.P.Reorganisation 2014-AEEs allotted to Zone V&VI and working in residual A.P-Repatriated to Telangana-Compulsory wait period treating as duty-Orders-Issued
1145 04/07/2016 Rc/ENC/G2/L&A/Q1/2016-17, Dt.01.07.2016 Loans and Advances-Loans to Government employees-Reallocation of funds towards HBA, Motor car Advance, Moped Advance, Personal Computer Advance, Cycle Advance, NGO's Education Advance for the 1st Quarter in the financial year 2016-17-Reg.
1146 02/07/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/A4/RTI Act-2005-Quaterly reports/2nd Q/2016 Dt:02.07.2016 R.T.I ACT-2005-Quaterly 2nd Quarter reports for the year 2016 in C&G forms-Reg
1147 01/07/2016 ENC(AW)/EE/DEE/LegalCell Formation of Legal Cell in the O/o the Engineer-in-Chief (AW), Hyderabad-Duties-Reg
1148 29/06/2016 Rc/ENC/A1/15111898/2016 Request of filling of SC/ST Backlog vacancies in all Goverment Department Call for-regarding
1149 29/06/2016 Rc/ENC/A1/13111717/2012&2013 PSC/2016 dt:27.06.2016 AEEs-Certification of Character and antecedents in r/o certain AEEs-Particulars call for-Reg
1150 28/06/2016 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE.I/19200/16 Dt:27.06.2016 Telanganaku Haritha Haaram Video Conference conducted by Secretary ,EFS&T Dept,With all the District Collectors on 04.06.2016-Communication of Minutes of Video Conference-Reg
1151 27/06/2016 ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE.I/Arb Genl/16 Dt:27.06.2016 Empanelment of Engineering Officers in the panel of Arbitrators Maintained by CWC-Furnishing of Particulars-Reg
1152 23/06/2016 RC/ENC/G1/2016 GOs-Compassionate appointments to the dependents of Government employees who retired on Medical Invalidation-Nominations of Chairman for State Level Committee-Orders-Issued Dt:22.06.2016
1153 23/06/2016 Rc/ENC/B1/1408151/A.P Reorg Dt:21.06.2016 A.P.Reorganization 2014-AE/AEE/DEE/EEs-belongs to Zone I to IV and working on deputation on reciprocal basis in Telangana-Service Books Called for-Reg
1154 21/06/2016 Rc/ENC/A1/16041306/2016 Dt:17.06.2016 Commission of Inquiry-Furnishing data of the Muslim Employees working in the Department-Reg
1155 16/06/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6(C) Dt:16.06.2016 Furnishing of Sanction and Working strength of Record Assistance and Office Subordinates cadre-Request-Reg
1156 15/06/2016 Rc/ENC/D1/141210089/ReOrganisation AP/2014 Dt:14.06.2016 A.P Reorganisation Act,2014-Requesting for compulsory wait period from the date of reporting to the date of reposting orders treating as duty-Orders-Issued
1157 10/06/2016 RC/ENC/A1/AEEs/110/2016 PSC/2016 dt:10.06.2016 Recruitment of AEEs provisionally selected in Notification No.08-2015-Appointment orders issued-Joining in the department-called for-Reg
1158 09/06/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE6(C) Dt:09.06.2016 Online Submission of Property Returns for newly recruited AEEs-AEs of 2016 batch-Instructions-Reg
1159 07/06/2016 Lr.No.1011/Team-I/ITC 2016/2016-17/222 Dt:06.06.2016 WALAMTARI-ITC 2016-3 - Months Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs of 2016 Batch from 13.06.2016 to 09.09.2016(Group III-SALIVAGU)-Nominations-Reg
1160 06/06/2016 Rc/ENC/B3/15111929/2015/2015-z-V&VI Dated.06.06.216 I & CAD Deptt - TSES - AEE/AEs - Temporary promotion/appointment by transfer as DEE for the panel year 2015-16 - Joining Reports - Notice issued - Reg.
1161 06/06/2016 Lr.No.Rc/ENC/G2/Loans/2016, Dt.01.06.2016 Loans and Advances - Loans to Government employees - Reallocation of funds for the 1st Quarter budget provision in the Financial Year 2016-17 - Reg.
1162 31/05/2016 Lr.No.1011/Team-I/ITC 2016/2016-17/207 Date.30.05.2016 WALAMTARI-ITC 2016-3 Months Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs of 2016 Batch from 06.06.2016 to 03.09.2016(Group:II-RAMADUGUVAGU)-Nominations-Reg.
1163 30/05/2016 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE5/General.C/2016/TS Dt.30.05.2016 2nd Anniversary Celebrations of the Formation of Telangana State-Reg
1164 28/05/2016 Memo No.RC/ENC/A1/110/2016-TSPSC Dt.26.05.2016 Assistant Engineers Provisionally selected in Notification No.09/2015-Verification of Original Certificates of Remaining Candidates - Requested to attend ENC(AW) office on or before 10.06.2016-Reg.
1165 27/05/2016 RC/ENC/A1/AEs/110/2016 PSC/2016 Dt:27.05.2016 Appointment orders to the provisionally selected candidates-Reg
1166 26/05/2016 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE2/Misl.2 Final Reminder-Employees staying at Headquaters-Directions-Submission of Residential Address-Reg
1167 26/05/2016 Rc/ENC/A1/AEs/110/2016 PSC/2016 Dt:26.05.2016 Issue of appointment orders to the provisionally selected candidates in person-Reg
1168 24/05/2016 RC/ENC/ADA/AEE5/General.C/2016/TS 2nd Anniversary Celebrations of the Formation of Telangana State
1169 23/05/2016 Lr.No.1011/Team-I/ITC2016/2016-17/191 Date.23.05.2016 WALAMTARI - 12 Week Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2016 Civil Batch) from 30.05.2016 to 20.08.2016 (Group: I PALERU) Nominations Reg.
1170 20/05/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Circle scale Karimnagar Dt..20.05.2016 Circle Scale Establishment-Preparation of Consolidated Statement (Cadre wise)-Reg
1171 18/05/2016 Memo.No.3943/ERD/CEs Estt/2016-1 Continuation of Outsourcing personnel working in various offices of I&CAD Dept.Govt of Telangana-Submission of Consolidated proposals-Reg
1172 17/05/2016 ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD, Dt.17.05.2016 Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Consultation workshop on Finalizing draft Drought Manual from 25-05-2016 to 26.05.2016-Sponsored by UNICEF-Nominations called for-Reg.
1173 17/05/2016 ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD, Dt.17.05.2016 Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana-Consultation workshop on Finalizing State Disaster Management plan from 21-06-2016 to 22.06.2016-Sponsored by UNICEF-Nominations called for-Reg.EF-Nominations called for-Reg.
1174 17/05/2016 ENC/IW/P&M/P.Cell/EE.I/AEE-I/16 Publication of Tenders Notices in I&CAD Website-Guide Lines for submitting the Tender Notices for Publication Online-Certain Instructions-Reg
1175 17/05/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Circle scale karimnagar Reorganization of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Pranahitha Chevella unit-Circle Scale Establishment-Calling for options from the Concerned staff-Reg
1176 13/05/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Circle scale karimnagar Dt.13.05.2016 Reorganization-Circle Scale establishment-Clarification-Reg
1177 13/05/2016 Rc/ENC/A1/110/AEs/2015PSC/2016 dt 13.05.2016 Schedule of certificate verification of newly recruited AEs
1178 13/05/2016 ENC(AW)/ /DEE(C)/AEE7/2016/2, Dated: 13 - 05 - 2016 Updation of Present Residential Address and Contact details of all the Employees in the HRMS website
1179 12/05/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/RetiredAEs/Contract Basis Engaging the services of(2 Nos) retired DEE on contract basis for a period of One year-Orders issued
1180 12/05/2016 Rc/ENC/B3/78196/2010(Provisional)(TOs) Communicating the Provisional Seniority list of Technical Officers(Special Grades)-Technical Officers-Objections called for
1181 11/05/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Circle scale Karimnagar Reorganization of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Pranahitha Chevella,Kaleshwaram and Karimnagar units-Circle Scale Establishment-Calling for options from the concerned staff-Reg
1182 10/05/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Circle Scale Karimnagar Dt.10.05.2016 Reorganization of Projects - Optional forms of Circle Scale Establishment of Karimnagar, Warangal, Adilabad and Nizamabad-Reg
1183 09/05/2016 Lr.No.1011/Team-I/ITC 2016/2016-17/52 WALAMTARI-ITC 2016-One week Introductory Module Training to newly recruited AEEs(2016 batch) from 16.05.2016 to 21.05.2016(Group-III)-Nominations-Requested-Reg
1184 09/05/2016 Rc/ENC(A.W)/DEE(C)/AEE7/2016 Dt.09.05.2016 Furnishing of qualification details of all the Engineers from AEE/AE to CE Cadre along with their Specialization such as Civil/Electrical/Mechanical/Instrumentation/Agriculture-Reg.
1185 09/05/2016 Rc/ENC/A1/9426/2016 Zone wise Seniority of AEEs directly recruited-Appointed by transfers during the period from 1990 to 2007-Communicated-Objections called for-Errata-Reg
1186 05/05/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE7/2016 Dt.05.05.2016 Furnishing of Mobile Numbers of EEs and DEEs
1187 05/05/2016 Rc/ENC/ADA/AEE2/Misl3 Reminder-Employees staying at headquarters-Submission of Residential Address-Reg
1188 05/05/2016 Lr.No.ENC/IW/P&M/EE.I/DEE2/AEE5/CODES/2015-16 Dt.30.04.2016 Updation/ Modification of A-Code, D-Code, G.O.Ms No.1007 Dt.05.11.1976 and G.O.Ms No.402 Dt.08.10.1982 Suggestions and Specific Recommendations Called for-Regarding.
1189 02/05/2016 Lr.No.ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE5/Miss/2015-16 Property Tax- Request to clear the property tax dues to the Municipalities-Municipal Corporations-Reg
1190 02/05/2016 Lr.No.1011/Team-I/ITC 2016/2016-17/133 WALAMTARI-ITC 2016-One week Introductory Module Training to newly recruited AEEs from 09.05.2016 to 14.05.2016(Group II)-Nominations-Req-Reg
1191 30/04/2016 RC/ENC/A1/16041306/2016 Dt.27/04/2016 Furnish the Data of Muslim Employees Working in the Department
1192 27/04/2016 RC/ENC/A1/9426/2016 Dated.26.04.2016 Zone wise Seniority of AEEs directly recruited/Appointed by transfers through Various sources during the period from 1990 to 2007-Communicated-Objections-Called for
1193 25/04/2016 Lr.No.RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA//AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Dt.23.04.2016 Training Programme on "Achieving Individual Excellence" from 28.04.2016 to 30.04.2016-Nominations Called for
1194 23/04/2016 Lr.No.1011/Team-I/ITC 2016-17/126 Date.23.04.2016 One Week Introductory Module Training to newly recruited AEEs(2016 Batch) from 02-05-2016 to 07.05.2016(Group: I)
1195 20/04/2016 Rc/ENC/ADA/AEE2/Misl2 Employees Staying at Headquarters-Directions to Submit the residential addresses
1196 19/04/2016 RC/ENC/F2/15071025/2015 Dated.19.04.2016 Annual Confidential Reports of AEEs and AEs called for consideration of promotion to the post of DEE
1197 16/04/2016 ENC(AW)/Legal Cell REMINDER-Payments to the Govt.GP at Hon'ble APAT-Pending bills-Reg
1198 12/04/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/A4/RTI Act-2005-Quaterly reports/1st Q/2016 RTI Act 2005-Submission 1st Quarter reports for the year 2016 in C&G Forms-Reg
1199 06/04/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Miss/2015/TS National Survey Day -10-11 April 2016-Financial Support-Request-Reg
1200 04/04/2016 Rc/ENC/ADA/AEE2/Re-organisation Reorganization various units in the department-Transfer of Circle scale establishment Details-called for
1201 04/04/2016 Rc/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE/2016 Dt.04.04.2016 Re-Organization Various units in the Department-Transfer of DEEs and AEEs / AEs-Particulars-called for
1202 29/03/2016 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE1/2016 Confirmation of Solvency and Turnover certificates from outside the jurisdiction of state-Delegation of Powers to Chief Engineers
1203 29/03/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl Dt.26.03.2016 Employees Staying at Headquarters
1204 26/03/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/2015 PSC/2016 Issue of appointment orders to the provisionally selected candidates in person-Reg
1205 18/03/2016 ENC9AW)/Legal Cell Dated.17.03.2016 Payments to the Govt., GP at Hon'ble APAT-Pending bills
1206 17/03/2016 RC/ENC/C1/16021616/2016 Dated.15.03.2016 Appointment to the post of Chief Engineer(Level-II) in National Water Development Agency-Willingness of the officers called for - to work on O.D.Basis
1207 10/03/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/2015 PSC/2016 Dt.10.03.2016 Schedule of certificate verification of newly recruited AEEs
1208 09/03/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Training Programme on chieving Individual Excellence from 28.03.2016 to 30.03.2016-Nominations Called for
1209 09/03/2016 lr.No.Rc/ENC/G1/Loans/4th qr/2016 Loans and Advances-Re allocation of funds under Loans and advances to the Government servents-4th quarter budget provision in the financial year 2015-16-Reg
1210 05/03/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/2015 Dated.05.03.2016 Reminder-Direct Recruitment-TSES-Appointment of AEEs&AEs in the Department-Allocation of DR AEEs & AEs to the pritiorized projects-Called for
1211 04/03/2016 Rc/ENC/C1/16021635/2016 Dated02.03.2016 Filling up of the post of Chief Engineer in General Administration (V&E) Dept on O.D Basis-Willingness called for
1212 02/03/2016 ENC(AW)/Legal Cell Reminder-Request to furnish the information regarding the court cases in Prescribed proforma-Reg
1213 01/03/2016 Endt.No.RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Outsourcing/2016-17/TS Contracting and Outsourcing of Services in Goverment Departments-Enhancement of Remuneration-Orders-Issued
1214 22/02/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Trainings/WALAMTARI Circular-Walamtari-ITC 2013-12 week Induction Training course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 Mechanical batch) from 29.02.2016 to 21.05.2016 (Group-KATTALAIR)-Request to relieve
1215 19/02/2016 CE/PRLIS/DCE/OT-1/EOI/154 Dt.18-02-2016 Palamuru-Rangareddy Lift Irrigation Scheme-Supply of Surveying & Scientific Instruments-Notification calling for Expression of Interest(EOI)
1216 17/02/2016 RC/ENC(AW)A4/RTI-05/16021417 RTI Act-2005-Information us 4,5 1991)-Update by the Public Authoritis-in the commissions website-Reg
1217 17/02/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/2015 Dated.17-02-2016 Direct Recruitment-TSES-Appointment of AEEs&AEs in the Department-Allocation of DR AEEs & AEs to the pritiorized projects-Called for
1218 17/02/2016 RC/ENC/A3/16011679/Z-V&VI/B-15/2016 Dated.12.02.2016 TSES-AEEsAEs Exemption from passing the 2nd Language Test in Telugu-Orders
1219 17/02/2016 RC/ENC/A2/14091316/2014 Dated.16.02.2016 Service Particulars of AEs., ATOs., JTOs ., Technical Assistants & Work Inspectors for Appointment by Transfer as AEEs-Called for
1220 17/02/2016 RC/ENC/A2/1504169/2015 Dt.16.02.2016 TSESS-Service Particulars of Technical Assistants, JTOs, ATOs, Work inspectors of all Grades for Appointment by Transfer to the Post of AEs-Particulars called for
1221 13/02/2016 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2015-4 Annual Property Returns 2015-Final Extension of time Period for online submission-Reg
1222 12/02/2016 Lr.No.1010/Team-I/ITC2013/2015-16/638 Date:12.02.2016 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013-12-Week Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 Civil Batch) from 08.03.2016 to 28.05.2016 (Group: VII-MEDIVAGU)-Nominations-Reg
1223 11/02/2016 Lr.No.1010/Team-I/ITC 2013/2015-16/633 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013-12-Week Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 Mechanical Batch) from 29.02.2016 to 21.05.2016(Group VI-KATTALAIR)-Nominations-Reg
1224 08/02/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/2016 Dt.05.02.2016 AEEs-Commencement & Declaration of probation-PSC Batches of 2012 & 2013-Instructions
1225 06/02/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/2015 Dt.04.02.2016 AEEs - Data relating to persons with disabilities - PH Status - Certificates - Called for
1226 04/02/2016 ENC(AW)/Legal Cell/ Dated.03.02.2016 Requested to furnish the information regarding court cases in prescribed proforma-Reminder-I
1227 01/02/2016 RC/ENC/B3/15673/2016 Dt.01.02.2016 Particulars of DEEs with disabilities working in the Department interms of orders issued-Information Published
1228 01/02/2016 ENC(AW)EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Dt.28.01.2016 Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana - Training Programme on Strategic Management-Nominations Called for
1229 29/01/2016 EC/ENC/G5/2015 Dt.29.01.2016 Dr.MCR HRD Institute - Training Programme on Financial Management in Government - Nominations invited
1230 29/01/2016 EC/ENC/G5/2015 Dt.29.01.2016 Dr.MCR HRD Institute-Training Programme on Service Matters-Nominations invited
1231 29/01/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/2015 Additional list-PH Status in respect of AEE-AEs-Orders-Issued
1232 28/01/2016 ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD, Dt.28.01.2016 Dr.MCR HRD Institute of Telangana - Training Programme on Advanced Leadership & Motivation -Nominations Called for
1233 28/01/2016 RC/ENC/A1/110/2015 PH Status in respect of AEE-AEs-Orders-Issued
1234 28/01/2016 ENC/(IW)/P&M/EE.1/DEE.3/AEE7/15050/145/2016-17 Budget Estimates for the year 2016-17-Request to furnish proforma
1235 28/01/2016 Rc/ENC/AW/Legal Cell/ Dated 27.01.2016 Requested to furnish the information regarding court cases in prescribed proforma
1236 25/01/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE(C) Dt.25.01.2016 Updation of Mobile Numbers of Engineers in HRMS
1237 25/01/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Dr.MCR HRD-Training Programme on Human Resource Practices in Govt from 01.02.2016 to 06.02.2016-Nominations called for
1238 22/01/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Dr.MCRHRD-Training Programme on Stress Management from 03.02.2016 to 05.02.2016 Nominations Called for
1239 20/01/2016 RC/ENC/A1/37119/2015 Dt.16.01.2016 Final Seniority list of Assistant Engineers
1240 19/01/2016 RC/ENC/G1/Loans/2016 Loans to Government employees-Reallocation of funds-3rd Quarter budget provision in the financial year 2015-16-Reg
1241 19/01/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Outsourcing/2016-17/TS Continuation of Outsourcing personnel working in various offices -Submission of consolidated proposals-Reg
1242 18/01/2016 Rc/ENC/B3/78196/2010 Dt.13-01-2016 Reminder - Filling up of the posts of DEE by promotion-Service particulars of T.O.(Special grade)/T.O.-Particulars called for.
1243 18/01/2016 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2015-3 Submission of Annual Property Returns 2015 -Extension of time period for online submission-Reg
1244 18/01/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/DEE(C)/AEE(C) Furnishing of Staff pattern information-Request-Reg
1245 11/01/2016 CE/PRLIS/DEE-1/EOI/31 PRLIS-Notification calling for Expression of Interest(EOI) published in news papers-Submitted-Reg
1246 08/01/2016 RC/ENC/A1/15121131/2015 Dt.28.12.2015 Data on resettlement of Ex-Servicemen-Department of Saainik Welfare-Certain information-Called for.
1247 07/01/2016 RC/ENC(AW)/A4/RTI Act-2005-Quaterly reports/4TH Q/2015 RTI Act-2005-Submission 4th Quater reports for the year 2015 in C & G Forms
1248 06/01/2016 RC/ENC/I2/07126/2006/15 Online Submission of Annual Property Returns for the year 2015-Instructions-Regarding
1249 05/01/2016 RC/ENC/A1/151111898/2015 Reminder-Request for filling up of SC-ST back log vacancies in all Government Departments-Called for
1250 05/01/2016 RC/ENC/A1/151111898/2015 Request for filling up SC-ST back log vacancies in all Goverment Departments-Called for
1251 04/01/2016 RC/ENC/A1/17510/2015 Dt.02.01.2016 Appointment by transfer to the post of Assistant Engineers-Return of Original certificates.
1252 30/12/2015 Rc/ENC/I2/07126/2015-2 Dt.30.12.2015 Submission of Annual Property Returns 2015 in respect of all Cadres, CEs, SEs, EEs, and NTPAs-Reminder-1
1253 23/12/2015 RC/ENC/G5/2015 Center for Information Technology(CIT)-Training Programmes for 4th Quater(January 16 to March 16) at Dr.MCR HRD-Nominations Invited-Reg
1254 22/12/2015 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Awards Dt.22.12.2015 Nominations Called for - 8th CIDC Vishwakarma Awards 2016
1255 11/12/2015 RC/ENC/AW/NTPA/E2/15021489-1/2015 Dt.10.12.2015 List of Technical officers working in Circle/Unit offices - Requested to furnish information.
1256 10/12/2015 RC/ENC/A1/151111898/2015 dT.03.12.2015 SC/ST Back log vacancies in the cadre of Jr.Assistants, Jr.Stenographers, Technical Assistants & Jr.Technicals officers - information called for.
1257 09/12/2015 Rc/ENC/12/07126/2015-1 Dt.08.12.2015 Submission of Annual Property Returns thorugh online-Regarding.
1258 04/12/2015 SE/PMU/DEE.1/AEE3/AIBP/590-1/Vol.32, Dt.04.12.2015 Empanelment of Engineering Officers in the panel of Arbitrators maintained by CWC Requested to send the names of eligible and willing candidates.
1259 02/12/2015 RC/ENC/D4/2015 Medical claims of working and retired Circle Scale Establishment staff-Regarding
1260 01/12/2015 Lr.No.1010/Team-I/ITC 2013/2015-16/426 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013-12-Week Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 Civil Batch) from 07.12.2015 to 27.02.2016 (Batch No 5-JUTPALLY)-Nominations-Reg
1261 26/11/2015 1010/Team-1/ITC 2013/2015-16 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013-12-Week Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 Civil Engineering Batch) from 07.12.2015 to 27.02.2016 (Batch No 5-JUTPALLY)-Registrations Open-Reg
1262 24/11/2015 RC/ENC/D1/411210089/Re-organisation/2015 A.P.Reorganisation 2014-AEEs alloted to V&VI and working in residual A.P-Repatriated to Telangana-Compulsory wait period treating as duty-Orders-Issued
1263 23/11/2015 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE5/Miss/2015 Motor Vehicles-Wearing of helmets-Orders of Honble high court-Awareness Campaign
1264 23/11/2015 9916/ARB/SPF/2015 Zonal Cadre-Rectification of calculation error in arriving fair share ration between Zone V&VI in the cadre of Deputy Executive Engineers-Amendment-Issued
1265 20/11/2015 Lr.No.2101/Team-2/ITC 2013/2015-16/411 WALAMTARI-Additional List-ITC 2013-12 week Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 Civil Batch) from 23.11.2015 to 12.02.2016(Group IV-Chinnavagu)-Nominations-Reg
1266 19/11/2015 Rc/ENC/B3/78196/2010 Dt.17.11.2015 Service Particulars of Technical Officers(Special Grade) / Technical Officers Called for.
1267 19/11/2015 10631/Ser.II/2015-1 Sanction of (108) additional posts in various categories-Orders communicated-Reg
1268 18/11/2015 Lr.No.2101/Team-2/ITC 2013/2015-16/406 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013-12 Week Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 Batch-Civil Engineering) from 23.11.2015 to 12.02.2016(Batch No 4-Chinnavagu)-Nominations-Reg
1269 12/11/2015 Lr.No.1010/Team-1/ITC 2013/2015-16/397 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013-12 Week Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 batch-Civil Engineering) from 23.11.2015 to 12.02.2016 (Batch No. 4-Chinnavagu)-Registrations Open-Reg
1270 09/11/2015 10658/Ser.I(1)/2015-1 AP Reorganisation Act 2014-AEEs alloted to Zone V and VI working in residual AP-Repatriated to Telangan-Compulsory wait period treating as duty-Orders-Issued
1271 05/11/2015 10612/Genl/PAC/2015-1 Unorganised workforce data-Information-Regarding
1272 05/11/2015 Lr.No.1010/Team-I/ITC 2013/2015-16/375 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013-12 Week Induction Training Course to newly recruited AEEs(2013 Civil Batch) from 16.11.2015 to 06.02.2016(Group III-CHELMELAVAGU)-Nominations-Reg
1273 31/10/2015 RC/ENC/B3/15673/2015 Deputy Executive Engineers-Data relating to persons with disabilities employeed in the department-Information called for
1274 28/10/2015 RC/ENC/A1/110/2015 AEEs and AEs-Data relating to persons with disabilities employed in the department-Information called for
1275 17/10/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/2015/MCRHRD DR.MCR. HRD-Training programme on Crash Course on Commercial Accounting for State Government Employees from 14.12.2015 to 19.12.2015-Nominations Called for
1276 17/10/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD DR.MCR. HRD-Training programme on Management Development Programme for Project Directors and Managers from 16.11.2015 to 21.11.2015-Nominations Called for
1277 16/10/2015 Rc/ENC/B1/150613177/2015(C.W) Compulsory wait orders of DEEs
1278 16/10/2015 Rc/ENC/B3/15091095/2015 Reminder - DEEs/NTPAs due to retire from service in the calendar year 2016 - Particulars called for
1279 15/10/2015 RC/ENC/C1/15101510/2015 Superintending Engineer to work on deputation basis in T.S.Irrigation Development Corporation Ltd,Hyderabad-Willingness called for
1280 15/10/2015 RC/ENC(AW)/A4/RTI Act-2005-Quaterly reports R.T.I Act-2005-Submission 3rd Quater reports for the year 2015 in C&G Forms
1281 13/10/2015 RC.ENC(AW)/E1/15081738/2015 Dt.06.10.2015 Vacancy position called for- in the cadre of Office subordinate, Watchman and Sweeper in local offices situated at Hyderabad.
1282 08/10/2015 RC/ENC/A1/110/2015 Requested to Furnish the Incumbency particulars of certain Assistant Engineers-Upload in HRMS data
1283 07/10/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Dr.MCR HRD-Training programme on Strategic Management from 26.11.2015 to 28.11.2015-Nominations-Called for
1284 06/10/2015 RC/ENC/F2/15071025/2015 Confidential Reports in respect of incharge DEEs-AEEs-AEs-TOs-Called for
1285 06/10/2015 RC/ENC/F3/15071025/2015-2 Requirement of Annual Confidential Reports of certain AEEs-AEs belongs to Telangana state and working on deputation in A.P
1286 01/10/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE4(T)/Training/2015 Training programme on Participatory Approaches for Irrigation Management from 05.10.2015 to 09.10.2015 at NIRD&PR,Hyderabad-Inviting Nominations
1287 29/09/2015 RC/ENC/AW/NTPA/E2/15021489/2015 Requested to furnish the list of Technical Officer working in Circle-Unit offices-Reg
1288 29/09/2015 Lr.No.DG/WAL/Team-2/Basic Hydrology/NH/2015-16/324 WALAMTARI-Six Day Training Progarm on Basic Hydrology -Nominations-Relieving of officers without fail.pdf
1289 24/09/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Dr.MCR HRD -Training programme on Advanced Leadership and Motivation from 02.11.2015 to 07.11.2015-Nominations called for
1290 24/09/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADa/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Dr.MCR HRD-Training programme on Financial Code and Accounting Rules from 26.10.2015 to 31.10.2015-Nominations called for
1291 24/09/2015 RC/ENC/A1/A2/15155/2015 Dt.11.09.2015 Appointment by transfer as Assistant Engineers from feeder categories - Date of joining as Assistant Engineers - Called for.
1292 24/09/2015 RC/ENC/A1/15091484/2015 Dt.19.09.2015 Passing of Account test through APPSC after formation of Telangana State - Certain information called for.
1293 23/09/2015 RC/ENC/A1/37119/2009/2015 Zone wise seniority of Assistant Engineers directly recruited-Appointed by transfers during the period from 1990 to 2015-Objections called for
1294 22/09/2015 CE(P)/MBNR/PRLIS/General/2015 Dt.21.09.2015 Notification calling for Expression of Interest(EOI)
1295 21/09/2015 RC/ENC(AW)/A4/RTI Act-2005-115091515-63/2015 Requesting to furnish certain information under RTI act-2005
1296 19/09/2015 ENC/H3-Sec/15081724/2015 V&E and Unauthorised absence cases-Furnishing of action taken reports pending from several years-Meeting called for
1297 18/09/2015 RC/ENC/G5/2015 Dt.18.09.2015 Dr.MCR HRD Institute - Foundation Course for Newly Recruited Junior Assistants-Nominations Invited.
1298 16/09/2015 RC/ENC/A2/14010567/14 TA-JTO-ATO-WI of all grades and IC assistants-Lock&Warf Superintendents for appointment by transfer to the post of AEs-Service particulars called for
1299 11/09/2015 Memo No:RC/ENC/B3/15091095/2015 Dt.09.09.2015 DEEs/N.T.P.As due to retire from service in the calendar year 2016-Particulars called for
1300 10/09/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE4(T)/Trg/MCRHRD DR.MCR HRD-Training Programme on Behavioural Science&Positive Psycology from 21.09.2015 to 23.09.2015-Nominations Called for
1301 10/09/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE4(T)/Trg/MCRHRD DR.MCR HRD-Training Programme on Financial Management from 07.09.2015 to 11.09.2015-Nominations Called for
1302 09/09/2015 Memo No:RC/ENC/D2/15081842/2015 Dt.08.09.2015 Deputation of DEEs & AEEs/AEs to M&W Circle, Hyderabad from 17.09.2015 to 27.09.2015 for monitoring/Assisting for Ganesh Idols immersion-Orders.
1303 02/09/2015 ENC/H1-Sec/V&E Cases/2015 V&E Cases-Action taken reports pending from several years-information sought for
1304 02/09/2015 RC/ENC/H3/15081724/2015 Prolonged absence from duty beyond 90 days-Certain instructions issued
1305 26/08/2015 ENC(I)/EE/AEE/PMKSY/2015 Dt.25.08.2015 Notification calling for Expression Of Interest (EOI) - Preparation of District Irrigation Plans for three(3) Districts of Telangana State for implementation of PMKSY programme.
1306 25/08/2015 ENC/AW/e-Governance/AEE/2015-16.vol.I.Dated.25.08.2015 Implementation of IT enabled services-Suggestions/Action Plan/Road Map--Reg
1307 25/08/2015 ENC(AW)/ADA/Trgs/WALAMTARI/AEE-2012 dT.25.08.2015 Reminder - WALAMTARI-ITC 2012-12-Week Induction Training Course-Last group(SWARNA) for 2012 Batch AEEs
1308 22/08/2015 Lr.No:ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE4(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Dr.MCR HRD-Training programme on Financial Management from 07.09.2015 to 11.09.2015-Nominations Called for
1309 21/08/2015 Rc/ENC/A.W/E.E(Admin)/DEE(C )/AEE7(C)/2015 Dated: 21 - 08 -2015 Submission of direct applications by employees to Engineer-in-Chief(A.W) - Certain guidelines to the Employees
1310 21/08/2015 Lr.No.1007/Team-1/ITC 2012/2014-15/269 WALAMTARI-12 week Induction Trainig Course for AEEs (2012 Batch) from 31.08.2015 to 21.11.2015(Group-XIX-SWARNA)
1311 18/08/2015 Lr.No.1007/Team-1/ITC 2012/2014-15/261 WALAMTARI-ITC 2012-12 week Induction Trainig Course to AEEs(2012 Batch) from 31.08.2015 to 21.11.2015(Group-XIX-SWARNA)
1312 13/08/2015 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE4(T)/Trg/WALAMTARI Dt.12.08.2015 WALAMTARI - ITC 2012 - 12 Week induction training program to newly recruited AEEs of 2012 batch from 31.08.2015
1313 07/08/2015 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE(5)/2015 Dt.06.08.2015 Training program on Basic Hydrology - Nominations Called for.
1314 04/08/2015 Rc/ENC/B1/148151/Reorganization/2014 Dt.04.08.2015 Relieving of State cadre employees allotted to Andhra Pradesh by Sri.Kamalanathan Committee-Further Orders.
1315 04/08/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE4(T) /2015 Dt.03.08.2015 The Institute of Engineers(India)-48th Engineers' Day Celebrations(in Commemoration of 155th birth day of Bharat Ratna Sir.Mokhagundam Visvesvaraya) ENGINEERS' DAY AWARDS-Nominations Called for.
1316 04/08/2015 RC/ENC/F Sec/2015 Dt.01.08.2015 Pay Fixation in PRC-2015 Notice of erroneous fixation in respect of DEE(SGP SPPI & SPPII categories-Rectification Requested.
1317 03/08/2015 RC/ENC/G1/ENC/2015 Sri J.Vijaya Prakash ,placed as In-charge Engineer-In-Chief in termination of existing charge
1318 03/08/2015 RC/ENC/C1/15051591/2015 Clarification regarding Claiming of HRA and CCA
1319 01/08/2015 RC/ENC(AW)ADA/AEE2/Misl Dt.01.08.2015 State Function-Declaration of "Prof.Kothapalli Jayashankar" Jayanthi on 6th August every year as a State Function-Instructions-Issued.
1320 31/07/2015 ENC(I)DCE-1/OT-2/AEE-4/EOI/2015 Dt.22.07.2015 Topographical Survey of River stretch of the Godavari between Sripada Yellampally Project site and Dummugudem Project Site-Notification calling for Expression of Intrest
1321 29/07/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Dt.27.07.2015 Training programme on "Stress Management" from 04.08.2015 to 06.08.2015-Nominations Called for
1322 22/07/2015 RC/ENC/B3/15071202/2015 Dt.21.07.2015 Appointment on deputation basis to the post of Deputy Executive Engineer in HMDA-willingness called for
1323 17/07/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE4(T)/Training/2015, Dt.17.07.2015 Training Programme on Participatory Approaches for Irrigation Management at NIRD & PR, Hyderabad from 03.08.2015 to 07.08.2015 - Inviting Nominations.
1324 16/07/2015 RC/ENC/E2/2015 Permission to appear courses for Diploma in Civil and Mechanical Engineering through distance education-Req-Reg
1325 16/07/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Training Programme on Strategic Management from 25.08.2015 to 27.08.2015-Nominations called for
1326 14/07/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/ADA/2015/AEE7(C)/233/2015, Dt.14.07.2015 Progress report on implementation of reservations -Called for detailed information.
1327 14/07/2015 Rc/ENC/A1/24018/2015 Dt.09.07.2015 Final Seniority List of Zone V and Zone VI of 2004 to 2007 PSC Batches including A/T AEEs
1328 10/07/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Training programme on Leadership&Team Building from 28.07.2015 to 30.07.2015-Nominations-Reg
1329 07/07/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/, Dt.06.07.2015 JICA-Training Programme on Design and maintenance of semi aerobic landfill site- Nominations called for - Reg
1330 06/07/2015 RC/ENC/D2/68397/2015 AEEs-AEs willing to work in the Telangana State Irrigation Development Corporation on duputation basis
1331 04/07/2015 Rc/ENC/G1/Loans/2015 Dated.04.07.2015 Loans and Advances-Loans to Government employees-Reallocation of Funds -furnish the requirement of funds for financial year 2015-16 on or before 15.07.2015
1332 04/07/2015 Rc/ENC(AW)/A4/RTI Act-2005-Quaterly reports/2ndQ/2015 Dt.04.07.2015 R.T.I Act-2005-Submission 2nd Quater reports for the year 2015 in C & G Forms
1333 29/06/2015 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl Dt.29.06.2015 Telangana Haritha Haram-Video Conference on 30.06.2015
1334 29/06/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD, Dt.25.06.2015 Training Programme on Human Resource Practices in Government from 20.07.2015 to 25.07.2015
1335 27/06/2015 Office Memorandum No.VI/401/01/05/2014 Issuance of Ordinary Passport to Government Employees, PSU- Autonomousbody Employees etc.
1336 27/06/2015 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl/2015 Dt:27-06-2015 Haritha Haaram Programme - Implementation - Guidelines
1337 26/06/2015 Rc/B1/Kamalnathan/15061716/2015 Dt: 26-06-2015 Kamalnathan Committee - Tentative Allocation of Employees
1338 26/06/2015 RC/ENC/A1/A2/15155/2015 Appointment by transfer as Assistant Engineer-Date of Joining- called for
1339 25/06/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE4/2015, Dt.25.06.2015 Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana -Details of the Scheme-Reg.
1340 25/06/2015 Rc/ENC/A2/14010567/14 TA-JTO-ATO-WI of all grades ,IC Assistants and Lock & Warf Superitendents for appointment by transfer to the post of AEs - Particulars called for
1341 18/06/2015 Lr.No.COM/CAD/DSO/944/2015 Dt: 12-06-2015 Re-inviting Telangana- Appointment of Task Force to recommend on policy and action plans - certain reports called for - convening of Meeting with all Chief Engineers
1342 11/06/2015 RC/ENC/A1/13032366/2015 Filling of vacancies in Government Departments - Requested to furnish the status of vacancies
1343 29/05/2015 ENC(I)/DCE/OT3/AEE9/QC Dt.29.05.2015 Guidelines for QC Checks and issue of QC Certificates for works of Mission Kakatiya
1344 29/05/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD Dt: 28-05-2015 Training Programme on Communication and Presentation Skills
1345 22/05/2015 Endt.No.ENC(AW)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trgs/WALAMTARI/others, Dt.22.05.2015 Half day workshop on preparation of Hydrology modules at Walamtari on 25.05.2015 is postponed to 26.05.2015-Request for participation-Reg
1346 20/05/2015 Endt.NO.ENC(AW)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trgs/WALAMTARI/Others Dt:19.05.2015 APWSIP-Half day workshop on preparation of Hydrology modules at WALAMTARI on 25.05.2015-Request for Participation of CEs
1347 18/05/2015 Lr.No.1010/Team-1/ITC 2013/2015-16/83, Dt.18.05.2015 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013-12 week Induction Trainig Course to AEEs(2013 Civil Batch) from 25.05.2015 to 15.08.2015(Group: II - BOGGULAVAGU)
1348 18/05/2015 ENC/H1-Sec/15031163/2015 Dt: 16-05-2015 I & CAD Dept., - V&E Cases - Furnishing of information-Action taken reports-Meeting called for
1349 15/05/2015 Rc/ENC(AW)/A4/RTI Act-2005-Quaterly reports/1stQ/2015 Dt.15.05.2015 R.T.I Act-2005-Submission 1st Quarter reports for the year 2015 in C & G Forms
1350 13/05/2015 ENC(I)/CAD/DEE/AEE/2602/2015 Dt: 06-05-2015 SCIWAM 1st meeting of 2015-16 on 15-05-2015
1351 11/05/2015 Lr.No.1010/Team-1/ITC 2013/2015-16/071, Dt.08.05.2015 WALAMTARI-ITC 2013-12 week Induction Trainig Course to AEEs(2013 Civil Batch) from 18.05.2015 to 08.08.2015(Group: I - ALAIR)
1352 11/05/2015 Endt No.RC/ENC(AW)/ ADA/AEE2/Penta Reddy Dt.08.05.2015 Endt No.RC/ENC(AW)/ ADA/AEE2/Penta Reddy Dt.08.05.2015
1353 02/05/2015 Commissioner CADA Minutes of cad committee 2nd and 1st meeting of telangana state
1354 01/05/2015 Rc/ENC(AW)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE(T)/Tg/MCRHRD Dt: 30-04-2015 Training programme on Finance for Non Finance Executives - Nominations
1355 29/04/2015 ENC(Admin)/G1/Reorg/2014 Dt:28-04-2015 Reorganisation Act 2014 -Options to Employees- Instructions to HODs
1356 28/04/2015 RC/ENC(AW)/A4/RTI Act2005-Quaterly reports/1st/2015 RTI Act 2005-Submission of 1st quaterly reports in C&G forms
1357 27/04/2015 RC/ENC(A.W)/ADA/AEE-4(T)/MISC/2015,dt 27-04-2015 Training Programme-Leave Management and employee self service and generation of payroll
1358 25/04/2015 Rc/ENC/H1Sec/15031163/205 Dt: 21-04-2015 V&E Cases- Action taken report- information called for
1359 20/04/2015 RC/ENC/B/A.P.Reorganisation/2014 Dt: 18-04-2015 Willingness of EEs-DEEs to work on Deputation basis in V&E Department - called for
1360 18/04/2015 Rc/ENC/H1Sec/15031163/2015, Dt.18.04.2015 V&E Cases-Furnishing of information/Action taken reports pending from several years Requested Reg
1361 18/04/2015 Rc/ENC/A2/14091346/2015 Dt: 17-04-2015 AEs-ATOs-JTOs-for Appointment by transfer as AEE-No Charges Certificate -Called for
1362 17/04/2015 Lr. No.- ENC (Admn)/ EE /ADA/AEE2/Mission Kakatiya Dt:17.04.2015 Shramadanam Under Mission kakatiya programme
1363 10/04/2015 Rc/ENC/B1/150111296/15 Dt:10-04-2015 Circular regarding Repatriated Engineers from AP to Telangana
1364 09/04/2015 RC/ENC(AW)/EE(V)/NTPA/E1/2015 Dt : 04-04-2015 Forwarding of application of Ministerial and Technical staff for transfer or OD - instructions issued
1365 04/04/2015 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Hired Vehicles/2015, Dt.04.04.2015 Requirement of hire vehicles for the period from 01.04.2015 to 31.03.2016-permission-Reg
1366 02/04/2015 Rc/ENC/A2/14010567/14-1 Dt: 31-03-2015 Service particulars of TA-JTO-ATO-to the post of AE -particulars called for
1367 02/04/2015 RC/ENC/G1/ENC/2015 Dt: 01-04-2015 Intimation of date of assuming charge as ENC(AW)
1368 30/03/2015 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl/2015 Dt.26.03.2015 Rc/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Misl/2015 Dt.26.03.2015
1369 23/03/2015 RC/ENC/AEE/DEE(e-GOV)/2015 Dt:20-03-2015 Furnishing of Office Addresses - Reminder
1370 20/03/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(A)/ADA/AEE(T)/Trg/MCRHRD, Dt.20.03.2015 Training Programme on Management Development Programme(General Management)
1371 20/03/2015 Lr.No.Rc/ENC/G1/Loans/2015 Dt : 19-03-2015 Loans and Advances - Reallocation of funds for the period January 2015 to March 2015
1372 16/03/2015 RC/ENC/D3/3535/2015 Dt: 13-03-2015 Seniority list of Superintendents for appointment by transfer of NTPAs - Spl CRs called for
1373 13/03/2015 RC/ENC/AEE/DEE(e-GOV)/2015 Dt:13-03-2015 Furnishing of Office Addresses - Regarding
1374 11/03/2015 Lr.No.Rc/ENC/G1/Loans/2015 Dt: 10-03-2015 Loans to Government employees for the finacial year 2014-15
1375 10/03/2015 RC/ENC/B3/14000072/2014-2 Dt: 09-03-2015 Retirements of DEEs and NTPAs during the calendar year 2015-2
1376 10/03/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE(T)/Training/2014, Dt.10.03.2015 Workshop and Training programme on capacity building for Multiple Stakeholders on issues related to Integrated Water Resource Management(Participatory Irrigation Management) at NIRD, Hyderabad-Nominations-Reg
1377 05/03/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/2015 Dated:05.03.2015 ENC(AW)-Grievance cell-Information to all the Employees
1378 04/03/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/ADA/AEE(T)/Training/2015 Dt.04.03.2015 Three days training programme on Crop water Requirement & Water saving Crop production Technologies at WALAMTARI-Nominations-Reg
1379 02/03/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/2015/1 Dated:28.02.2015 updation of contact details of all the Employees
1380 27/02/2015 ENC/12/07126/2006 Dt:25-02-2015 Non submission of APRs 2014 -List of Engineers and NTPAs
1381 24/02/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Training/2014 Dt: 23-02-2015 Training Programme on Personal Effectiveness Skills
1382 20/02/2015 RC/ENC/A1/15021053/2015 Dt: 18-02-2015 Data relating to persons with disabilities and the no. of posts earmarked - Information called for
1383 18/02/2015 RC/ENC/B3/15021286115/2014 Dt: 18-02-2015 Willingness of AEEs-DEEs to work on deputation basis in MCR HRD
1384 12/02/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/2015 Dt:12-02-2015 Verification of the existing Employees in Minor Irrigation Sector
1385 11/02/2015 RC/ENC/B/A.P.Reorganisation/2014 Dt: 11-02-2015 Willingness of AEEs-DEEs to work on deputation basis in V&E Department
1386 11/02/2015 RC/ENC/A2/14010567/14 Dt: 10-02-2015 Service Particulars of TA-JTO-ATO-WI--IC Assistants-Lock Superintendents - Particulars Called for
1387 07/02/2015 RC/ENC/IW/P&M/P.Cell/EE.I/DEE.I/AEE.I/14 Dt : 06-02-2015 Guidelines for Tender Notices online Publication
1388 07/02/2015 RC/ENC/H2/24066/2014 Dt: 05-01-2015 Prolonged unauthorized absence from duty - information called for
1389 04/02/2015 RC/ENC/D3/1181/15 Seniority list of Superintendents - 03-02-2015
1390 31/01/2015 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/I2/07126/2006/14 dt: 31-01-2015 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/I2/07126/2006/14 dt: 31-01-2015
1391 29/01/2015 RC/ENC/G1/15011317/2015 Loans to Govt. Employees- Reallocation of funds
1392 28/01/2015 RC/ENC/Admin/G1/Reorg/2014 Reorganisation Guidelines- 2
1393 28/01/2015 Rc/ENC/ADMIN/G1/REORG/2014 Reorganisation guidelines -1
1394 27/01/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Training/2014 Flood Risk Management from 11.02.2015 to 13.02.2015-Nominations-Invited
1396 24/01/2015 Lr.No.1007/Team-1/ITC 2012/2014-15/3632 WALAMTARI-12 week Induction Trainig Course to AEEs(2012 batch) from 02.02.2015 to 25.04.2015(GroupXIV-LENDI)
1397 23/01/2015 Memo NoRc/ENC/Admin)/G1/Reorg/2014 dt: 23-01-2015 A.P Reorganization Act 2014- Irrigation & CAD Department Verification of Form III data Guidelines
1398 22/01/2015 MeMO.nO Rc/ENC(AW)/A-Section/A4/RTI-OS/Returns RTI Act-2005 Information requested by the A.P Information
1399 21/01/2015 ENC/IW/P&M/P.Cell/EE.I/DEE.I/AEE.I/14 dated21.01.2015 Publication of Tender digest on alternate day
1400 19/01/2015 enc(aw)/EE(admn)ADA/AEE(T)Training program/2014 Training Programme Participatory Approaches Irrigation Management ( January 27-91,2015 ).at NIRD PR Hyderabad
1401 17/01/2015 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/I2/07126/2006/14 dt: 17-01-2015 Circular Memo No. RC/ENC/I2/07126/2006/14 dt: 17-01-2015
1402 08/01/2015 Circular No. ENC(Admin)/G1/Reorg/2014 dt.08-01-2015 AP Reorganisation-verification of data by DDOs-Circular dt 8.1.2015
1403 07/01/2015 Lr.No.1007/Team-1/ITC2012/2014-15/3574 Walamtari Induction Training For 2012 Civil Batch-XII-KAULASNALA-Nominations-Reg
1404 07/01/2015 RC/ENC/I2/07126/2006/14 Annual Property returns for the year 2014-Online Submission
1405 06/01/2015 ENC/IW/CAO/F1/NS/3084/2014-15 Online submission of Number Statements-2
1406 06/01/2015 RC/ENC/A2/14091346 Dt: 03-01-2015 Service particulars of Appointment by Transfers as AEEs
1407 05/01/2015 RC/ENC/H2/24066/2014 Reminder-Unauthorized absence from duty-Information called for
1408 03/01/2015 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/2015 Dt :03-.1-2015 Circular- HRMS Updation
1409 02/01/2015 RC/ENC/B3/14111072 Modified-Deputy Executive Engineers-NTPAs Retire from Services in the calendar year 2015-Particulars Called for
1410 31/12/2014 RC/ENC/B3/14121074 Deputation basis to work in the Pollution Control board -Willingness called for
1411 31/12/2014 RC/ENC/B3/14111498 Deputation basis to the post of DEEs in Fisheries Department-Willingness called for
1412 30/12/2014 RC/ENC/B3/14111072/2014 Deputy Executive Engineers-NTPAs Retire from Services in the calendar year 2015-Particulars Called for
1413 27/12/2014 ENC/IW/CAO/F1/NS/3084/2014-15 dated 24.12.2014 Instructions on Number statement
1414 20/12/2014 RC/ENC/H2/24066/2014 Unauthorized absence from duty-Information called for
1415 06/12/2014 Endt No. ENC(A.W)/EE/ADA/AEE2/Minor Reorganisation Appointment_Rever Consevators_Godavari and Krishna
1416 06/12/2014 Rc/ENC/12/07126/2006 Dt: 05-12-2014 Submission of APRs - Regarding
1417 02/12/2014 RC/ENC/A1/110/2014 Dt: 02-12-2014 AEEs -Appointment orders issued - Date of joining called for
1418 02/12/2014 G.O Rt.No.327 Dt: 29-11-2014 Reorganisation - Minor Sector - Postings of CEs & SEs
1419 01/12/2014 G.O,Rt.No.326 Dt: 29-11-2014 Superintending Engineers - Endorsement
1420 28/11/2014 G.O.Rt.No.299 Dt : 17-11-2014 Hiring of Vehicles
1421 26/11/2014 RC/ENC/B/Reorganisation/2014n/2014 Repatriated Engineers to Telangana State
1422 22/11/2014 RC/ENC/B/Minor Reorganisation/2014 Vacancy position in the cadre of Deputy Executive Engineers-Assistant Executive Engineers-Called for
1423 22/11/2014 ENC(AW)/EE(Admn)/ADA/AEE(T)/Training/2014 Training Programme on Finance for non-Finance Executives from 01.12.2014 to 06.12.2014
1424 17/11/2014 ENC/C/14101732/2014-2 Dt:16-11-2014 Repatriation Of Executive Engineers
1425 17/11/2014 ENC/B/Reorganisation/2014 Dt:16-11-2014 Repatriation Of Deputy Executive Engineers
1426 17/11/2014 ENC/D1/14081021 Dt:16-11-2014 Repatriation Of Aee-Aes
1427 17/11/2014 RC/ENC/C/14101732/2014-1 Dt:16-11-2014 Repatriation Of Superintending Engineers
1428 14/11/2014 Rc/ENC/C1/14111349/2014-2 Dt:12-11-2014 Re-Organisation Of Minor Irrigation Sector -Postings Of Executive Engineers
1429 14/11/2014 Rc/ENC/C1/14111349/2014-1 Dt: 12-11-2014 Re-Organisation Of Minor Irrigation Sector -Postings Of Superintending Engineers
1430 31/10/2014 Data To Be Uploaded In Reorganisation Portal - Formats I To Iv Data To Be Uploaded In Reorganisation Portal - Formats I To Iv
1431 31/10/2014 Rc/ENC/A2/14091316/14 dt: 29-10-2014 Circular Memo -Crs For Appointment By Transfer To The Post Of Aes
1432 14/10/2014 RC/ENC/G1/Misc/2014 Dt: 13-10-2014 Certificates Authenticating- Reg
1433 08/10/2014 Rc/ENC/EE(Admin)/2014 Dt :08-10-2014 Training Programme - Nomination Invited
1434 07/10/2014 GO.MS.NO.17 Medical Reimbursement To The Pensioner After Bifurcation Of The State Of Telangana-Certain Clarification Orders-Issued
1435 07/10/2014 Lr.No.ENC/IW/P&M/EE.1/DEE.3/AEE.7/1989-A/TF/2014 Dt: 28-09-14 Task Force On Policy Formulation And Action Plans
1436 07/10/2014 RC/ENC/E1/14071475/2014 Request For Filling Up Of Sc-St Back Log Vacancy Position Cadre Wise-Called For
1437 25/09/2014 1/SQC/S6/SQM(OS)/2014 Request For Proposals-Empanelment Of State Quality Monitors Under Pmgsy Programme
1438 25/09/2014 ENC(AW)/eGw/2014/Website Dt. 23-09-2014 Circular - New Website For I&Cad Department
1439 22/09/2014 RC/ENC/AW/E1/14091171 Senior Assistants Od-Written Test On 19.09.2014
1440 22/09/2014 RC/ENC(A.W)/E1/14091171/2014 Requirement Of Senior Assistants On Od Basis In Enc(Aw)-Applications Called For
1441 02/09/2014 RC/ENC/B/1408151/AP. Reorganisation Dt: 01-09-2014 Allocation of Engineers- Objections called for
1442 23/08/2014 Lr.No. 1007/Team-1/ITC2012/2014-15/3073 dated 23-08-2014 Induction training course to newly recruited AEEs
1443 14/08/2014 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE2/Reorganisation/2014 Reorganisation of I & CAD Department- Detailed Report- Called for
1444 13/08/2014 RC/ENC(AW)/EE/NTPA/E1/14071475/2014 Filling up of SC-ST Back log Vacancies- Vacancy position -called for
1445 11/08/2014 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/2014-1 Circular-Meeting cancelled which was proposed on 12.08.14 and requested the Organasation structure
1446 07/08/2014 ENC(AW)/EE(AW)/DEE(C)/2014 Circular-Meeting at Jalasoudha building regarding reorganisation on 12-08-2014
1447 07/08/2014 1547/P&B/2014 Finalization of budget proposals-2014-15
1448 01/08/2014 ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE 2/AEE 5 /005/MM/2 Dt : 01-08-2014 Workshop with all Chief Engineers & Superintending Engineers at WALAMTARI on 03-08-2014
1449 30/07/2014 Rc/ENC(A.W)/E.E./2014 Dt: 30-07-2014 Uploading of the Service Details & Work Load of the -Employees
1450 26/07/2014 Guidelines Relating to allocation of state service Employees
1451 25/07/2014 ENC (AW)/eGW/2014-5, Vol-I circular for final selection of electrica AEEs
1452 25/07/2014 User Manual for ACRs
1453 23/07/2014 ENC(AW)/EE-2/DEE/AEE/SR/2014 Dt: 19-07-2014 Reorganisation of AP State 2014- File Digitalization of files
1454 19/07/2014 PPT District profile PPT
1455 19/07/2014 user manuals for work load and NOC for passport
1456 19/07/2014 PPT PPT for Video Conference on 17-07-2014
1457 18/07/2014 Memo No Rc/ENC(A.W)/E.E./2014 Dt: 18-07-2014 HRMS_Uploading of Service Details & Work load
1458 14/07/2014 Lr.No.ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE/DEE.2/AEE.5/005/MM Preparation of Village,Mandal,District and Department plan
1459 11/07/2014 RC/ENC(AW)/EE/2014 Video conference regarding review on work load as on 17-07-2014
1460 10/07/2014 ENC(IW).SE(P&M)/EE-I/DEE.3/AEE.8/Dist.Proflie/TS/2014 Dt. 10.07.2014 District Profiles
1461 10/07/2014 ENC/EE(Admin)/ADA/1 dated 10-07-2014 Circular - TELANGANA ENGINEERS DAY
1462 07/07/2014 ENC(AW)/eGW/2014-4 Dt.07-07-2014 Willingness from EEE and Instrumentation background AEEs to work in Research, design and implementation of sensors
1463 28/06/2014 Minutes of meeting on Pension - Zone-VI
1464 28/06/2014 Minutes of meeting on Pension - Zone-V
1465 26/06/2014 Rc/ENC/F2/14062517/2014 Circular- Regarding Pension Ratio of AP and TG
1466 26/06/2014 ENC(AW)/EE(Admin)/2014 Reorganisation 2014-New E-mail ID
1467 24/06/2014 RC/ENC/F2/14062517/2014 Meeting regarding pensions-2014
1468 24/06/2014 RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE 1/Outsourcing/2014 Information - Personnel working on Contract-Outsourced Basis
1469 20/06/2014 RC/ENC/EE(Admin)/2014 New website for State of Telangana
1470 20/06/2014 RC/ENC/S/E//Misc/2014 Memo-Ban orders
1471 20/06/2014 RC/ENC/S/E/Misc/2014 Memo-Ban orders
1472 20/06/2014 Rc/ENC/F2/14062634/2014 Dt : 19-06-2014 Maintenance of Registers
1473 20/06/2014 New website for State of Telangana
1474 23/05/2014 ENC(admin)/AP reorganisation/Buildings/SE IC Hyd/Camp 1 Dt:23.05.2014 Allocation of Office Space for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States
1475 23/05/2014 RC/ENC/A3/24018/2014 Implementation of GO 610-Repatriation
1476 21/05/2014 Circular and Final List of Assistant Engineers-Objections Received-Disposed off
1477 19/05/2014 ENC (Admin)/ AP Reorganisation/ SE/ IC Hyderabad/ Camp 02 Meeting at Jalasoudha Building on 20-05-2014 regarding Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Offices
1478 19/05/2014 Circular Memo regarding Reorganisation in respect of Employees
1479 17/05/2014 Minutes of 2nd CAD Committee Meeting held on 12-05-2014
1480 15/05/2014 ENC (Admin)/ AP Reorganisation/ SE/ IC Hyderabad/ Camp 02 Meeting at Jalasoudha Building on 16-05-2014 regarding Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Offices
1481 15/05/2014 RC/ENC(AW)/e-GW/2014 Dt:15.05.2014 Java Training to AEEs of 2012 and 2013 Batch-Extension of Training Period till 31.05.2014.pdf
1482 14/05/2014 List of CEs Attended - Meeting held on 14-05-2014
1483 09/05/2014 One Week Introductory Module Training for AEEs of 2013 Batch at WALAMTARI - May, 2014
1484 09/05/2014 RC/ENC(aW)/DDA/Reorganisation Immediate and Most Urgent : Compilation of Annexure F data
1485 06/05/2014 RC/ENC/K4/13111677/14-6 Telugu Exemption-Proceedings and List of AEEs Dt.25.04.2014
1486 05/05/2014 RC/ENC/K4/13111677/14-5 Telugu Exemption-Proceedings and List of AEEs and AEs Dt.25.04.2014
1487 05/05/2014 Meeting at 3.00 PM on 06-05-2014 for Finalisation of office spaces
1488 03/05/2014 Rc/ENC(AW)/F4/Pensions/2014 dt: 03.05.2014 Pensions and other retirement benefits to the Pensioners
1489 03/05/2014 /ENC/A3/24018/2014 dt: 02-05-2014. list of working AEEs in the department
1490 02/05/2014 eGW/2014-22 Circular Memo on IT Infrastructure
1491 26/04/2014 ENC(IW)/PandM/EEI/DEE 9/AEE3/7413 Memo on Investments of GoAP
1492 26/04/2014 ENC(IW)/PandM/EEI/DEE 9/AEE3/7431 Memo on Guarantees given by GoAP
1493 26/04/2014 ENC(IW)/PandM/EEI/DEE 9/AEE3/7430 Memo on Finance Accounts 2013-14
1494 23/04/2014 File Excel file - SMPC data of sanction posts
1495 22/04/2014 RC/ENC/eGW/2014-20 Dt: 21-04-2014 AP Reorganisation Act-2014 Circular Dt: 21-04-2014
1496 22/04/2014 RC/ENC(AW)/F4/Pensions/2014 Dt: 21-04-2014 Pension papers called for
1497 21/04/2014 Minutes 1st CAD Committee Meeting of the Financial Year 2014-15 .pdf
1498 19/04/2014 ENC(AW)/eGW/2014-18 Dt:19-04-2014 AP Reorganization Act 2014 - Circular -Annexure F
1499 19/04/2014 ENC(AW)/eGW/2014-18 Dt:17-04-2014 Further instructions on works and contracts details (1)
1500 15/04/2014 AP Reorganisation-Contract-Abstract
1501 09/04/2014 Letter No.ENC (I)/DCE (GDS)/OT2/AEE / AP Reorganisation Metting on Contracts data
1502 09/04/2014 ENC(AW)/eGW/2014-18 Dt:09-04-2014 G.O.Ms.No.65 - AnnexureF - Reminder
1503 04/04/2014 . Rc/ENC/E1/24014/2014 List of Engineers all caders and NTPAs in Irrigation Dept. as on 01-04-2014
1504 02/04/2014 RC/ENC/D4/37119/2014 DT:29.03.2014 List of AEs working in I&CAD Department - Reorganisation Act 2014
1505 02/04/2014 ENC(AW)/eGW/ 2014-19 AP Reorganization Act-Status of updation in online portals
1506 02/04/2014 Rc/ENC/E1/14131-1/2014 2013-14 DEEs Regularisation
1507 02/04/2014 ENC(IW)/EE.II/DEE.II/AEE/AP Reorganisation 2014 AP Reorganization Act 2014, Preparatory works for Establishment of Govt. of Telangana and Govt. of Andhra Pradesh on the Appointed day 2nd June.2014 Budget requirement for the Fy 2014-15 & 2015-1
1508 01/04/2014 ENC(AW)/eGW/2014-18 Further instructions on Works and Contracts information
1509 28/03/2014 RC/ENC/A3/24018/2014 Zone Wise List of AEEs-Missing Names and Corrections if any Called for
1510 27/03/2014 Memo No.6273/Genl.1(2)/2014-1 Reorganisation - Information called for
1511 27/03/2014 ENC/AW/eGW/2014-17 G.O.Ms.No.65 - Annexur F - Guidelines and circular memo
1512 27/03/2014 ENC(IW)/P&M/EE.III/W3/Empdata /2014 Further instructions on W.C.Estt. Employee data in Annexure A to Annexure E
1513 25/03/2014 ENC(AW)/AP Reorganisation/SE/IC Hyd/Camp.01 Reorganisation-Movable Immovable Existing staff particulars
1514 25/03/2014 Lr. No. ENC(IW)/EE.II/DEE.II/AEE/AP reorganisation 2014 AP Reorganization Act 2014,Budget requirement for all ongoing schemes together with required staffing pattern-details requested in required proformae
1515 24/03/2014 Valedictory Programme - AP Water week 2014
1516 24/03/2014 ENC(AW)/eGW/2014-16 Reorganisation Data-Corrections to be submitted in excel file format-Urgent
1517 22/03/2014 ENC/IW/P&M/EE3/W3 AP Reorganisation - furnishing of workcharged / contingent employee data
1518 21/03/2014 ENC/AW/eGW/2014-15 Further instructions for submission of "Employee Data"
1519 21/03/2014 VIDEO CONFERENCE ON WORKS & CONTRACTS ON 22-03-2014
1520 20/03/2014 ENC(AW)/eGW/2014-14 Employee Data for Re-organisation-Confirmation of Data in HRMS Website
1521 19/03/2014 RC/ENC(AW)/DDA/Video Conference Video conference on state re-organization Dt:19-03-2014
1522 19/03/2014 ENC(AW)/eGW/2014/11 Dt:18.03.2014 Further instructions on Reorganisation formats
1523 18/03/2014 ENC(AW)/eGW/2014-10 Circular memo and instruction along with format for uploading data in respect of contracts information
1524 11/03/2014 RC/ENC/K4/13111677/14-4 Dt: 03-03-2014 Telugu Exemption-Proceedings and List of AEEs Dt.03.03.2014
1525 08/03/2014 BOCE meeting on 10-3-2014: revised format for contract details
1526 07/03/2014 Organisation setup of Irrigation and CAD Department
1527 07/03/2014 AP Water Week
1528 07/03/2014 Video conf on 7-3-14 - State reorganisation - PPT
1529 07/03/2014 BoCE meeting on 10th March - Draft Format for contracts info data entry & reports
1530 06/03/2014 RC/ENC/ENC(AW)/DDA/Videoconference Dt:06-03-2014 Video conference on state re-organization Dt:06-03-2014
1531 06/03/2014 Preparatory works pertaining to State Reorganisation
1532 03/03/2014 RC/ENC(AW)/DDA Video conference on state re-organization
1533 03/03/2014 Minutes of 6th CAD Committee Meeting held on 03.02.2014
1534 28/02/2014 : RC/ENC/K4/13111677/14-3 Dt:22 - 02-2014 Telugu Exemption-Proceedings and List of AEEs Dt.22.02.2014
1535 26/02/2014 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/14214/2014, Dt: 24.02.2014 Regularisation of DEEs 24.02.2014
1536 22/02/2014 RC/ENC/D4/13042298/2014-2 Dt:22-02-2014 ACRS for TA-JTO-ATO-W.I.-Lock Supdt. and IC.Assists for appointment by transfer as Assistant Engineers called for
1537 20/02/2014 Proceedings No.Rc/ENC/E1/14136/2014 Dt: 20-02-2014 Promotions to the post of DEE 2013-14 Panal year
1538 17/02/2014 RC/ENC/R3/3535/2013-14/3 Superintendents for Appointment by Transfer as NTPAs-ACRs called for
1539 15/02/2014 Rc/ENC/K3/14214/2014 Dt.15.02.2014 Maintenance of PF and Record Sheets in respect of NGOs
1540 14/02/2014 RC/ENC/K4/13111677/14-2 Dt:11.02.2014 Telugu Exemption-Proceedings and List of AEEs Dt.11.02.2014
1541 10/02/2014 Lr No.2059/Team-2/2013-14 Dt: 10-02-2014 Post- Promotion training to newly Promoted Executive Engineers
1542 07/02/2014 Rc/ENC/P2/07126/2006 Dated: 07-02-2014 Submission of APRs for the year 2013- Online submission Instructions
1543 05/02/2014 RC/ENC/E1/11128/2013 Dt:01.02.2014 Regularisation of DEEs Dt.01.02.2014
1544 03/02/2014 Memo No. ENC(AW)/eGW/2014-4 Dt: 01-02-2014 Designs willingness - Online Applications called for
1545 01/02/2014 RC/ENC/K4/13111677/14-1 DT:29.01.2014 Telugu Exemption-Proceedings and List of AEEs Dt.29.01.2014
1546 01/02/2014 RC/ENC/R3/14021024/2014 Dt: 01-02-2014 Diversion to MIP Bellampally circle - AEE-willingness called for
1547 01/02/2014 RC/ENC/K2/14559/11 Dt: 30-01-2014 circular for appointment by transfer
1548 01/02/2014 RC/ENC/CE(HRD)/Employees data-fdp/2013 Dt:31.01.2014 CFMS-Uploading of Project Establishment Employees Data
1549 31/01/2014 Guidelines on Command Area Development & Water Management Programme
1550 30/01/2014 Dy.EEs and NTPAs due to retire from service during the Calender year 2014-Corrigendum Issued
1551 30/01/2014 Permission to acquire higher qualification while working in the Department- instructions issued
1552 29/01/2014 Rc/ENC/ HRD/E-Gov/ 2014 Training for selected AEEs of 2012 & 2013 batch to work in e-Governance
1553 22/01/2014 RC/ENC/R3/3535/2013-14/2 Dt : 22-01-2014 Provisional Seniority List of Superintendents - Special CRs called for
1554 22/01/2014 Memo No. Rc/ENC/P2/07126/2006 Dated: 22-01-2014 Submission of online Property Returns-Circular Dt.22.01.2014
1555 20/01/2014 RC/ENC/A3/110/2013 APPSC Dt: 20-01-2014 Appointment orders issued-AEEs of Supplemental Notification No.41.2011 to 31.2011- PH Candidates
1556 18/01/2014 Rc/ENC/EHF/2013/G Dt: 18-01-2014 CFMS -Video Conference on 24-01-2014- Status called for
1557 16/01/2014 Reminder-verification of original certificates-Newly Recruited AEEs-2013
1558 10/01/2014 RC/ENC(AW)/K3/RTU Act, 2005/RTI.1. Dt.09.01.2014 RTI Act-Submission of Quarterly & Annual reports-Certain Guidelines
1559 10/01/2014 Rc/ENC(AW)/EGW/2014 Dt.10-01-2014 List of AEEs selected for e-Governance
1560 10/01/2014 RC/ENC/P2/07126/2006 Dt:09-01-2014 Submission of online Property Returns-Circular and Guidelines
1561 07/01/2014 RC/ENC/A3/110/2013 APPSC DT.07.01.2014 Appointment orders issued-AEEs of Supplemental Notification No.41.2011 to 31.2011
1562 06/01/2014 Minutes of 5th CAD Meeting held on 09.12.2013
1563 06/01/2014 RC/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE(C)/2014 Dt:04.01.2014 Proposal to introduce Centralised Biometric System-Employee Details called for
1564 03/01/2014 RC/ENC/A3/110/2013 PSC/2013 Verification of original certificates-Newly Recruited AEEs-2013
1565 02/01/2014 RC/ENC/E3/260813/2013 Corrigendum-List of Dy.E.Es and NTPAs due to retire from service during the calendar year 2014
1566 02/01/2014 Circular memo for selection of AEEs on OD basis to eGovernance cell
1567 02/01/2014 RC/ENC/R1/13123255/2013 Dt: 30-12-2013 Deputation to TB Dam - Willingness called for
1568 31/12/2013 Presentations of the Video Conference held on 31-12-2013
1569 28/12/2013 RC/E.N.C/R/H/13123255/2013 Dt. 28-12-2013 Deputation to HMDA-willingness called for
1570 28/12/2013 A.P Revised Standard Data 2013-14 Part-I
1571 28/12/2013 Retirements of CEs-SEs-EEs-Calender Year 2014
1572 24/12/2013 RC/ENC/EHF/2013/G Video conference with all CEs-SEs and DDOs on 31-12-2013
1573 23/12/2013 RC/ENC/DDA/2013 Circular Memo-Instructions issued for prompt attendance to office
1574 23/12/2013 RC/ENC/E1/12131/2013 Extension-Regularisation of certain DEEs
1575 21/12/2013 RC/ENC(AW)/I(2)/5890/2011 Filling up of Ministerial Posts in Tungabhadra Board
1576 20/12/2013 G.O.Ms.No.334 Dated: 13.12.2013 CFMS-HRMS under CFMS online collection of Employees Data
1577 18/12/2013 RC/ENC/E3/260813/2013 Dt.17.12.2013 List of Dy.E.Es and NTPAs due to retire from service during the calendar year 2014
1578 13/12/2013 RC/ENC/E1/11128/DCR/2013 Dt: 10-12-2013 Memo with Annexure-deffered for want of CRs 2013-14 Panel Year
1579 13/12/2013 RC/ENC/E1/E3/97145/2013 Dt:08-10-2013 Regularisation of DEEs
1580 12/12/2013 . Rc/ENC/A3/24018/2013 Dt:11-12-2013 Memo_PVR KRishna Rao_D Sankar Rao_GO 610
1581 12/12/2013 RC/ENC/DEE(C)/AEE(C)/2013 Dt.12-12-2013 Updation of Employee and Office contact details in HRMS
1582 10/12/2013 RC/ENC/K4/13011691/13-11 Dt : 10-12-2013 Telugu Exemption-Proceedings and List of AEEs Dt.10.12.2013
1583 09/12/2013 ENC(Admn)/CE(HRD)/Health Care/2012 Dt.07-12-2013 Employees Health Care Fund Scheme-Furnishing of information in Table-1 & Table-5
1584 09/12/2013 Memo No.ENC(AW)/eGW/2013 Dt:07-12-2013 Applications from AEEs of 2012-2013 batches for working on OD basis on e Governance
1585 09/12/2013 ENC(Admn)/EE(Vig)/DEE(HRD)/AEE/13-14 dt.07.12.13 Post Promotion Training to EEs from 16.12.2013 to 21.12.2013-Communication of the list of Participants
1586 05/12/2013 RC/ENC/A&D/13032366/2013 Dt.05.12.2013 Furnishing of Roaster Points for filling up of posts of Junior Assistants-Certain Clarification Required
1587 04/12/2013 KWDT-II Award on 29-11-2013
1588 03/12/2013 RC/ENC/A1/13181/2010 Dt: 27-11-2013 Revised attestation forms of AEEs of 2012 batch - called for
1589 03/12/2013 RC/ENC(AW)/CE(HRD)/TNA Dt: 02-12-2013 training needs assesment
1590 02/12/2013 List of DEEs Slided to the next Panel Years due to G.O 965
1591 02/12/2013 DEEs postings for 2007-08 to 2010-11 Panels- Review
1592 02/12/2013 Memo with Annexure-deffered for want of CRs 2011-12
1593 02/12/2013 Regularisation of DEES for the Panel Year of 2011-2012
1594 02/12/2013 2011-12 Panel year DEEs promotion postings Zone 1 to Zone 6
1595 28/11/2013 Lr.No.1010/Team-1/ITC 2013/2013-14/2411 Introductory Module Training to newly recruited AEEs from 02-12-2013-Reminder
1596 28/11/2013 RC/ENC/Health Cards/2013 Dt.27.11.2013 Employees Health Scheme-Enrollment in EHF potal
1597 27/11/2013 Appeal filed by AEEs of Zone- IV-Rejected
1598 27/11/2013 COM/CAD/DEE-V/4413/13-14 Minutes of 3rd CAD Committee held on 11-07-2013-Incorporated certain corrections
1599 19/11/2013 RC/ENC/K4/13011691/13-10 dt.18-11-2013 Telugu Exemption-Proceedings and List of AEEs Dt.18.11.2013
1600 14/11/2013 Minutes of 4th CAD Meeting-Incorporating the Missing Work
1601 13/11/2013 RC/ENC(AW)/eGW/2012/6 Dt:13-11-2013 Circular-Interaction with DDOs regarding paybills into HRMS
1602 12/11/2013 Circular Memo No.ENC (Admn)/ EE (Vig)/ DyEE (HRD)/AEE / 2013 Dt .11.11.2013 Circular and List of EEs for ADR Work Shop from 21st to 23 rd November 2013
1603 11/11/2013 Memo NO.3610/F3(2)/2013-1 Extension of last date for filing of work bills of Jalayagnam projects in Telangana region till 17-11-2013
1604 05/11/2013 RC/ENC/D3/4633/2013 Dt::04-11-2013 Termination of Incharge arrangements from EEs to DEEs
1605 30/10/2013 RC/ENC/K2/PRC/2013 Dt:: 29-10-2013 10th Pay Revision commission- Information relating to certain Posts
1606 28/10/2013 RC/ENC/E3/260813/2013 Retirements of DEEs and NTPAs during the calender year 2014
1607 25/10/2013 RC/ENC/R3/3535/2013-14 Dt: 23-10-2013 Special C.Rs.- Superintendents
1608 24/10/2013 Minutes of 4th CAD committee Meeting held on 24.09.2013
1609 18/10/2013 RC/ENC/A3/24018/2013 Annexure to the Final Seniority list of AEEs of 2004,2005,2007 PSC including A/T AEEs from 01-01-2004 to 31-12-2007
1610 18/10/2013 RC/ENC/A3/24018/2013 Final Seniority list of AEEs of 2004,2005,2007 PSC including A/T AEEs from 01-01-2004 to 31-12-2007
1611 09/10/2013 RC/ENC/K4/4199/2010/12 Dt: 09-10-2013 JTOs - Deputation to TB Board-willingness called for
1612 03/10/2013 Strike by the Employees-Report Called for
1613 01/10/2013 RC/ENC/D4/37119/2009/2013 Final Seniority of AEs from 1990 to 2011
1614 01/10/2013 RC/ENC/A3/110/2013-APPSC Dt:26-09-2013 Final Reminder for verification-Newly Recruited AEEs-2013
1615 01/10/2013 RC/ENC/G2/30913/13 Prohibition of Strikes -Bandhs -I&CAD Department
1616 28/09/2013 RC/ENC/D3/4633/2013 Review of appointment of Direct Recruitments Dt:26-09-2013
1617 27/09/2013 RC/ENC/E1/78196/2010 Circular-Technical Officers-Seniority
1618 24/09/2013 Rc/ENC/13095480/2012 Dt:21-09-2013 Deputation to TB Dam-AEEs-Willingness called for
1619 24/09/2013 RC/ENC/K4/13011691/13-9 Telugu Exemption-Proceedings and List of AEES-21-09-2013
1620 23/09/2013 Lr.No.ENC(IW)/SE(P&M)/EE-I/DEE-9/AEE-3/13308/SCIWAM/2013-14 Dt:20-09-2013 Constitution of Mandal and District level Committees for reconciliation of area statistics-Reg
1621 20/09/2013 Lr. No. 1010/Team-1/ITC 2013/2013-14 Module Training for Newly Recruited AEEs from 23.09.2013
1622 19/09/2013 RC/ENC/D3/4633/2013 610-Repatriation of DEEs Dt:17-09-2013
1623 13/09/2013 Lr. No. 1010/Team-1/ITC 2013/2013-14 Module Training for Newly Recruited AEEs from 16.09.2013
1624 13/09/2013 RC/ENC/L1/Annual/2941-1/2013 ACRs of Engineers - Further instructions Issued
1625 12/09/2013 RC/ENC/D3/4633/2013 610 Repatriation of DEEs
1626 11/09/2013 RC/ENC/E1/CRS 2013/18813 Furnishing of Annual Confidential Reports
1627 10/09/2013 Memo for Ganesh idol immersion
1628 10/09/2013 RC/ENC/K4/13084277/13 Deputation of Technical Officer to HRD willingness called for
1629 10/09/2013 RC/ENC/K4/13011691/13 Telugu Exemption - Proceedings and list of AEES 05-09-2013
1630 07/09/2013 RC/ENC/E1/CRs 2013/18813 AEEs Annual Confidential Reports called for
1631 06/09/2013 RC/ENC/E1/E3/97144/2013 Notional Promotions as DEE 2009-10 to 2010-11 panel years
1632 06/09/2013 RC/ENC/R3/3535/2013-14 Provisional Seniority list of Supdt.-Special CRs Called for
1633 05/09/2013 Lr.No.1010/Team-1/ITC 2013 Module Training for Newly Recruited AEES
1634 04/09/2013 RC/ENC/S1(2)/Misc/2013 Dt: 03-09-2013 Guidelines-Disciplinary Cases
1635 04/09/2013 Telugu Exemption-Proceedings and List of AEEs Dt.31-08-2013
1636 31/08/2013 RC/ENC/R3/12063040/2012-13 NTPA Promotions
1637 31/08/2013 Circular-Updation of joining dates of Newly recruited AEEs in HRMS Dt.31-08-2013
1638 30/08/2013 Lr.No.DB/HD/2013-14/1084/5 Providing fire safety consultancy for Preparation of DPR for Jalasoudha
1639 23/08/2013 RC/ENC/K4/13011691/13-6 Dt:17-08-2013 Telugu Exemption of AEEs Dt:23-08-2013
1640 22/08/2013 Rc/ENC/A3/24018/2013 dated: 17- 08-2013 Final Seniority List_2007 including AEEs of earlier batches
1641 19/08/2013 Rc/ENC/EE/DEE(HRD)/AEE/2013 Dt:17/08/2013 Induction Training to the Newly Recruited AEEs of 2013 Batch
1642 19/08/2013 RC/ENC/E1/CRS2013/18813 Dt: 19-08-2013 Circular for ACR for 2011-12 and 2012-13 panel years
1643 16/08/2013 ENC(AW) Dt. 16-08-2013 Information for Newly Recruited AEEs and concerned DCEs/DSEs/EEs regarding Joining the Department
1644 14/08/2013 Posting Orders of Newly Recruited AEEs enabled in Irrigation HRMS website from 16th August
1645 12/08/2013 Rc/ENC/B2/14621/2013 Dt: 06-08-2013 Retirement of Gazetted officers from service during the calendar year 2014
1646 12/08/2013 Minutes of 3rd CAD Committee
1647 08/08/2013 RC/ENC/A3/110/2013 ST List-Verification - Newly recruited AEEs
1648 08/08/2013 46th Engineers Day Celebrations-Awards
1649 07/08/2013 Appointment orders dispatched
1650 07/08/2013 Circular - Regarding Training and Date of Joining
1651 06/08/2013 Rc/ENC/A3/110/2013 Circular Memo to Unit officers regarding collection of posting orders of new AEEs
1652 05/08/2013 Revised setup of Appellate authorities PIOs-APIOs of RTI act
1653 01/08/2013 Cancellation- Promotions of Certain DEE
1654 01/08/2013 Superintendents-Appointment by Transfer as NTPAs
1655 27/07/2013 SChedule for Further Verification of Original Certificates- Newly Recruited AEEs
1656 25/07/2013 Proceedings-Exemption from passing 2nd language Test in Telugu
1657 25/07/2013 List of AEEs -Telugu Exemption Dt.18.07.2013
1658 25/07/2013 List of AEEs -Telugu Exemption Dt.18.07.2013-Proceedings
1659 25/07/2013 ST-Verification-2013 PSC
1660 25/07/2013 AEEs List.Exemption from passing 2nd Language Test in Telugu
1661 23/07/2013 Updation of Employee contact details in HRMS
1662 23/07/2013 Inter-se-Seniority of DEEs from 1975-76 to 2008-09
1663 20/07/2013 Surrender employees -Instructions-Issued
1664 20/07/2013 verification of certificates-newly recruited AEEs
1665 20/07/2013 Submission of Annual Confidential Reports
1666 19/07/2013 Jr.Assistants-Jr.Stenos-Direct recruitment details
1667 10/07/2013 A.Es for revised Notional date as DEE 75-76 TO 01-02
1668 10/07/2013 2009-10 AND 2010-11 REGULARISATION OF DEES
1669 10/07/2013 Notional dates on par with juniors 91-92 TO 08-09
1670 06/07/2013 List of AEEs Exempted from passing 2nd Language Test in Telugu
1671 06/07/2013 10th PRC-Furnishing of Information relating to Pay and Allowances
1672 05/07/2013 Schedule for Verification of Certificates-Newly Recruited AEEs
1673 02/07/2013 Transfers-Promotions-CCA Rules
1674 02/07/2013 Instructions for updation of Sanctioned posts of AEE-AEs in HRMS
1675 27/06/2013 Status Report of APRs-AEE-AEs called for
1676 19/06/2013 RC/ENC/A&D/13032366/2013 Circular_J.As_JR.Stenos_Confirmation_Rosters
1677 19/06/2013 RC/ENC/A3/24018/2013 Memo_Corrigendum_FinalSeniority_2004-2005 PSC
1678 18/06/2013 Circular memo for DEE notional regularisation and monetary benefit regarding
1679 15/06/2013 Canal lining works- General guide lines
1680 15/06/2013 RC/ENC/F2/3361/2010 Circular-online processing of pension papers -Retiring during 2013
1681 12/06/2013 Circular to Newly selected AEEs vide notification 41/2011
1682 07/06/2013 MI Verification Correction slip-3
1683 07/06/2013 ENC(iw)/DEE9/AEE3/MI/4087/2013 Minor Irrigation-Special Teams-CorrectionSlip -4
1684 05/06/2013 MI Verification - Correction slip 2
1685 05/06/2013 Minutes - 2nd CAD Meeting
1686 04/06/2013 MI Verification- Correction slip
1687 03/06/2013 ENC(IW)/DEE-9/AEE3/MI/4087/2013 Minor Irrigation verification - Constitution of special teams
1688 31/05/2013 1st cad committee meeting dt30_04_2013 minutes
1689 21/05/2013 PRC REMINDER-1
1690 21/05/2013 Appointment by transfer as Non Technical Personal Assistant
1692 14/05/2013 NTPAs Transfers and Postings 2013
1693 14/05/2013 DEEs Transfers and Postings 2013
1694 14/05/2013 AEE-AEs TRANSFERS AND POSTINGS 2013
1695 07/05/2013 Corrigendum- Deletion list-AEE&AEs-NTPA
1696 06/05/2013 Corrigendum-II-Transfers of DEEs
1697 06/05/2013 Additional Transfers list of AEE-AEs
1698 06/05/2013 Additional List of Long Standing DEEs to be Transfered-Annexure-VII
1699 06/05/2013 Additional List-3 of List of Existing and Arising Vacancies of DEEs-Annexure-VIII
1700 06/05/2013 Transfers 2013- Guidelines for Confirmation of Options
1701 04/05/2013 Addl List-2 of existing and arising vacancies of DEEs-ANNEXURE VI
1702 04/05/2013 Transfers 2013- Extension of Time
1703 04/05/2013 RC/ENC/A&D/13032366/2013 Dt: 04-05-2013 Filling of vacancies_JTOs_T.As_J.As_Jr.Stenos
1704 04/05/2013 Addl List-2 of Long Standing DEEs to be transfered-ANNEXURE V
1705 03/05/2013 Corregundem & additional transfers List of AEE-AE
1706 03/05/2013 Corregundem & additional transfers List of DEEs
1707 02/05/2013 Circular - Transfers 2013
1708 02/05/2013 DEEs TRANSFERS 2013
1709 01/05/2013 TRANSFERS 2013 NTPAs
1710 01/05/2013 TRANSFERS 2013 GUIDELINES
1711 01/05/2013 AEE-AEs TRANSFERS 2013
1712 29/04/2013 RC/ENC/D3/4633/2013 Circular_T.As_JTOs_Vacancy Position
1713 27/04/2013 RC/ENC/B2/155/TRANSFERS 2013/2013/ EEs-SEs 2013-Long Standing list
1714 27/04/2013 Additional Annexure-II to RC/ENC/B2/155/Transfers 2013/2013 dated 27-04-2013 Addl-EEs-Long StandingList - continuation of RC/ENC/B2/155/Transfers 2013/2013 dated 27-04-2013
1715 25/04/2013 RC/ENC/R/C/R/H/13042152/2013 Circular memo on counseling and Transfers 2013
1716 24/04/2013 RC/ENC/D2/13042298/2013 Circular memo for Appointment by transfer as AEE 2013
1717 12/04/2013 RC/ENC/K2/130411/2013-3/3389 Furnishing of Information- Special Pays - Special Allowances
1718 12/04/2013 ENC(AW)/Monthly Review Meetings/ 2013 Minutes of the monthly review meeting held with the Dy. Superintending Engineers and NTPAs from 01-04-2013 to 03-04-2013
1719 12/04/2013 Rc/ENC/A3/24018/2013 Circular_Memo_Seniority_2004
1720 31/03/2013 Counseling Transfers - 2013 Circular Counseling Transfers - 2013 Circular
1721 23/03/2013 RC/ENC/A /13032366/2013 Vacancies for Jr.St-Ty.-Jr.As for issuing Notification on DR
1722 21/03/2013 RC/NC/L1/ANNUAL/2941-2/2013 Annual Confidential reports 2012-2013
1723 15/03/2013 5552/Ser.I.2/2013 Procedure to be followed in respect of SC-ST Candidates
1724 13/03/2013 RC/ENC/E1/E3/12313/2013 Confidential Reports called for -Regarding
1725 01/03/2013 Procedure to be followed in respect of SC-ST Candidates APRs-Not Submitted - Deputy Executive Engineers- for the year ending 31-12-2012
1726 28/02/2013 Minutes of the CAD Committee 9th meeting Minutes of the CAD Committee 9th meeting held on 28-02-2013, in Engineer-in-Chief (A.W) Chamber, 1st Floor, Jalasoudha Building, Hyderabad on O&M Action Plan of 2012-13
1727 26/02/2013 Rc/ENC/A3/24018/2013 Final Seniority List_2004_2005_Inc_A.T_AEEs_27-02-2013
1728 22/02/2013 RC/ENC/E1/E3/13812/2013 Circular memo regarding diversion of the services of Dy.E.Es
1729 20/02/2013 Rc/ENC/A3/24018/2013 Provisional Seniority List_2007 PSC Batch
1730 18/02/2013 RC/ENC/P2/07126/2006 Submission of Annual Property Returns in respect of all the cadres CEs, SEs, EEs, DEEs AEs ,AEEs and NTPAs
1731 18/02/2013 RC/ENC/E1/E3/121214/2012 Guidelines for regularization of Deputy Executive Engineers
1732 14/02/2013 RC/ENC(AW)/EE1/DEE(c)/ Misc / 2013 New mail id for communication with ENC(AW) office
1733 14/02/2013 RC/ENC/F2/3361/2010 Non-Submission of pension papers in respect of retired Engineers during 2012
1734 11/02/2013 RC/ENC/B2/155/2013 Memo-Furnish the Physically handicapped Certificate
1735 06/02/2013 Annual Confidential Reports of AE-AEE-DEE and their maintenance Annual Confidential Reports of AE-AEE-DEE and their maintenance
1736 02/02/2013 RC/ENC/Health Cards/DDOs login/ID&Passwords Employee Health card online login procedure
1737 23/01/2013 Final Seniority List Of Dees Final Seniority List Of Dees
1738 22/01/2013 Minutes of meeting with Dy SEs DCEs on 23rd and 24th Jan,2013 Minutes of meeting with Dy SEs DCEs on 23rd and 24th Jan,2013
1739 19/01/2013 Proforma for monitoring the status of pension papers Proforma for monitoring the status of pension papers in respect of the employees retiring during the year 2013
1740 18/01/2013 Rc/ENC/Monthly Review /2013 Review meeting with DCEsand DSEs
1741 08/01/2013 RC/ENC/E2/201012/2012 Estt Retirements Gazetted Officers I & CAD Deptt Dy.E.Es and N.T.P.As Due to retire from service on attaining the age of superannuation during the calendar year 2013 Orders Issued
1742 02/01/2013 RC/ENC/P2/07126/2006 Submission of Annual Property Returns in respect of all the cadres CEs, SEs, EEs, DEEs AEs ,AEEs and NTPAs
1743 01/01/2013 RC/ENC/R3/12063040/2012 Promotions to Superintendents as NTPAs
1744 30/12/2012 Rc/ENC/ DEE(C)/AEE ( C)/2012 Updation of Mobile numbers, Email IDs ,official , personal and Residential address of all the Technical Employees Requested-reg.
1745 22/12/2012 RC/ENC/K4/473/2012-10 Exemption from passing the 2nd Language Test in Telugu Orders issued
1746 22/12/2012 Rc/ENC/F2/3361/2010 Instructions issued for submission of Service Books- defects to be rectified as per the Agenda of meeting with the Drawing Officers - Reg
1747 22/12/2012 Rc/ENC/B1/9646/2012 Retirement of Gazetted officers 2013
1748 20/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/121220/2012-ZONE-III Zone III provisional seniority list of Deputy Executive Engineers from 2002-03 panel year to 2008-09 panel year Communicated Reg.
1749 20/12/2012 Minutes of the meeting held at office of Engineer-in-Chief(AW) on 20-12-2012 Minutes of the meeting held at office of Engineer-in-Chief(AW) on 20-12-2012 with the Deputy Superintending Engineers and NTPAs of Hyderabad Offices
1750 20/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/121223/2012- ZONE-VI Zone-VI provisional seniority list of Deputy Executive Engineers from 2002-03 panel year to 2008-09 panel year Communicated
1751 20/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/121222/2012-ZONE-V Zone-V provisional seniority list of Deputy Executive Engineers from 2002-03 panel year to 2008-09 panel year Communicated
1752 20/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/121221/2012-ZONE-IV Zone -IV provisional seniority list of Deputy Executive Engineers from 2002-03 panel year to 2008-09 panel year Communicated
1753 20/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/121218/2012-ZONE-I Zone I provisional seniority list of Deputy Executive Engineers from 2002-03 panel year to 2008-09 panel year Communicated Reg.
1754 20/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/121219/2012-ZONE-II Zone II provisional seniority list of Deputy Executive Engineers from 2002-03 panel year to 2008-09 panel year Communicated Reg.
1755 19/12/2012 Minutes of the meeting held at office of Engineer-in-Chief(AW) on 19-12-2012 Minutes of the meeting held at office of Engineer-in-Chief(AW) on 19-12-2012 with the Deputy Superintending Engineers and NTPAs of circles under Zone I and Zone III.
1756 18/12/2012 Minutes of the meeting held at office of Engineer-in-Chief(AW) on 18-12-2012 Minutes of the meeting held at office of Engineer-in-Chief(AW) on 18-12-2012 with the Deputy Superintending Engineers and NTPAs of circles under Zone II.
1757 15/12/2012 Minutes of the meeting held at office of Engineer-in-Chief(AW) on 15-12-2012 Minutes of the meeting held at office of Engineer-in-Chief(AW) on 15-12-2012 with the Deputy Superintending Engineers and NTPAs of circles under Zone IV.
1758 14/12/2012 Minutes of the meeting held at office of Engineer-in-Chief(AW) on 14-12-2012 Minutes of Meeting on Property and Pension dt.14-12-2012
1759 13/12/2012 Minutes of the meeting held at office of Engineer-in-Chief(AW) with the Deputy Superintending Engineers and NTPAs of circle under Zone VI (except circles in Hyderabad) on 13-12-2012. Minutes of Meeting on APRs and Pensions dt.13-12-2012
1760 12/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/12653/2012-ZONE-III Provisional seniority list of ZONE.III DEE(1975-76 to 2001-02)
1761 12/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/12655/2012-ZONE-V Provisional seniority list of ZONE.V DEE(1975-76 to 2001-02)
1762 12/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/12654/2012-ZONE-IV Provisional seniority list of ZONE.IV DEE(1975-76 to 2001-02)
1763 12/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/12656/2012-ZONE-VI Provisional seniority list of ZONE.VI DEE(1975-76 to 2001-02)
1764 12/12/2012 RC/ENC/ R/H/2013 Retirement of AEES/AEs on attaining age of superannuation of 58 years during the calendar year 2013 Communication Orders-issued.
1765 12/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/12651/2012-ZONE-I Provisional seniority list of ZONE.I DEE(1975-76 to 2001-02)
1766 12/12/2012 RC/ENC/E1/E3/12652/2012-ZONE-II Provisional seniority list of ZONE.II DEE(1975-76 to 2001-02)
1767 07/12/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/121216/2012-Z-6 Panels of Assistant Executive Engineers/Assistant Engineers/Draughtsman Grade.I/Spl.Grade for promotion/appointment by transfer as Deputy Executive Engineers Orders Issued.
1768 07/12/2012 RC/ENC/K4/473/2012-9 Exemption from passing the 2nd Language Test in Telugu Orders issued
1769 07/12/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/121211/2012-Z-1 Panels of Assistant Executive Engineers/Assistant Engineers/Draughtsman Grade.I/Spl.Grade for promotion/appointment by transfer as Deputy Executive Engineers Orders Issued.
1770 07/12/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/121212/2012-Z-2 Panels of Assistant Executive Engineers/Assistant Engineers/Draughtsman Grade.I/Spl.Grade for promotion/appointment by transfer as Deputy Executive Engineers Orders Issued.
1771 07/12/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/121213/2012-Z-3 Panels of Assistant Executive Engineers/Assistant Engineers/Draughtsman Grade.I/Spl.Grade for promotion/appointment by transfer as Deputy Executive Engineers Orders Issued.
1772 07/12/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/121214/2012-Z-4 Panels of Assistant Executive Engineers/Assistant Engineers/Draughtsman Grade.I/Spl.Grade for promotion/appointment by transfer as Deputy Executive Engineers Orders Issued.
1773 07/12/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/121215/2012-Z-5 Panels of Assistant Executive Engineers/Assistant Engineers/Draughtsman Grade.I/Spl.Grade for promotion/appointment by transfer as Deputy Executive Engineers Orders Issued.
1774 07/12/2012 RC/ENC/A4/110/2012 Circular- Revised Attestation Form
1775 06/12/2012 Annual State Level Games, Sports, Literary & Cultural Meet 2013 Formation of Zones Responsibilities of CEs as Zonal Coordinators State level sports meet 2013-1.
1776 30/11/2012 Rc/ENC/P2/07126/2006 Meeting on Property Returns and online submission of Pension Papers
1777 28/11/2012 Rc/ENC/D3/ 17510/ 2012 Service Particulars of Technical Assistants / JTOs / ATOs/ Work Inspectors of all Grades and I.c assistAnts , Lock& Warf Superintendents for appointment by transfer to the post of Asst Engineers
1778 24/11/2012 Rc/ENC/D4/37119/2009 Tentative provisional zone wise seniority list of Asst Engineers Appointed by direct recruitment and promotion from the categories of Overseers / Draughtsman / Tracers after 1992 LR, 1994 LR, 1998 LR and appointed by transfer as AEs from the feeder categories
1779 20/11/2012 RC/ENC/R/H/2013 Circular memo - AEE-AEs retirement during the Year 2013
1780 19/11/2012 State Level sports meet-2013 State Level sports meet-2013
1781 09/11/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/12649/2012-Z-6 Review of panels from 75-76 to 2001-02 of AEE-AE-DM for promotion Appointment by transfer as DEEs Zone VI
1782 09/11/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/12645/2012-Z-2 Review of panels from 75-76 to 2001-02 of AEE-AE-DM for promotion Appointment by transfer as DEEs Zone II
1783 09/11/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/12646/2012-Z-3 Review of panels from 75-76 to 2001-02 of AEE-AE-DM for promotion Appointment by transfer as DEEs Zone III
1784 09/11/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/12647/2012-Z-4 Review of panels from 75-76 to 2001-02 of AEE-AE-DM for promotion Appointment by transfer as DEEs Zone IV
1785 09/11/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/12648/2012-Z-5 Review of panels from 75-76 to 2001-02 of AEE-AE-DM for promotion Appointment by transfer as DEEs Zone V
1786 09/11/2012 Rc/ENC/E1/E3/12644/2012-Z-1 Review of panels from 75-76 to 2001-02 of AEE-AE-DM for promotion Appointment by transfer as DEEs Zone I
1787 22/10/2012 Minutes of the CAD Committee 6th meeting held on 20th October, 2012 in Engineerin-Chief (Irrigation) Chamber, 2nd Floor, Jalasoudha Building, Hyderabad on O&M Action Plan of 2012-13. Minutes of the CAD Committee 6th meeting
1788 18/10/2012 Rc/ENC/A3/24018/2012-1,2,3,4 Final seniority list of AEEs of Batches-1,2,3,4 i.e. from 1985 PSC General Recruitment & 1985 PSC LR and A/T AEEs of Zones I to VI - Objections Disposed off Communication of Final Seniority List
1790 11/10/2012 Rc/ENC/P2/07126/2006 DEE/ EE/SEs and NTPAs- Submission of Annual Property Return for the calendar year 2011- Sri /Smt AS PER LIST , S/o Sri/Smt . DOB ..not submitted the Return - Show cause notice
1791 28/09/2012 RC/ENC/H/R/2012 Circular memo - AEEs willing to join in Vigilance and Enforcement Department
1792 24/09/2012 RC/ENC/C1/10136/2012 Circular memo-DEEs willing to work in Vigilance and Enforcement Department.
1793 22/09/2012 Rc/ENC/ DEE(C)/CGG/2012 HRMS updation-Proforma- Newly recruited AEES
1794 21/09/2012 Circular No.ENC(admin)/CE(HRD)/Health Care/2012 Health Card - Furnishing of information in table 1 and 5.
1795 11/09/2012 RC/ENC/D4/37119/2009 Final zone wise seniority list of AEsAppointed by direct recruitment and promotion from the categories of Overseers / Draughtsman / Tracers after 18-10-1975 and up to 1989 APPSC-Objections
1796 11/09/2012 Rc/ENC/A3/24018/2012-5 Revised Provisional seniority list of A.E.Es from 1978 PSC General Recruitment Batch to 2002 PSC LR including and A/T AEEs of Zones I to VI - Communicated Objections
1797 11/09/2012 ENC(Admn)/CE(HRD)/Health Care/2012 Health Card-Employees Health Care Fund Scheme-EHF-operational guidelines.
1798 10/09/2012 Rc/ENC/A3/24018/2012-1,2,3,4 Revised Provisional seniority list of A.E.Es of Zones I to VI - Communicated Objections.zip
1799 07/09/2012 Rc/ENC/L1/ANNUAL/2941-1/2012 Special Annual Confidential Reports for the period from 2000 to 2012.
1800 07/09/2012 Rc/ENC/R3/12063040/2012 Proceedings and Final seniority list of superindents.
1801 06/09/2012 16224/Ser.I.2/2011 I & CAD Department APES SC/ST Engineers Welfare Association Request for implementation of Rule of Reservation of SC/ST From panel year 1983-84 onwards Clarification Reg
1802 05/09/2012 Enclosures to the Posting of Newly recruited AEEs Enclosures to the Posting of Newly recruited AEEs
1803 04/09/2012 RC / ENC / A3/ALL ZONE/2012 Induction training to the newly recruited AEEs of 2012-communication of date of joining to DG WALAMTARI.
1804 01/09/2012 RC/E.N.C/120513/2012 A.E.Es- who are willing to work in Tungabhadra Dam on Deputation - Willingness called for
1805 31/08/2012 Rc/ENC/A3/110/2012 Appointment of newly recruited AEEs in I&CAD Department Appointment Orders Issued to candidates Request to depute responsible person to collect the Unit/Circle office copies
1806 29/08/2012 Information to newly Recruited APPSC AEEs Information to newly Recruited APPSC AEEs
1807 27/08/2012 Minutes of the CAD Committee 5th meeting held on 27th August, 2012 in Engineer-in- Chief (A.W) Chamber, 1st Floor, Jalasoudha Building, Hyderabad on O&M Action Plan of 2012-13. Minutes of the CAD Committee 5th meeting held on 27th August, 2012.
1808 25/08/2012 Rc / ENC / E1 / E3/13812/ 2012-Zone I-VI Incharge arrangement to the post of Deputy Executive Engineers Certain Correction to the present place of working Corrigendum Issued
1809 24/08/2012 RC/ ENC/E1/E3/ 13812/2012 Filling up the vacant posts of Deputy Executive Engineers on incharge basis in the panel year 2011-12 orders issued
1810 22/08/2012 RC/ENC/R3/3535/2012 "Provisional Seniority list of Superintendents for appointment by transfer as NTPA to ENC s /C.Es and S.Es state wide Provisional seniority list of Superintendents Special C.Rs called for"
1811 18/08/2012 RC / ENC / E1 / E3 / 13812/ 2012-Zone -II Incharge arrangements to the post of Deputy Executive Engineer Orders Issued - Zone -II
1812 18/08/2012 RC / ENC / E1 / E3 / 13812/ 2012-Zone -VI Incharge arrangements to the post of Deputy Executive Engineer Orders
1813 18/08/2012 RC/ ENC/E1/E3/ 13812/2012 Filling up the vacant posts of Deputy Executive Engineers on incharge basis in the panel year 2011-12 orders issued
1814 18/08/2012 RC / ENC / E1 / E3 / 13812/ 2012-Zone -I Incharge arrangements to the post of Deputy Executive Engineer Orders Issued - Zone -I
1815 18/08/2012 RC / ENC / E1 / E3 / 13812/ 2012-Zone -III Incharge arrangements to the post of Deputy Executive Engineer Orders Issued - Zone -III
1816 18/08/2012 RC / ENC / E1 / E3 / 13812/ 2012-Zone -IV Incharge arrangements to the post of Deputy Executive Engineer Orders Issued - Zone -IV
1817 18/08/2012 RC / ENC / E1 / E3 / 13812/ 2012-Zone -V Incharge arrangements to the post of Deputy Executive Engineer Orders Issued - Zone -V
1818 18/08/2012 RC / ENC / E1 / E3 / 13812/ 2012-Zone -VI Incharge arrangements to the post of Deputy Executive Engineer Orders Issued - Zone -VI
1819 14/08/2012 Health Card-Further Instructions to fill the tables 1 and 5 Health Card-Further Instructions to fill the tables 1 and 5
1820 13/08/2012 RC/ENC/R3/12063040/2012 Provisional Seniority list of Superintendents for appointment by transfer as NTPA to ENCs/C.Es and S.Es Provisional state wide seniority list of Superintendents for the panel year 2008 onwards
1821 23/07/2012 Rc/ENC/A3/24018/2012 Provisional seniority list of A.E.Es of General Recruitment Batch 2004 batch & 2005 PSC Batch of Zone I to VI Communicated Objections Called for
1822 21/07/2012 RC/E.N.C/H/R/2012 Estt I & CAD Dept., - APIES A.E.Es- who are willing to work in Vigilance & Enforcement Dept on Deputation willingness called for
1823 16/07/2012 RC/ENC/A3/110//2012 PSC/2012 Recruitment of Assistant Executive Engineers during 2008 in Notification No. 17/2010 to 36/2008 Verification of Original Certificates Interviews in person for verification of original certificates
1824 13/07/2012 Rc/ENC/D2/1133/2012 Appointment by transfer as Assistant Executive Engineer temporary Orders Issued.
1825 11/07/2012 Rc/ENC/R3/12063040/2012 Promotions to Superintendents as NTPAs
1826 09/07/2012 RC/ENC/ R/H/12062454/ Z -IV /2012 Assistant Execut ive Engineers/ Assistant Engineers Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued - Z -IV
1827 09/07/2012 RC/ENC/ C/12062454/ Z -IV /2012 Deputy Execut ive Engineers Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued-Z -IV
1828 09/07/2012 RC/ENC/ C/12062454/ Z -III /2012 Deputy Execut ive Engineers Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued-Z -III
1829 09/07/2012 RC/ENC/ C/12062454/ Z -II /2012 Deputy Execut ive Engineers Transfers and Post ings Orders IssuedZ -II
1830 09/07/2012 NoRc/ENC/R3/39638/2012/NTPA 2012 Non Technical Personal Assistants Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued.
1831 09/07/2012 RC/ENC/ C/12062454/ Z -I /2012 Deputy Execut ive Engineers Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued-Z -I
1832 09/07/2012 RC/ENC/ R/H/12062454/ Z -VI /2012 Assistant Execut ive Engineers/ Assistant Engineers Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued-Z -VI
1833 09/07/2012 RC/ENC/ R/H/12062454/ Z -V /2012 Assistant Execut ive Engineers/ Assistant Engineers Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued-Z -V
1834 09/07/2012 RC/ENC/ R/H/12062454/ Z -I /2012 Assistant Execut ive Engineers/ Assistant Enginee rs Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued - Z -I
1835 09/07/2012 RC/ENC/ R/H/12062454/ Z -II /2012 Assistant Execut ive Engineers/ Assistant Engineers Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued-Z -II
1836 09/07/2012 RC/ENC/ R/H/12062454/ Z -III /2012 Assistant Execut ive Engineers/ Assistant Engineers Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued - Z -III
1837 30/06/2012 Rc/ENC/R3/39638/2012/NTPA 2012 Transfers and postings of employees Lifting of ban on transfers publication of list of NTPAs to be transferred (Annexure I & II ) exercising of preferences
1838 28/06/2012 Mini_Hydel-approved_Minutes-28.06.2012 Guidelines for taking up Mini Hydel Schemes on Irrigation Canals, Head Regulators, Streams and Vagus
1839 21/06/2012 RC/ENC/C/R/H/12062454/Incumbancy/2012 Deputy Executive Engineers Transfer & posting of employees Lifting of ban on transfers- Correction slip Issued
1840 20/06/2012 ENC/C/R/H/12062454/Incumbancy/2012 Deputy Executive Engineers Transfer & posting of employees Lifting of ban on transfers- Correction slip Issued
1841 19/06/2012 Minutes of the CAD Committee 3rd meeting held on 19th June, 2012 Minutes of the CAD Committee 3rd meeting held on 19th June, 2012 in Engineer-in-Chief (Irrigation) Chamber, 2nd floor, Jalasoudha Building, Hyderabad on O&M Action Plan of 2012-13.
1843 16/06/2012 Rc/ENC/C/R/H/12062454/Incumbancy/2012 PUBLIC SERVICES Transfers and postings of employees Lifting of ban on transfers publication of list of Assistant Executive Engineers/Assistant Engineers & Deputy Executive Engineer to be transf
1844 16/06/2012 " Rc/ENC /C/R/H/12062454/Incumbancy/2012, dt: 16-06-2012 are "" DELETED"" as they are not longstanding " Deletions and Additions of AEE-AE in Annexure - I
1845 16/06/2012 Rc/ENC/C/R/H/12062454/Incumbancy/2012 Erata for the LIST OF EXISTING AND TO BE ARISED VACANCIES OF A.E.E/ A.Es in Annexure - II
1846 16/06/2012 Rc/ENC /C/R/H/12062454/Incumbancy/2012, dt: 16-06-2012 Erata for the List of Existing and to be arised vacacnies of A.E.E./A.Es in Annexure - II
1847 14/06/2012 RC/ENC/B2/ 155/Transfers 2012 /2012 Transfers and Postings of employees Lifting of ban on transfers Executive Engineers who have completed 5 years of service at a station in all cadres Options -called for Regarding.
1848 12/06/2012 Rc/ENC/C/R/H/12062454/Incumbancy/2012 Public Services Transfers and Postings of employees Lifting of ban on transfers Further instructions Issued Regarding.
1849 11/06/2012 Rc/ENC/F2/3361/2010 Circular memo for Pension Papers- Retiring during the year 2013
1850 11/06/2012 List of I/C Executive Engineers Long Standing ANNEXURE I VACANCY POSITION OF EXECUTIVE ENGINEERS AS ON 11-06-2012
1851 06/06/2012 Rc/ENC/D3/17510/2012/Z-VI(6) Sri K. Srinivasa Rao, A.T.O.,Appointment by transfer as Assistant Engineer temporary Orders Issued.
1852 05/06/2012 Rc/ENC/I(1)/I(2)/170512/2012 ROR Filling up of the backlog vacancies of SCs & STs Time limit extended up to 30-06-2012 Review of the progress in respective Departments Necessary steps to be taken for expeditious filling u
1853 04/06/2012 Rc/ENC/C/R/H/12062454/Incumbency/ 2012 I&CAD Department PUBLIC SERVICES Transfers and postings of employees Lifting of ban on transfersCertain instruction issued-Reg.
1854 04/06/2012 Rc/ENC/C,H,R/ 12062454-Incumbency/-2012 APIES Long standing list of Engineers along with vacancy particulars of D.E.E./ A.E.E / A.E / NTPA called for - Reg.
1855 01/06/2012 GO - 146 Transfers PUBLIC SERVICES Transfers and postings of employees Lifting of ban on transfers Orders Issued.
1856 01/06/2012 Statement Showing the Long Standing List of Deputy Executive Engineers LIST OF DEE TO BE TRANSFERRED IN ZONE - V
1857 31/05/2012 Rc/ENC/A3/13181/2011 I & CAD Department APES AEEs Supplemental Note No.17/2010 in Notification No.36/2008 Recruitment to the post of AEEs under direct recruitment quota Vacancy position Called for
1858 17/05/2012 RC/ENC/I1/I2/170512/2012 I & CAD ROR Filling up of the backlog vacancies of SCs & STs Time limit extended upto 30.06.2012 Review of the progress in respective Departments Necessary steps to be taken for expeditious f
1859 11/05/2012 RC/ENC/R3/3535/2012 I & CAD Dept. APMS Provisional Seniority list of Superintendents for appointment by transfer as NTPA to ENC s /C.Es and S.Es Provisional state wide seniority list of Superintendents Objectio
1860 08/05/2012 Minutes of the CAD Committee 1st meeting held on 8th May, 2012 "Minutes of the CAD Committee 1st meeting held on 8th May, 2012 in Commissioner, CAD Godavari Conference Hall, 3rd floor Jalasoudha Building, Hyderabad on O&M Action Plan of 2012-13."
1861 25/04/2012 RC/ENC/P2/07126/06-1 PS-Irrigation & CAD Dept.,-Submission of Annual property returns in respect of AE,AEEReg.
1862 25/04/2012 RC/ENC/P2/07126/06-2 PS-Irrigation & CAD Dept.,-Submission of Annual property returns in respect of all Cadres DEE, EE, SE and NTPAs Reg.
1863 10/04/2012 COM/CAD/DEE-V/3312/2012, Preparation of Annual Action Plan for O & M for the year 2012-13 Guidelines issued Reg.
1865 11/05/2011 RC/ENC/R3/3535/2012 Provisional Seniority list of Superintendents for appointment by transfer as NTPA to ENC s /C.Es and S.Es state wide Provisional seniority list of Superintendents Special C.Rs called for Reg
1866 01/01/0001 RC/ENC/A3/24018/2014 Implementation of GO 610-Repatriation
1867 01/01/0001 Training for selected AEEs of 2012 & 2013 batch to work in e-Governance.rar
1868 01/01/0001 Details of Total Posts : D.E.Es / A.E.Es / A.Es / NTPAs (Cadre Wise Seperately) Details of Total Posts : D.E.Es / A.E.Es / A.Es / NTPAs (Cadre Wise Seperately)
1870 01/01/0001 List of ENCs to AEE-AE and NTPAs - Retiring during year 2013 List of ENCs to AEE-AE and NTPAs - Retiring during year 2013
1871 01/01/0001 RC/ENC/ C/12062454/ Z -V /2012 Deputy Execut ive Engineers Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued-Z -V
1872 01/01/0001 RC/ENC/ C/12062454/ Z -VI /2012 Deputy Execut ive Engineers Transfers and Post ings Orders Issued-Z -VI
1873 01/01/0001 Training for selected AEEs of 2012 & 2013 batch to work in e-Governance.rar